Final Flashcards
Type of connective tissue with a liquid matrix
Transports vital substances
Maintains stability of interstitial fluid
Distributes heat
Form mostly in red bone marrow, and are called “formed elements”:
* Red blood cells (RBC s)
* White blood cells (WBC s)
* Platelets (cell fragments)
Blood cells
What are the percentages of each of the following blood components listed below?
Plasma - 55%
RBC - 45%
WBC / Platelets - < 1%
What is the percentage of RBC called?
Hematocrit (HCT) or Packed cell volume (PCV)
Also called erythrocytes
Biconcave disc shape
One-third hemoglobin:
* Oxyhemoglobin (with O2)
* Deoxyhemoglobin (without O2)
Lack nuclei and mitochondria
Cannot divide
Can produce ATP through glycolysis
Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
What do changes in RBC reflect?
Changes in blood’s oxygen carrying capacity
RBC formation
Occurs in red bone marrow.
Low blood O2 causes kidneys and liver to release EPO (erythropoietin), which stimulates RBC production.
Negative feedback mechanism
Hemocytoblast –>erythroblast –>reticulocytes –> erythrocytes
Within a few days many new RBCs appear in the blood
What 3 dietary factors affect RBC production?
Vitamin B12:
* Absorbed from small intestine
* Required for DNA synthesis
* Necessary for growth & division of all cells
* Absorbed from small intestine
* Conserved during RBC destruction & made avalible for reuse
* Required for Hemoglobin synthesis
Folic Acid:
* Absorbed from small intestine
* DNA synthesis
What happens in RBC deconstuction?
Hemoglobin Breakdown
Protect against disease.
Leukocytes have limited life spans, so they must constantly be replaced.
Produced in red bone marrow, under control of hormones: interleukins and colony-stimulating factors
Nomal range: 5,000 - 10,000
* High WBC
* Acute infection, vigorous exercise, great loss of body fluids
* Low WBC
* Typhoid fever , flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox, AIDS, polio, anemia
What are the 2 categories or WBC & what type(s) of WBC is found in each categorie?
Granulocytes: Have granular cytoplasm, and short life span
* Neutrophils.
* Eosinophils.
* Basophils.
Agranulocytes: Do not have noticeable granules
* Lymphocytes.
* Monocytes.
Small, light purple granules in acid-base stain.
* Most common WBC
* Strong phagocytes.
Lobed nucleus; 2-5 sections.
Also called PMNs, polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
First to arrive at infection site.
* Elevated in bacterial infections.
54% - 62% of leukocytes.
Coarse granules; stain deep red in acid stain.
Bi-lobed nucleus.
Defend against parasitic worm infestations.
1% - 3% of leukocytes.
Elevated in parasitic worm infestations and allergic reactions
Large granules; stain deep blue in basic stain.
* Least abundant
Granules can obscure view of nucleus.
Release histamine to stimulate inflammation.
Release heparin to stop blood from clotting.
Less than 1% of leukocytes.
Similar to eosinophils in size and shape of nuclei.
Largest of the WBCs.
* Strong phagocyte
Spherical, kidney-shaped, oval or lobed nuclei.
Leave bloodstream to become macrophages.
3% - 9% of leukocytes.
Live for weeks – months.
Phagocytize bacteria, dead cells, debris.
Slightly larger than RBCs; smallest WBCs.
Large spherical nucleus surrounded by thin rim of cytoplasm
T cells and B cells are major types; both important in immunity.
* T cells directly attack pathogens, tumor cells.
* B cells produce antibodies.
25% - 33% of leukocytes.
May live for years.
What is the function of a WBC?
Diapedesis: WBCs can squeeze between the cells of a capillary wall and leave blood vessel; then migrate toward infection site.
Cellular adhesion molecules: proteins that direct leukocytes to injury sites.
Phagocytosis: Engulfing and digestion of pathogens; neutrophils and monocytes are most mobile and active phagocytes.
Inflammatory response: Reaction that restricts spread of infection; promoted by basophils, by secretion of heparin and histamine; involves swelling and increased capillary permeability.
Positive chemotaxis: Attraction of WBCs to an infection site, by chemicals released by damaged cells.
How do neutrophils respond to a bacterial invasion?
