Final: 3 Quizzes Flashcards
What does fetid mean?
Foul smelling
Weak muscles of breathing and airway obstruction are associated with COPD patients have a weak _______
To minimize bony interfereance with percussion on the posterior chest wall, what should the practitioner have the patient do?
Raise his or her arms above the shoulders
The patient interview is done in what space?
Personal space
In the presence of nausea and vomiting, a hx of cirrhosis of the liver suggests what organ as a source of hematemesis?
While palpating the chest of a pt who says “99”, you note there is an area of increased fremitus, over lower lobe. What is it?
Pneumonia only
Cheyne stokes breathing is associated with what disorders?
Central nervous system disorder, CHF
Blood tinged sputum is?
Deep and fast breathing is most likely associated with?
If patient has a fever, what does their RR look like?
Irritablility is an early sign of low oxygen
Inflamed pleural membranes can cause localized pain that can be heard with auscultation
What do grading system do we use for the degrees of dyspnea?
Modified Borg Scale
What is the hypothalamus responsible for regulating?
Body temp
What is Orthodeoxia?
oxygen desat on assuming an upright postion
What does orthodeoxia accompany?
What is trepopnea?
lying down on one side relieves dyspnea
What is trepopnea associated with?
CHF or pleural effusion
136-145 mEq/L is the normal value for what?
Normal serum sodium level
What can lead to hyponatremia? (low sodium)
severe vomiting, excessive water intake, CHF
What is an approx. normal Hbg level?
14 gm/dl
WBC count that is above normal value is?
Magnesium is used in the tx of atrial fibrillation