Final Flashcards
Quiz 3, 4, and On (Everything Past the Midterm)
When is incest reportable?
Always — even if “consenting”
What are some examples of how to maintain healthy boundaries with clients? (5)
- Starting/ending sessions on time
- Where held, how often
- Responding to texts / calls / emails
- Time spent on phone with CTs re emergencies, what are emergencies (goal is promote independence)
- Will different life situations require more sessions
How many years does a TH have to wait to have a sexual relationship with CT after termination?
Legally 2, Ethically never possible
Define Dual Relationship
CT and TH involving 1+ identity. Separate and distinct relationship outside of therapy, that exists at the same time. (Teacher + Therapist)
Main Concern of a Dual Relationship
Misuse of power for TH benefit
Examples of Dual Relationships (5)
- TH = mom’s bff + TH
- TH = teacher + TH
- TH & CT at same conference
- TH & CT have children at the same school
- TH & CT children become friends
What steps does a TH take if a minor/child CT brings an expensive thank you gift?
Document, apply to clinical context
Scenarios and risks of dual relationship / boundary crossings due to gift-giving (5)
- TH who regularly accepts gifts. TH may feel protective or feel a debt of gratitude
- CT who regularly brings even small gifts “token of appreciation,” may expect favors, special attention. 3. May start to feel more intimate
- TH accepting expensive gives (CTs fam may misinterpret etc)
- Romantic… never
Considerations regarding gift giving (3 + Key Point)
- Dollar value?
- CTs money situation?
- Intention of gift giving?
- KEY POINT: Generally okay: Small, Inexpensive, Seasonable, Card
Just document
What are the legal considerations regarding bartering in the context of a big city?
Because there are likely other options, bartering is not allowed.
What do you do if your CT discloses unethical bartering behaviors of their previous TH?
Document and process, but cannot breach confidentiality
3 examples of unavoidable dual relationships
- TH is court ordered
- CT puts TH in their will
- Sports Psychologist who travels with the team
Examples of unethical dual relationships and/or boundary crossings (2)
- Too much self disclosure
- Investigating
To report abuse, what is a TH allowed to do and what is considered an unethical dual relationship?
TH can / must report abuse. TH cannot investigate.
Can a TH offer necessities such as food and clothing to a CT?
No, this is an unethical boundary crossing due to a dual relationship concern
Is accepting small gifts regularly an issue?
Yes! The CT may start to expect reciprocity or preferred treatment. Also may be linked to clinical work
What if CT brings a sexual or inappropriate gift?
Bring back to the clinical setting: Are there any qualities you’re projecting onto me that you perhaps want in a partner.
Don’t say “unfortunately” because it implies that you’re sad or disappointed.
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining boundaries in a TH/CT relationship?
The TH
Should boundaries change?
No. They need to be consistent
When should TH set a boundary?
At the v beginning
Is it insurance fraud if a couple’s TH charges both clients?
Ages of Minors, Dependent Adults, and Elders
- Minor: Under 18
- Dependent: 18-64
- Elder: 65+
Which custody is more important when treating a minor with divorced parents, Legal or Physical?
When can a minor consent to their own treatment?
12+ with clinical judgment of maturity
14+ if emancipated
Are step-parents, foster parents, or adoptive parents allowed to consent to a minor’s treatment?
No, No, Yes
If the parents are never married, who can provide consent for a minor’s treatment?
The bio mom
What’s a subtle sign parents may be abusing their child?
Parents are typically unaware of / disregarding of child’s developmental age
Steps to reporting child abuse
- Report to CPS
- Written report within 36 hours to CPS
- Keep documents separate from CT chart
Does the MFT report child abuse to CPS when the victim or abuser has died, or if the abuser has moved out of the country?
If adult CT discloses they were the victim of child sexual abuse, is this reportable?
No, unless the abuser has access to other children
Steps to report Elder abuse?
- Immediately report to APS
- Written report 2 days
- Document
Where do you report child abuse if the abuse happened outside of CA?
You still report to CA CPS
Is there such a thing as a licensed sex therapist?
No. Specialization, but no licensure outside of LMFT, LPCC, LCSW
Certified vs Specialized
Certification has to be awarded through specific training. Specialized is based on experience
TH is licensed in CA. Does it matter where the CT is?
Yes, CT must be in CA
If a 14 yo has consensual sex with another 14 yo, is that reportable?
CT must provide consent in writing under what 3 circumstances?
- Mental capacity (can’t be impaired)
- CT must be mature or intelligent enough to understand the info presented
- Clearly understand the right to decline
What are the legal and ethical considerations of a TH and CT both struggling with anorexia
Legally: CT must be referred to MD
Ethically: TH must process countertransference
True or False: If TH WFH and their home is in an unincorporated county, do they need to have a business license to work from home?
Yes, true
If a 16 yo minor CT’s mother demands to see their file, do you consent?
Who do you provide a No Surprise / Good Faith estimate to?
CTs who are paying out of pocket
If a 14yo has sex with a 12yo, is that reportable?
Yes, the cutoff is 14
What are some different categories of elder abuse? (5)
- Neglect
- Isolation
- Abduction
- Self-neglect
- Abuse
Is it possible to question elder abduction due to dementia?
What’s the goal of HIPAA?
To increase CTs confidentiality