By accumulating in the infection site, and destroying the pathogens by phagocytosis
Cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocytes (type of cell in red bone marow)
Produced by hemocytoblasts in response to the homone, thromopoirtin
Lack nucleus
Help in homeostasis in damaged blood vessels, by sticking to broken surface
Release serotonin
Platelets (thrombocytes)
Clear, straw-colored.
Liquid portion of blood.
55% of blood volume.
92% water.
7% protein
1% other solutes (nutrients, electrolytes, waste products)
Contains organic and inorganic chemicals.
Transports nutrients, gases, hormones, and vitamins.
* Albumin & fibrinogen
Helps regulate fluid and electrolyte balance and maintain pH.
Which 2 gases are imporant in the blood?
Carbon Dioxide
What nutrience is found in the blood?
Amino Acids
Simple sugars
* Fats (triglycerides)
* Phospolipids
* Cholesterol
What are the 8 electrolytes found in plasma?
Sodium (Most abundant)
Chloride (Most abundant)
Refers to the stoppage of bleeding.
Actions that limit or prevent blood loss include:
* Blood vessel (vascular) spasm.
* Platelet plug formation.
* Blood coagulation.
Most effective in small blood vessel injuries.
Needs healthy liver, Ca, platelets, Vit K, & liver protein
T/F: Blood clotting is apart of positive feedback mech.
Cascade produces prothrombin activator
Prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to thrombin
Thrombin stimulates increased activity of the intrinsic cascade
Positive feedback
Triggered by exposure of platelets to collagen.
Platelets adhere to rough surface
- Break in vessel wall
- Blood escaping through break
- Platelets adhere to each other, to the end of broken vessel & to expose collagen
- Platelet plug helps control blood loss
Platelet plug formation
Any molecule that evokes an immune response.
If immune system finds a foreign antigen in the body, it produces antibodies against the antigen
Proteins that react against a specific antigen
In an incompatible blood transfusion, donor red blood cells (RBCs) evoke an immune response in the recipient, and antibodies in the recipient’s plasma agglutinate the donor RBCs
What are the antigens & antibodies for the blood types below?
* Antigen: A
* Antibody: Anti-B
* Antigen: B
* Antibody: Anti-A
* Antigen: A & B
* Antibody: Neither A or B
* Antigen: Neither A or B
* Antibody: Both Anti- A & Anti-B
What type of blood can each of the following recieve?
A: A & O
B: B & O
AB: A, B, & O (Universal recipient)
O: O (Universal donar)
Positive w/ positive, Negative w/ negative
Why is an individual with AB blood called a universal recipient?
Type AB blood lacks both Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies, so an individual with type AB can receive donor RBCs of any type
Why is an individual with type O blood called a universal donor?
Type O lacks the A and B antigens, so type O RBCs could be donated to aperson with any blood type. Often, when given to a person with a different blood type, only the RBCs are donated (since plasma contains antibodies)
Includes several Rh antigens or factors, but most important one is antigen D.
Rh positive: Presence of antigen D or other Rh antigens on RBC membranes.
Rh negative: Do not have the Rh antigens on RBC membranes.
Anti-Rh antibodies form only in Rh-negative individuals in response to the presence of red blood cells with Rh antigens.
The seriousness of the Rh blood group is evident in a fetus that develops the condition erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of the newborn
Rh blood group
In what order does the heart pump blood through the blood vessels?
arteries → arterioles → capillaries → venules → veins → back to heart
What 2 things make up the cardiovascular system?
Heart & blood vessels
The L side of the heart contains _ blood, while the R side of the heart contains _ blood.
A) Deoxygenated ; Oxygenated
B) Oxygenated ; Deoxygenated
B) Oxygenated ; Deoxygenated
What’s the difference between pericardium & visceral pericardium?
Pericardium: Covering over heart and large blood vessels
Visceral pericardium: Inner layer of serous membrane; attached to surface of heart; also called the epicardium
What are the 3 distinct heart walls?
Outer layer - thin layer
AKA “visceral pericardium”
Serous membrane of connective tissue covered w/ epithelium & include blood capillaries, lymph capillaries, & nerve fibers
* Forms protective outer covering
* Secrete serous fluid
Middle layer - thickest layer
Composed of cardiac muscle tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue separated by connective tissue & include blood capillaries, lymph capillaries, & nerve fibers
* Contracts to pump blood from the heart chambers
Inner layer - thin layer
Membrane of epithelium & underlying connective tissue, Including blood vessels
* Forms protective inner lining of all heart chambers & valves
What are the 4 chambers of the heart & their function?
