FINAL Flashcards
What is a Boolean Operator
How do we know if an article is scholarly
Look for peer reviewed
Characteristics of peer reviewed
Authors clearly identified
Abstract AND few graphics
Dates of peer review
Ethics with RCTs
Ethical dilemma could be the witholding of meds from control group
Be familiar with appraising evidence for Indigenous Literature
Are the researchers Indigenous themselves?
How is qualitative data appraised
How is qualitiatvie data anaylized for rigour?
Chornback alpha, p-value etc.
Anatomy of research paper
Why is qualititave research “emerging and flexible”
Bc, despite having an interview guide, research methods and questions can change based on the responses from data
Grounded theory
Focused on exploring social processes
What is a social process
Typically done through interviews with particiipants
Looking at cultural knowedge
- Gathered by immersing or observing self in environment to understand how things go
Takes a long time
3 Major types of qualitative studies
Grounded Theory
Wants to get at lived experience (understand)
Small sample size
Repeated interviews
Difference bw grounded theory stdy and phenomenological study
Grounded theory
- Describe components of social process in detail with quotes, describe theoretical
- Birds eye view
Phenomenological study: Findings are very detailed and in-depth
- Focused on one phenomena like depression
How are qualitative participants acquired
Convenience sampling
Transferability of study findings with qualitative research
Ability to take findings from one study and use them to inform nursing practice in a different setting
Generalizability is the same
Ability to recognize biases, and to best of your ability, bracket them out
Measurement in quant research
To determine how affective intervention is
To quantify the presence of something
Two main types of quantitative studies
Experimental and non-experimental (dsecriptive correlational)
Experimental quant study use ___ to increase their reliability
RCT require
What part of every quant has descriptive statistics`
Demographic characteristicsQ
Types of non experiemental (quant) studies
Correlational, case-control, cross-sections, and cohort
Case - control study
Compare people with specific disease or interest with people who Do not have this specific disease/ outcome
Hepful for identifiying risk factors to certain conditions
Cross Sectional study
Measures exposure and outcomes in population that exist at one specific point in time
How important is Measurement validity/reliability
If tool is not valid, huge threat to reliability of study
More than 20% is a major threat to validity
Example of lifts and currents in the Knowledge as Action (Knowledge translation model)
What other initiatives are underway?
What is driving system priorities?
How does the practice concern interface with organizations priorities?
What resources can provide ‘lift’ in practice?
Best Practice Guidlines
Provide up-to-date scientific evidence and concise instructions to help nurses provide consistent, appropriate, current and safe care
usually Developedd from multiple systematic reviews