Final Flashcards
Major changes during Horse Evo
Reduce # digits, longer legs, teeth to foragte, increase in size and brain complexity
The racing sector of the equine industry brings in the largest percentage of value and the largest number of jobs.
oldest purebred horse with refined bone and face structure
most common draft breen in US
selectively bred by Nez Perce tribe
largest breed registry horse
quarter horse
driving force in equine evolution
climate change
per capitca consumption of eggs
249 eggs/person/year
largest egg production states
50% of all eggs
iowa, ohio, indiana, pennsylvania, cali
nutritional value of eggs
protein, viatmins, A, D, E, folic acid, riboflavin, B12, pantothenic acid, minerals’ phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc
outer covering. calcium carbonate. white or brown. color does not affect anything
air cell
pocket of air in egg. caused by contraction of contents during cooling after laying. grows as cell ages.
shell membranes.
two membranes. surround albumen. provide protective barrier against bacteria. air cells form between nthe membranes.
thin albumne (white)
nearest to shell, spreads around thick white
thick albumen (white)
source of ribolavin and protein. higher and spreads less in higher grade eggs.
twisted, cordlike strands of white. anchor yolk in center. prominence indicates frehsness.
vitelline (yolk) membrane
holds yolk centered
germinal disc
on yolk
yello. vitamins, minerals, fat
grading eggs
interior and exterior quality. no dif in nutritive value. based on freshness. size of air cell and thinness of egg white
grade AA
tall. firm yolk. area covered by white is small. lots of thick white. small air cell
grade A
round yolk and upstanding. more thick white.
grade B
spreads out more. flattened yolk, same amont of thick and thin white.
egg sizes
classified according to minimun net weight expressed in ounces per DOZEN
egg sizes influenced by
hen age, breed, environment,
what are the egg sizes
jumbo, extra large, large, medium, small, peewee
common pet species
dogs, cats, birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, snakes
who owns pets
families with children most likely. older than 65 who live alone least likely. greater income, more likely to have pet. homeowners more likely. more people, more likely
kept for pleasure
companion animals
animal where owner has intense emotional ties
ornamental pets
decorate and enhance atmosphere. birds or fish
status symbols
wolves gave status. prebred more status. unusual, rare, expensive animls more status
pets as playthings. hunting and riding.
hobby animals.
displayed by owners in organized exhibitions
worker, helper, service animals
herding, pulling sleds, police dogs, search and rescue, water rescue, drug
breeds of dogs
400-450. 170 recognized
purebred catergories
sporting, hounds, working, terriers, toy, nonsporting, herding, miscellaneous
most common dog breeds
labs, frenchies, german shep, golden retreiver, bulldogs, poodles, beagles, rottweilers, german shorthaired pointers, dachshunds
cat breeds
not as many breeds. less uses. vermin-controlling. pets
natural breeds
abyssinian, birman, burmese, chartreux, maine coon, egyption mau
human-devloped breeds
burmese x amershortair = bombay. siamese x persian = himalayan