Right atrium: Receives blood returning from systemic circuit (from the superior and inferior vena cavae and coronary sinus); pumps blood to right ventricle.
Right ventricle: Receives blood from the right atrium; pumps blood to lungs.
Left atrium: Receives blood from the pulmonary veins; pumps blood to left ventricle.
Left ventricle: Receives blood from the left atrium; pumps blood to systemic circuit
What are the 4 valves or the heart & their function?
Tricuspid Valve:
* Prevents blood from moving from R ventricle into the R atrium during ventricular contraction
* Located in R atrioventricular Orifice
Pulmonary Valve:
* Prevents blood from moving from the pulmonary trunk into the R ventricle during ventricular relaxation
* Located in entrance to pulmonary trunk
Mitral Valve / Bicuspid Valve:
* Prevents blood from moving from the L ventricle into the L atrium during ventricular contraction
* Located in L atrioventricular Orifice
Aortic Valve:
* Prevents blood from moving from aorta into L ventricle during ventricular relaxation
* Located in entrance to aorta
How does blood flow through the heart?
- Blood from systemic circuit
- Venae cavae & coronary sinus
- R atrium (through tricuspid valve)
- R ventricle (through pulmonary valve)
- Pulmonary trunk
- Pulmonary arteries
- Pulmonary capillaries / Lungs
- Pulmonary veins
- L atrium (through mitral / bicuspid valve)
- L ventricle (through aortic valve)
- Aorta
- Blood from systemic circuit
Which arteries supply blood & O2 to tissues of the heart?
L & R Coronary arteries
* First 2 branched of aorta
The _ _ drains (deoxygenated) blood from the heart wall to the coronary sinus.
A) Cardiac veins
B) Cardiac artery
C) Coronary sinus
D) Coronary artery
A) Cardiac veins
The _ _ returns deoxygenated blood to the R atrium.
A) Cardiac veins
B) Cardiac artery
C) Coronary sinus
D) Coronary artery
C) Coronary sinus
The events of a heartbeat.
Heart chambers function in a coordinated manner.
Heart actions are regulated so that atria contract (atrial systole) while ventricles relax (ventricular diastole); then ventricles contract (ventricular systole) while atria relax (atrial diastole).
Cardiac cycle
What happens during atrial systole and ventricular diastole of the cardiac cycle?
The ventricles are relaxed.
The A-V valves open and the semilunar valves close.
About 70% of blood flows passively from atria into ventricles.
Atrial systole pushes the remaining 30% of blood into the ventricles, causing ventricular pressure to increase
What happens during ventricular systole and atrial diastole of the cardiac cycle?
The A-V valves close.
The chordae tendineae prevent the cusps of the valves from bulging too far backward into the atria.
The atria relax.
Blood flows into atria from venae cavae and pulmonary veins.
The ventricular pressure increases and opens the semilunar valves.
Blood flows into the pulmonary trunk and aorta.
Sounds are due to closing of heart valves, and vibrations associated with a sudden slowing of blood flow during contraction/relaxation of chambers
* The first heart sound.
* Occurs during ventricular systole.
* Associated with closing of the A-V valves.
* The second heart sound.
* Occurs during ventricular diastole.
* Associated with closing of the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves.
Heart sounds
A group of clumps and strands of specialized cardiac muscle tissue, which initiates and distributes impulses throughout the myocardium
* Coordinates the events of the cardiac cycle.
- SA Node
- Atrial syncytium (In atrial walls)
- Junctional fibers
- AV Node
- AV bundle
- Bundle branches
- Purkinje fibers
- Ventricular syncytium (In ventricular walls)
Cardiac Conduction System
Define the following components of the cardiac conduction system:
SA Node
Internodal Atrial Muscle
Junctional fibers
AV (Atrioventricular) Node:
AV (Atrioventricular) Bundle (of His)
Left and Right Bundle Branches
Purkinje fibers
SA (Sinoatrial) Node: Pace maker; Initiates rhythmic contractions of the heart
Internodal Atrial Muscle: Conducts impulses from SA node to atria
Junctional fibers: Conducts impulses from SA node to AV node
AV (Atrioventricular) Node: Delays impulse, so that atria finish contracting before ventricles contract. Conducts impulses to AV Bundle
AV (Atrioventricular) Bundle (of His): Conducts impulses rapidly between SA node and bundle branches.
Left and Right Bundle Branches: Split off from AV bundle, conduct impulses to Purkinje fibers on both sides of heart.
Purkinje fibers: Large fibers that conduct impulses to ventricular myocardium.
What are the waves of an EKG called?
P wave: Atrial depolarization; occurs just prior to atrial contraction.
QRS complex (3 waves): Ventricular depolarization; occurs just prior to ventricular contraction.
T wave: Ventricular repolarization; occurs just prior to ventricular relaxation
ST segment: Ventricular contraction
What are the intervals of an EKG?
PQ (PR) interval: 0.12-0.20 s
QRS wave: < 0.12 s
QT interval: 0.34-0.43 s
Whats the difference between Parasympathetic impulses & Sympathetic impulses?
Parasympathetic impulses: Vagus nerves decrease heart rate, due to influence on SA and AV nodes
Sympathetic impulses: Accelerator nerves increase heart rate, due to influence on SA and AV nodes, and ventricular myocardium.
List & describe the 5 types of blood vessels:
Arteries: carry blood away from the ventricles of the heart.
Arterioles: receive blood from the arteries, and carry it to the capillaries.
Capillaries: sites of exchange of substances between the blood and the body cells.
Venules: receive blood from the capillaries, and conduct it to veins.
Veins: receive blood from venules, and carry it back to the atria of the heart.
Which of the following helps make up an artery? (SATA)
A) Lumen
B) Valve
C) Endothelium of tunica interna
D) Connective tissue (Elastic & collagen fibers)
E) Tunica media
F) Tunica externa
A) Lumen
C) Endothelium of tunica interna
D) Connective tissue (Elastic & collagen fibers)
E) Tunica media
F) Tunica externa
Which of the following helps make up a vein? (SATA)
A) Lumen
B) Valve
C) Endothelium of tunica interna
D) Connective tissue (Elastic & collagen fibers)
E) Tunica media
F) Tunica externa
All of the above
What are the 3 layers (or tunica) of an artery?
Tunica interna (intima): innermost layer
Tunica media: smooth muscle & elastic tissue
Tunica externa (adventitia): outer layer, connective tissue
Smallest-diameter blood vessels
* Extensions of the inner lining of arterioles
* They are semi-permeable
Connect the smallest arterioles and the smallest venules
The higher the metabolic rate in a tissue,the denser its capillary networks
Walls consist of endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) only
Blood flow regulated mainly by precapillary sphincters: smooth muscle surrounding capillary when it branches off arteriole or metarteriole
Thinner walls than arteries (3 layers or tunics).
Tunica media less developed
Carry blood under relatively low pressure to the heart
* Valves prevent backflow of blood & serves as blood reservoir
Function as blood reservoirs.
Many have flap-like valves
The force the blood exerts against the inner walls of the blood vessels
Circulates the blood
Most commonly refers to pressure in systemic arteries
Blood moves from higher to lower pressure throughout the system
* Pressure moves throughout the vascular system
Varies w/ cardiac O/P (CO)
* BP = CO x PR
What factors increase arterial blood pressure?
Increase in blood volume
Increase HR
Increase stroke volume
Increase blood viscosity
Increase periheral resistance
Whats the difference between Stroke volume & cardiac O/P?
Stroke volume: Volume of blood that enters the arteries with each ventricular contraction
* (~70 ml/beat)
Cardiac output (CO): Volume of blood discharged from a ventricle each minute
* CO = SV x HR
How does blood volume affect blood pressure?
Blood pressure (BP) is directly proportional to blood volume.
Any factor that changes blood volume can change BP.
Example: Decreased blood volume, due to hemorrhage, decreases BP.
Force of friction between blood and walls of blood vessels.
Blood pressure must overcome PR in order to flow.
Factors that change PR also change blood pressure.
Vasoconstriction of arterioles increases PR, which increases the blood pressure
When blood is pumped out of ventricles, arteries swell; rapid elastic recoil sends the blood through the arteries, against PR in arterioles and capillaries.
Peripheral resistance
Venous Blood flow is dependent on…
Skeletal muscle contraction.
Breathing movements.
Vasoconstriction of veins.
Blood vessel form what 2 pathways?
Pulmonary circuit.
Systemic circuit
Blood in pulmonary arteries and arterioles is low in O2 and high in CO2 while Blood in pulmonary venules and veins is rich in O2 and low in CO2.
Gas exchange occurs in pulmonary (alveolar) capillaries.
Transports oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs. In lungs, blood picks up O2 and drops off CO2
* Oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart
Right ventricle → pulmonary trunk → right and left pulmonary arteries → lobar branches, repeated divisions → pulmonary arterioles → pulmonary capillaries → pulmonary venules and veins → left atrium.
Pulmonary circuit
Oxygen-rich blood moves from left atrium to left ventricle. Contraction of left ventricle sends blood into systemic circuit
Transports oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all body cells
* Oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart
Blood delivers nutrients, including oxygen, to cells, and removes wastes
Left ventricle → aorta → all arteries and arterioles leading to body tissues → systemic capillaries → systemic venules and veins → right atrium
Systemic circuit
What is the larges artery in the body that supplies blood to all of the systemic arteries?
whats the difference between basilic and cephalic veins?
Basilic vein joins brachial vein
Cephalic vein joins axillary vein
What 5 organs are incuded in the upper Resp. tract?
The nose
Nasal cavity
What organs are incuded in the lower Resp. tract?
Bronchial tree
Goblet cells interspersed throughout the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium produce mucus
Particles and microorganisms from inhaled air are trapped in mucus
The cilia sweep mucus toward pharynx
Microorganisms in swallowed mucus are destroyed in stomach
Nasal cavity
Air-filled spaces in the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the skull
Open into the nasal cavity
Mucous membrane lining is continuous with the lining of the nasal cavity
Sinuses (paranasal sinuses)
Passageway for air from the nasal cavities and food from oral cavities
* contains the tonsils (immune system)
Three parts:
* Nasopharnyx (Transmits only air)
* Oropharynx (Transmits food & air)
* Laryngopharnx (Transmits food & air)
Cartilaginous structure between the pharynx and the trachea
Protects the trachea and lower tract
* Houses the vocal cords
* Glottis: opening to the larynx
* Epiglottis: flap of tissue that covers
3 large single cartilages:
* Thyroid: largest cartilage.
* Cricoid: below thyroid cartilage.
* Epiglottic: part of flap-like epiglottis.
3 pairs of small cartilages:
* Arytenoid.
* Corniculate.
* Cuneiform.
larynx contains 2 horizontal vocal folds composed of muscle and connective tissue:
False vocal cords:
* Upper (vestibular) folds.
* No sound production.
True vocal cords:
* Lower folds.
* Vocal sounds.
* Opening between them is called the glottis.
Vocal Cords
Extends downward anterior to the esophagus
* Wall has 20 C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage to prevent collapse of trachea
Enters thoracic cavity, it splits into the left and right primary bronchi.
Lined with ciliated mucous membrane with goblet cells (pseudostratified columnar epithelium).
Consists of branched airways leading from the trachea to the microscopic air sacs in the lungs.
* Part of lower resp tract
Primary (main) bronchi arise from the trachea, and each enters one of the lungs.
Starting with the trachea, branching airways resemble an upside-down tree
Bronchial Tree
Provide surface area for gas exchange.
During gas exchange, O2 diffuses through alveolar walls to enter the blood.
CO2 diffuses from the blood
What 2 structures seperate the lungs from each other?
The R & L side of the lungs have how many lobes?
R side: 3 Lobes
L side: 2 Lobes
Where are the following muscles found in the resp. tubes?
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in larger tubes.
Simple cuboidal epithelium in respiratory bronchioles.
Simple squamous epithelium in alveoli.
Define the following:
- Visceral pleura
- Parietal pleura
- Pleural cavity
Pleura: Sac around lungs
Visceral pleura: inner layer of serous membrane; attached to surface of lung.
Parietal pleura: outer layer of serous membrane; lines thoracic cavity.
Pleural cavity: potential space between visceral & parietal pleura; Contains serous fluid for lubrication
the movement of air from outside of the body into the bronchial tree and the alveoli.
The actions responsible for these air movements are inspiration (inhalation), and expiration (exhalation).
One inspiration + the following expiration = a respiratory cycle.
Breathing (or ventilation)
Diaphragm contracts downward.
Surfactant reduces surface tension in the alveoli, to help lung expansion.
A deep (forced, maximal) inspiration requires contraction of several other muscles, to enlarge thoracic cavity even more
What are the 6 major events in Inspiration?
- Impulses conducted on phrenic nerves to muscle fibers in diaphragm, contracting them
- As dome-shaped diaphragm moves downward, the thoracic cavity expands
- External intercostal muscles contract raising ribs & expanding thoracic cavity further
- Intra-aveolar pressure decreases
atmospheric pressure, greater than intra-alveolar pressure, forces air into resp. trach throgh air passages - Lungs fill w/ air
Forces responsible for normal resting expiration come from:
* Controlled by pons
* Elastic recoil of lung tissues and abdominal organs, as tissues return to their original shape at the end of inspiration
* Surface tension that develops on the moist surfaces of the alveolar linings shrinks alveoli
Resting (normal, quiet) expiration is a passive process without muscle contraction.
Forced expiration is due to contraction of internal intercostal and abdominal muscles.
What are the 4 major event in Expiration?
- Diaphragm & external resp. tract muscles relax
- Elastic tissue of lungs, stretch during inspiraition, suddenly recoil, & surface tension pulls in on aveolar walls
- Tissue recoiling around the lungs increase the intra-aveolar pressure
- Air forced out of lungs
Define the following respt. volumes:
Tidal volume
Inspiratory reserve volume
Expiratory reserve volume
Risidual volume
Tidal volume: volume moved in or out during a normal breath (smallest)
Inspiratory reserve volume: volume that can be inhaled during forced breathing in addition to tidal volume (Largest)
Expiratory reserve volume: volume that can be exhaled during forced breathing in addition to tidal volume (Same)
Residual volume: volume that remains in lungs at all times (Same)
Groups of neurons in the brainstem that control breathing.
Respiratory areas initiate impulses that cause inspiration and expiration, and control rate and depth of breathing
Main respiratory areas:
* Medullary respiratory center (Contains ventral & dorsal respiratory groups)
* Pontine respiratory groups
Respiratory Areas
What factors can affect breathing?
Partial pressure of O2 (Po2)
Partial pressure of CO2 (Pco2)
H ion in body fluids
Degree of stretch of lung tissue.
Emotional state.
Level of physical activity.
Receptors involved include mechanoreceptors and central and peripheral chemoreceptors.
Main controlling factors are usually the Pco2 + H ion concentration
How is oxygen transported from the lungs to the body cells?
What Factors increase the release of O2 from hemoglobin?
Decrease in P o2.
Increase in P co2.
Increase in acidity.
Increase in temperature.
How is CO2 transported to the lungs?
As CO2 dissolved in plasma. (7%)
Bound to hemoglobin, forming carbaminohemoglobin. (23%)
As part of a bicarbonate ion (70%)
* Majority is transported this way bicarbonate ions form as a result of a reaction between carbon dioxide and water: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
Renal cortex: Outer region of kidney
Renal medulla:Inner region; composed of renal pyramids
Renal columns: Extensions of cortex that dip into medulla
Hilum: Entrance to renal sinus
Renal pelvis: Funnel-shaped sac; superior end of ureter
* Major calyces: Large tubes that merge to form renal pelvis
* Minor calyces: Small tubes that merge to form major calyces
Renal capsule: Fibrous capsule around kidney
Kidney structures
What is the function of the kidney?
Filter blood
Produce urine
What are the structures of a nephron?
Glomerular Capsule
Proximal tubule
Nephron loop (of Henle)
Descending limb
Ascending limb
Distal tubule
What is the difference between Cortical nephrons & Juxtamedullary nephrons?
Cortical nephrons:
* Majority of nephrons (85%)
* Lie almost completely in renal cortex
* Have short nephron loops
* Renal corpuscles located near surface of kidney
Juxtamedullary nephrons:
* Smaller percentage of nephrons (15%)
* Have long nephron loops, that extend deep into medulla
* Renal corpuscles lie deep in renal cortex
* Important in regulating water balance and urine concentration
What are the 3 processes of urine formation?
Glomerular filtration:
* Performed by specialized glomerular capillaries (first capillary bed)
* Water and small molecules are filtered
* Filtered fluid enters renal tubules, and becomes tubular fluid
Tubular reabsorption:
* Transfer of filtered substances from renal tubules to peritubular capillaries (second capillary bed)
* Only reclaims useful substances, while wastes continue to become urine
Tubular secretion:
* Transfer of certain substances from peritubular capillaries to renal tubules
* Adds waste products and excess substances to forming urine