Final: 2nd Semester Parameters Flashcards
What are the hematocrit ranges for male and female?
male: 40-52%
female: 37-48%
What are the normal RBC counts for males and females?
And platelets (same # for both sexes) ?
per microliter
male: 4.5 - 5.5 x 106
female: 3.9 - 5.3 x 106
(so RBCs are millions per microliter numbers)
platelets: 2.5 - 3 x 105
What are the ranges for per microliter count of all WBCs?
And each type individually?
And percentages? (less important, probably)
- All WBCs: 3-12x103
- Neutrophil: 700-7,000 (65%)
- Eosinophil: 0-400 (2-4%)
- Basophil: 0-100 (1%)
- Lymphocyte: 1,000-2,400 (25-30%)
- Monocyte: 100-800 (4-8%)
What is the average lifespan of an RBC?
about 120 days
Approximately how many different epitopes are recognized by a single individual’s adaptive immune system?
107 - 109
What is the frequency range of human hearing?
And the optimum frequency?
20 - 20,000 Hz
2,000 Hz optimum
How many rows of inner and outer hair cells are there?
And total numbers of each?
1 row inner, 3 rows outer
approx. 3,500 inner and 16,000 outer total
What are the K and Na concentrations of perilymph and endolymph?
Peri - Na = 140 mM, K = 2 mM (similar to CSF)
Endo - Na = 1 mM, K = 150 mM (similar to cytoplasm)
What is the potential difference between endolymph and hair cell cytoplasm (in the cochlea)?
And the “intrastriatal fluid” btwn layers of the stria vascularis?
(What is the reference potential used here? And how is the endolymph value different in the vestibular apparatus?)
120 mV difference
- due to -40 mV hair cell and +80 mV endolymph
- intrastriatal fluid = +90 mV
(These values use perilymph as the 0 mV reference. The potential of endolymph decreases in the vestibule because of its distance from the creation of the endolymph by the stria vascularis.)
What is the total and free extracellular Ca++ concentration?
And intracellular?
extracellular - 1-1.3 mM free, 2-2.6 mM total
intracellular - 100 nM (notice nano, not micro)
How much calcium is ingested daily?
Absorbed from the amt ingested?
Incorporated into bone + resorbed from bone?
Filtered by the kidney, reabsorbed + excreted?
1,000 mg ingested / 500 mg absorbed by GI
280 mg both formed into bone + resorbed from it
10,000 mg filtered, but most reabsorbed, abt 2% of filtered (175 mg) is excreted.
What are the %s of total testosterone that are found in each of its 3 forms?
free - 1-3%
Albumin/CBG-bound - 20%
SHBG-bound - 70-80%
About how long is each step of spermatogenesis?
What temperature does it require?
10-17 days
30-32 C
What is the % contribution of each of the 3 accessory sex glands to the total volume of semen?
- Seminal Vesicle - 60-70% (fructose, fibrinogen, prostaglandins)
- Prostate - 25-30% (PSA, fibrinolysin, Zn, acid phosphatase)
- Cowper’s Glands - 3-5% (mucus, pre-ejaculate)
What are the characteristics of normal semen produced by one ejaculation?
- > 2 ml
- pH 7.2-8.0
- > 40 million sperm/ml
- > 50% motility (after 60 mins)
- > 30% normal morphology
What are the lengths of the GnRH pulsatile secretion periods in…
females in each of the 2 ovarian phases?
- males: 2.5 hrs
- females
- follicular: 1.5 hrs
- luteal: 5-6 hrs
(makes sense: women need more FSH-LH in follicular phase, so more frequent GnRH release. exact numbers not too important probably)
What are the approximate days that delivery can be expected…
post conception?
post last normal menstrual period?
270 after conception
284 after LNMP
What are the diameters and conduction velocities of the 4 nerve fiber types?
(this is easiest in ascending order because the high for one fiber type is generally the low for the next)
C (unmyelinated)
- 0.2 - 1.5 μm
- 0.4 - 2.0 m/s
- 1 - 6 μm
- 4 - 36 m/s
- 6 - 12 μm
- 36 - 72 m/s
- 12 - 20 μm
- 72 - 120 m/s
What is the change in membrane seen with IPSPs?
