Final: 1st Semester Parameters (Ben) Flashcards
What is the ion transport rate of ion channels?
106 - 108 ions/sec
What are the Em values for…
skeletal muscle?
smooth muscle?
cardiac muscle?
skeletal - -95 mV
neuron - -70 mV
smooth muscle - -60 mV
cardiac muscle - -90 mV
(photoreceptor - -40 mV)
what are the equilibrium potentials of K, Na and Cl in…
skeletal muscle?
(plus Ca in neurons)
Skeletal Muscle:
- Ek: -94, ENa: +65, ECl: -88
- EK: -90, ENa: +60, ECl: -70, ECa: +130
How long (in ms) is a neuronal AP?
A cardiac ventricular AP?
Skeletal muscle?
SM slow waves?
neuronal - 2 ms
ventricular - 200 ms
skeletal muscle - 5 ms
smooth muscle slow wave - seconds (varies)
What are the resting, fully depolarized and hyperpolarization membrane voltages (mV) of a neuron?
Cardiac muscle (with other phases)?
- Neuron: -70 resting, +40 depol, -85 hyper
- Cardiac Muscle: -85 resting, +20 depol, +5 plateau, no hyper
What is the threshold potential of skeletal muscle?
Approx. how many ACh vesicles (“quanta”) are needed for this?
Must go from Em = -90 mV to threshold at -50 mV
- one vesicle is abt 0.4 mV of depolarizing activity, so to go 40 mV, abt 100 vesicles needed
What are the frequencies of the various pacemaker cells in the heart?
- SA node - 100/min (intrinsic), 70-80 (innervated)
- AV node/His bundle - 40-60
- Bundle branches/Purkinje - 20-40
What are the threshold potentials for the various channels involved in SA node function?
- HCN (If, funny current) - below - 50 mV
- T-VDCC - -50 mV
- L-VDCC - -25 mV (some pics show -40 ???)
- K channels - open at high voltages to repolarize
- GIRK channels - hyperpolarize via vagal stim
What are the conduction velocities of cardiac impulses in various heart tissues?
- Purkinje - 2-4 m/s
- His Bundle - 1.2 - 2
- Atrial myocytes - 1 - 1.2
- Ventricular myocytes - 0.3 - 1
- SA/AV nodes - <0.01 - 0.05
How long does it take for impulses to be conducted…
SA to AV node?
AV node thru to the bundle branches?
All the way to the furthest points of the ventricles?
- SA to AV: 60 ms
- AV to bundle branches: 100 ms (160 from SA)
- Furthest points: 220 ms (SA to ventricular epicardium @ border with atrium)
so the longest delay is in AV node where half the total time is spent
What are the normal durations for…
P wave?
PQ interval?
QRS complex?
- P wave - < 0.12 s
- PQ interval 0.12 - 0.20 s
- QRS complex - 0.06 - 0.1 s
What are the normal ampitudes for…
P wave?
R wave?
ST segment?
T wave?
- P wave - < 0.25 mv
- R wave - > 1 mV (1.2-1.4)
- ST segment - 0.1-0.2 max (otherwise STEMI)
- T wave - 0.3 mV
How long is the heart cycle (assuming 75 bpm) ?
Ventricular filling/ejection?
- Cycle: 0.85 s
- Systole / Diastole: 0.3 / 0.55 s
- Filling / Ejection: 0.3 / 0.25 s
What are the important values of the left ventricular pressure-volume loop?
Min/max volume?
Isovolumetric contraction min/max pressure?
Isovolumetric relaxation max/min pressure?
stroke volume?
- Volume - ~50-130 ml (maybe more like 45-125)
- Isovol. Contraction - from 10 to 80 mmHg
- Peak Pressure - over 120 mmHg
- Isovol. Relaxation - from 110 back to 5 mmHg
- Stroke Volume - 80 ml (rep. by horizontal line)
What percent of the total blood (5 L) in the body is in…
systemic circulation (+ by vessel type)?
pulmonary circulation?
the heart?
Systemic: 84%
- Arteries: 13%
- Capillaries: 7%
- Veins: 64%
- Pulmonary: 9%
- Heart: 7%
What are the values of the 4 Starling forces pressures (mmHg) along the length of a capillary?
And total effective filtration pressure?
- Capillary Hydrostatic: 35 arteriolar, 15 venular
- Interstitial Hydrostatic: around 0 to -4(negative!)
- Capillary Oncotic: 25
- Interstitial Oncotic: low
- Total Effective Filtration: 12 arteriolar, -4 venular (negative!)
What is the hourly lymph production volume?
120 ml/hr
(about 2.8 L/day, = to plasma volume)
What is the O2 content of arterial blood (ml/L)
and venous blood?
And thus AVDO2?
Arterial: 200 ml/l
Venous: 150 ml/l
AVDO2: 50 ml/l
What is the normal mean arterial pressure?
93 mmHg
(down to 50 w/o symp inn, or up to 150 w/ high symp inn)
What is the range in which the carotid sinus baroreceptor detects blood pressure changes?
And aortic arch receptor?
sinus - 50-200 mmHg
aorta - 100-200 mmHg
What is the flow of skeletal muscle circulation at rest?
At maximum, during exercise?
AVDO2 at rest?
- 1 L/min at rest
- 20 L/min exercise
- 60 ml/L (so ~30% extraction
- 150 ml/L exercise (75% extraction)
What is the splanchnic blood flow rate?
Hepatic circulation?
(its components?)
- Splanchnic Flow: 1.25 L/min (25% CO, down to 5% exer.)
- AVDO2: 35 ml/L
Hepatic Circulation: 1.5 L/min
- 75% portal vein, 25% hepatic artery