final Flashcards
Cathartic theory
people release violent inclinations by seeing them portrayed
Narcotizing dysfunction
People deceive themselves into believing they’re involved when actually they’re only informed.
Subliminal Message
cannot be consciously perceived
multistep flow
media affects individuals through complex interpersonal connections
minimal effects theory
Theory that media effects are mostly indirect.
Bobo doll studies
Kids seemed more violent after seeing violence in movies
Powerful effects theory
Theory that media have immediate, direct influence
Third Person effect
One person overestimating the effect of media messages on other people.
527 Status
For political support groups that independently create and finance campaign advertising
Agenda setting
The process through which issues bubble up into public attention through mass media selection of what to cover.
Watchdog role
Concept of the press as a skeptical and critical monitor of government.
Selecting aspects of a perceived reality for emphasis in a mass media message, thereby shaping how the audience sees the reality
fourth estate
The press as a player in medieval power structures, in addition to the clerical, noble and common esstates.
Smear campaigns, generally by 527s
Attack ads
A subspecies of negative ads, especially savage in criticizing an opponent, many playing loosely with context and facts.
Equal time rule
Government requirement for stations to offer competing political candidates the same time period and the same rate for advertising
Fairness doctrine
Former government requirement that stations air all sides of public issues
CNN Effect
The ability of television, through emotion-raising video, to elevate distant issues on the domestic public agenda
News reporters who are with military units on missions
pool system
Reporters chosen on a rotating basis to cover an event to which access is limited
soft diplomacy
Government’s low key initiatives to create a favorable context for foreign relations. Includes direct-to-the-people media messages
A block on unauthorized access to a computer system while permitting outward communication
Top-down governance such as a monarchy or dictatorship
Natural rights
Inherent human rights, including self-determination
First Amendment
The free-expression section of the U.S. Constitution
Encouraging governance and infrastructure systems in developing countries
A sovereign state whose people share a political system and usually language or ethnicity.
Principled Leaking
Concept that government and corporate employees serve a better good in whistle-blowing on corrupt, deceitful and secret practices.
Prior Restraint
Prohibiting expression in advance
Protects the ownership rights of creative works, including books, articles and lyrics.
Intellectual property
Creative works
Theft of copyright-protected material
Hate speech
Offensive expressions, especially those aimed at racial, ethenic and sexual orientation minorities
Term used by the Federal Communications Commission to encompass a range of words and depictions improper on public airwaves
A violation of copyright
sexually explicit depictions that are protected from government bans
public airwaves
Concept that broadcast should be subject to government regulation because the electromagnetic spectrum is a public asset
Reckless disregard
Supreme court language for a situation in which public figures may sue for libel
Canons of Journalism
First Media code, 1923
Gifts for which the giver may expect favors in return
Using someone else’s work without permission or credit
Trip with expenses paid by someone who may expect favors in return
Situational Ethics
Make ethics decisions on the basis of situation at hand
Libertarian theory
Given good information and time, people ultimately make right decisions
Code of Ethics
Statement that defines acceptable, unacceptable behavior
Pragmatic ethics
Judge acts by their results
Selective editing
Misrepresentation through omission and juxtaposition
Categorical Imperative
A principle that can be applied in any and all circumstances with moral certitude
Bullet Model
Another name for the overrated powerful effects theory