1-5 mV hyperpolarization for IPSP
1-5 mV depolarization for EPSP
What is the refractive power of the cornea?
And lens?
Cornea - 43 diopters
Lens - 13 - 26 diopters
What is the range of visible wavelengths of light?
What are the Amax wavelengths of rhodopsin and the 3 variable pigments in cones?
400 - 750 nm
- Rhodopsin: 500 nm
- Red/Long: 565 nm
- Green/Medium: 530 nm
- Blue/Short: 420 nm
What are the cold and heat receptors with their temp ranges?
- TRPA1 - < 17 C
- TRPM8 - < 25 C
- TRPV4 - > 27 C
- TRPV3 - > 35 C
Nociceptive Heat
- TRPV1/2 - > 45 C
What is the air temp range at which core temp is constant?
And the core temp range compatible with life?
10 - 55 C air temp
30 - 42 C core temp
(below = heart, above = brain problems)
What is the “comfort zone” above and below which O2 consumption increases to maintain body temperature?
21 - 23 C clothes
27 - 30 C naked
What is the normal volume per min for skin circulation?
And in high heat environment?
300-500 ml/min (5-9% CO)
up to 8 L/min (60% CO … bc HR goes up?)
What are the frequencies of the different kinds of brain waves?
- Alpha - 8 - 13 Hz
- Beta - 14 - 30 Hz
- Theta - 4 - 7 Hz
- Delta - 0.5 - 4 Hz
- ( Gamma - 30-100 Hz )
What are the average GH levels in children and adults?
(And possible stimulated peak values in adults?)
children: 5-8 ng/ml
adults: 2-3 ng/ml
(can peak at 20-30 ng/ml if stimulated)
What percent of cortisol binds its main transport protein? And what % is albumin bound and free?
And aldosterone?
(Their half lives?)
- Cortisol - 90% on transcortin, 5-7% on albumin, rest free (half life 70 mins)
- Aldosterone - exact %s not given in lecture (wiki - 47% albumin, 17% transcortin, rest free) T1/2 = 20 mins
What are the amounts of daily secretion and plasma concentration of cortisol and aldosterone?
(And their relative activity on each other’s receptors?)
Cortisol - 20 mg/day secretion, 0.1-0.5 μM plasma
- 0.001 MC activity
Aldosterone - 0.15 mg/day and 0.1-0.3 nM
- 0.15 GC activity
What is the minimum recommended daily intake of iodide?
And average daily intake in developed countries?
(And thyroid:serum ratio of iodide concentration?)
50-100 μg/day minimum
400 μg/day average
(30:1 thyroid:serum ratio, maintained by Na/I symporter)
What are the %s of total thyroid hormone secreted as…
Reverse T3?
90% T4
10% T3
< 1% Reverse T3
What are the % of the bound forms of thyroid hormones?
And free?
- 80% bound to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
- 15% bound to transthyretin (AKA t-b prealbumin)
- 5% bound to albumin
- 0.02% of T4 is free
- 0.5% of T3 is free
What is the fasting and mixed feeding secretion rate of insulin?
And total pancreatic content (less important)?
- fasting - 10 U/day
- mixed feeding - 30-40 U/day
- total pancreatic content: 180 U
What are the fasting and 2-hr OGTT glucose levels for…
(all in mM)
- Normal - _<_6 fasting, <7.8 two-hr
- IFG - 6.1-6.9 fasting, <7.8 two-hr
- IGT - _<_6 fasting, 7.8-11 two-hr
- DM - > 7 fasting, > 11.1 two-hr
Respiratory Quotients for…
- fat - 0.7
- prot - 0.8
- carb - 1.0
normal BMR for…
and normal kJ/m2/h ?
male - 7000 kJ/d
female - 6000 kJ/d
170 kJ/m2/h
What percentage of TEE is…
E expenditure on activity?
BMR - 50-70%
DIT - 8-15%
activity - 15-30%
How many kJ released per liter O2 consumed?
21 kJ
used for indirect calorimetry