Final Flashcards
The tympanic reflex, involves which muscle and nerve combination?
Tensor tympani and stapedius muscles, both controlled by facial.
Which is primarily responsible for maintaining the integrity of the fxn of the middle ear?
Eustachian tube
In the normal RIGHT ear, where do you expect to see the cone of light?
5 o’clock
When the cone of light is seen at 3 o’clock and the manubrium appears to be horizontally oriented, the tympani membrane is most likely:
Patient presents w/ an itching external auditory canal and states that when they scratch it they experience a burning pain. You suspect:
Otomycosis externa
Swimmer’s ear is most commonly associated w/:
Pseudomonas infection
Which of the following presentations can cause a conductive hearing loss?
A patient presents w/ bilateral ear pain. They have had an upper respiratory infection for 6 days. They just returned from a vacation in the Bahamas. You examine the ears and note bluish-grey tympanic membranes. Given their complaint and appearance of membranes you suspect:
Serous otitis media
This condition is caused by a rxn of the periosteum resulting from stimulation of the auditory canal by repeated exposure to cold water:
What is the correct sequence of events in the development of otitis media?
Eustachian tube blockage, fluid stasis, infection of fluid, tympanic membrane retraction, serous otitis media, purulent otitis media, tympanic membrane rupture/burst.
Which of the following conditions can be a result of chronic and repeated middle ear infection?
or Scarring (Sclerosis) on diff test
An abnormal sensation of movement, usually rotatory, associated w/ difficulty maintaining balance is called:
This condition is described to involve recurrences of sudden attacks of whirling vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss, w/ nausea and vomiting at the peak. When the attack subsides there is a residual low level tinnitus and a resulting hearing loss. It is called:
Menierre’s syndrome
This condition presents w/ hyperemic vessels across the tympanic membrane which is usually bulging, landmarks are obscured, w/ significant pain and the drum may perforate:
Acute purulent otitis media
Complication of endolymphatic hydrops (meniere’s) include which of the following:
Neural hearing loss
Complications of repeated purulent otitis media include:
Facial nerve paralysis
The perception of sound in the absence of an acoustic stimulus describes:
This condition is often the result of recurrent inner ear infections:
Bullous myringitis
This cyst-like mass is filled w/ cellular debris, has a cottage cheese appearance, and is most common in the middle ear that can spread to the skull and even into the cranium causing CNS dysfunction:
The most common cause of conductive hearing loss is:
Cerumen (Wax)
Which of the following conditions is least likely to be associated w/ tympanic membrane perforation?
Clear drainage (otorrhea) seen after head trauma is highly suspicious of: *
When performing the otoscopic exam, you must take care not to exert pressure on the very sensitive ____ wall of the external canal.
This painful ear condition is associated with vesicles on the tympanic membrane:
Bullous myringitis
This condition is a result of repeated blunt trauma to the pinna:
Cauliflower ear
These nodules are a result of deposits of uric acid crystals in the pinna:
This condition presents as a small elevation in the rim of the pinna that is a harmless congenital variant:
Darwin’s tubercle
The fustenberg diet is usually recommended for people who are experiencing complaints related to which of the following disorders?
Labyrinthine hydrops
The frequency range that the human ear is most sensitive to is:
20 - 20000 hz
It is recommended by OSHA that hearing protection be used in which of the following noise exposure situation:
> 85 db for >4 hours
Hearing loss associated w/ chronic and prolonged exposure to loud sounds:
Starts around 4000 hz and spreads w/ time to the remainder of the frequencies.
The hearing loss is associated w/ meniere’s disease (syndrome)
Starts around 200 hz and spreads w/ time to the remainder of the frequencies
The discharge associated w/ acute rhinitis is:
Watery and clear discharge but may turn purulent
In allergic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa appears:
Pale, swollen and edematous
Ozena is associated w/:
Atrophic rhinitis
Nosebleed is often a simple complaint, however, it can be serious or even life threatening if associated w/:
The primary concern when evaluating spontaneous epistaxis is:
To take the patients blood pressure
The appearance of the pharynx that is strongly suggestive of strep throat is:
Bright red mucosa, studded w/ white or yellow follicles.
Trench mouth is associated w/:
Fusobacterium ploutivincenti
Vincent’s stomatitis is associated w/:
Gum infection and very bad breath
Ammonia smelling breath is associated w/:
Musky smelling breath is associated w/:
Liver disease
Black hairy tongue is associated w/:
Asperfillus niger (fungus)
White hairy tongue is associated w/:
Candida albicans
Magenta cobblestone tongue is associated w/:
Riboflavin deficiency (B2)
Scrotal tongue is associated w/:
Transverse furrows
Geographic tongue is associated w/:
Transient, denuded patches
Strawberry tongue is associated w/:
Red enlarged fungiform papillae
What happens to ear when ear drum is retracted?
Manubrium gets horizontally oriented
Definition of vertigo:
A feeling of motion when one is stationary.
What is the triad of symptoms of Meneire’s disease (aka Endolymphatic hydrops)
Hearing loss, Vertigo, Tinnitus (ringing of ear)
Cholesteatoma common in middle ear, cottage cheese appearances, spreads into skull and can affect CNS
Medial side of ear drum; more tissue on squamous mastoid cells
Tympanic membrane perforation:
Fluid leaks out and the membrane scars over
The nodules you get in the pinna from a deposit of uric acid crystals symbolizes a problem w/:
Purine metabolism
Primary lesion of syphilis:
Causative agent:
Chancre; Treponema pallidum
What is a nevis?
What is actinic keratosis?
Precursor to basal cell carcinoma - you can scrape it off
Vocal chords that are subjected to extended vocal abuse develop vocal nodules. What should you recommend?
Vocal rest
What is the layer of skin that lies below the dermis?
Macule =
Flat lesion
Papule =
Raised lesion
Pustule =
Lesions containing pus
Vesicle =
Blister-like eruptions
Bullae =
Large, fluid containing lesions
Nodule (aka tumors) =
Hard to the touch
Pruritus =
Inflammation of the hair follicle?
Cellulitis should be followed by drawing a line of _____?
T/F: Herpes type 1 is oral in nature
Patient presents w/ painful red rash that doesn’t cross the midline. What other information would aid you in making your diagnosis?
History of varicella virus
What is the fungus that normally occurs in the scalp known as?
Tinea capitis
What is the fungus that normally occurs in the inguinal region?
Tinea cruris
What is the fungus that normally occurs on the bearded areas of the face?
No such thing…ok fine:
Tinea barbae
What is the fungus that normally occurs under the fingernails
Tinea unguium
What is the fungus that normally occurs on the trunk of the body?
Tinea corpus
Thrush is usually associated w:
Candida albicans and a suppressed immune system
Scabies is known as the 7 year itch b/c:
The life cycle repeats and the eggs burrow into the skin
The appearance on the pharynx that strongly suggests strep throat is:
Bright red mucosa and yellow/white spots
What is the grey pseudo-membrane?
Penicillin is the most likely cause of what skin irritation syndrome?
Steven’s johnson’s syndrome - allergic to penicillin
What is most common cause of a decubitus ulcer?
Bed sore so: Demobilization
This disorder is characterized by red, crackled, and bleeding scales, mouse-ear deformities, and sausage digits:
Psoriatic arthritis
The purpose of this structure is to collect and direct sound to the tympanic membrane: