Final Flashcards
Five components of a human resource management system
- Recruit & Selection
- Train & Develop
- Performance appraisal & Feedback
- Pay & Benefits
- Employee engagement
What resposibility must HR avoid? And define.
- Intentional discrimination: purposely using race, religion, and sex when making employment decisions.
- Unintentinal discrimination: unfair practices and policies that are unrelated to the job.
Canadian Labour Code
Minimum standards for employees such as conditions for hours, payment.
Employment Standards Act
Minimum standards provindial and territorial legislation.
Employment Equity Act
Requires working conditions that are free of barriers.
Canadian Human Rights Act
Federal jurisdiction that prohibits discrimination on ground of: race, colour, religion etc.
Diversity. Define.
Differences among people due to age, gender, race.
Equity. Define.
Equal fair treatment towards employees.
Inclusion. Define.
Employees feeling welcomed and valued can excel and thrive.
Human Resource Management. Define.
Activities that managers engage in to ensure employees performs at a high level.
Human Resource Planning. Define.
Activities managers use to forecast current and future needs for human resources.
Workforce planning. Define.
Analyzing gap in current and future needs, developing strategies to meet needs and implementing and evaluating strategies.
What is Demand Forecasts and Supply Forecasts?
Demand Forecast is the estimated qualifitcations and numbers of emplyees an organization might need.
Supply forecasts is the estimated avaialability and qualifications of current employees now and in the future and those in external labour market.
Human Resource Workforce Planning Cycle
- Analyzing workforce
- Forecasting future needs
- Analyzing need gaps
- Developing strategies
- Implementing strategies
- Monitoring and evaluating
Define Outsourcing. And what are the two advantages?
Outsourcing is using outside supplies and manufacturers to produce goods and services.
1. Increased flexibility
2. Lower costs to organization.
Job Analysis is the process of ?
Identifying the Job Description and Job Specifications.
Personal Replacement Charts. Define.
Graphic illustrations of current positions to analyze wheter they have the skills and qualifications necessary for succession planning.
What is external and internal Recruitment?
External recruit: looking outside the organization.
Internal recruit: looking at existing employees.
Valid Selection Technique. Define.
Tool that measures the candidates likely success or failure in performing the job.
Reliable Selection Technique. Define.
Yields consistent results when repeated over time.
What are the selection techniques?
Intervies, written tests, background information, performance simulation tests.
Structured Interview. Define.
Standard set of questions asked in set sequence and evaluated based on predetermined answers.
Unstructured Interview. Define.
Unplanned questions asked as points on interest arose in the conversation.
What are the 3 types of interview questions?
Situational, Behavioural, Worker-requirement questions.
Tests: Ability, Personality, Physical, Performance. Define.
Ability: skills necessary for the job
Personality: characteristics relevant to job performance
Physical: strength
Performance: actual job tasks
Hiring process steps.
- Pool of applicants
- Initial interview
- Testing techniques
- Background check
- Final interview and hiring decisions.
Orientation. Define.
Introduction to culture, norms, policies of the organization.
Need assessment. Define.
Determines which employees need training and what type of skills they need to acquire.
Diversity awareness training.
- Provides accurate information about diversity
- Uncovers personal biases
- Assess personal beliefs, attitudes, values
- Overturns Inaccurate stereotypes and beliefs
- Develops an atmosphere where people feel free to share their perspectives
- Improves understanding of others who are different from oneself.
What is performance appraisal?
Evaluation of employee’s job performance and contributions to their organization.
What is performance feedback?
Managers give subordinates an opportunity to reflect on their own performance.
Trait appraisal?
Assess subordinates on personal characteristics relevant to job performance.
Behaviour appraisal?
Asses how workers perform their jobs.
Graphic Rating Scale Method?
Score employee on specific characteristics that reflect performance levels.
Results Appraisal?
Appraise performance by the results or the actual outcomes of work behaviours.
Who appraises performance?
Supervisors, customer or clients, subordinates, peers.
360 Degree Performance Appraisals?
Provides appraisals from a variety of people in a position to evaluate a manager’s performance.
What is a formal appraisal?
Conducted at set times of the year.
What is informal appraisals?
Unscheduled appraisals of ongoing progress.
Pay structure. Define.
Clusters jobs into categories based on relative importance to organization and its goals, level of skills required, and other characteristics.
Cafeteria-style benefit plans. Define.
Allows employee to choose the best mix of benefits for them.
Employee management. Define.
Activutues to ensure that fair and consistent treatment of all employees are retained.
Labour relations?
TO ensure effective working relationship with the labour unions that represent their employee’s interests.
Collective bargaining?
Negotiations between the labour union and the employer.
Collective agreement?
Mutually acceptable set of provisions that govern working conditions between a union and an employer for a set period of time.
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment.
Asking or forcing an employee to perform sexual favours in exchange for some reward or to avoid negative consequences.