Final 150 Part 2 Flashcards
Election of 1800
John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson. After the election, two candidates had 73 Electoral votes: Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The election was decided by The House of Representatives. After this election the 12th Amendment was voted in and the 12th Amendment set the requirements for presidential elections by stating that the electoral votes went to one candidates.
Louisiana Purchase
France sells the territory for $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase was during 1803. Involved 830,000 square miles and doubles the size of the US. A group of federalists threatened to secede from the union over the purchase.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
They followed the Missouri River on their trip to the Pacific Ocean. But most importantly they inspired people to go west and settle by sparking a sense of adventure.
Impressment and the attack of the Chesapeake
The British also impressed thousands of US Citizens. Impressment- the Act of forcing Americans to serve in the British Navy. The US ship the Chesapeake was going to drop off goods in June 1807 and was intercepted by a British vessel demanding to search for dissenters. The captain refused and in turn the British commander attacked. America tries to cut off the trade with Great Britain with the Embargo Act that cut off trade with the rest of the world, but it just hurt their own economy.
War Hawks from the War of 1812
They were people who pushed for war with Great Britain such as Henry Clay and a John C. Calhoun.
War of 1812 – DC burned, Fort McHenry, Battle of New Orleans
The impressment of soldiers and attack on the Chesapeake are the the cause of the war of 1812. British forces were able to march into Washington D.C. And burned the capital and presidents mansion down. Dolly Madison is famous for saving a portrait of George Washington. The British attack Fort McHenry was on the fort at the entrance to Baltimore Harbor. After the Fort McHenry bombardment, Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the song “The Star-Spangled Banner”. The British decided that it wasn’t worthwhile to continue the war. The treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. The Battle of New Orleans took place after the peace treaty of signed. This battle was a decisive victory for the US and made Andrew Jackson a household name. The outcome of this war helped the US gain respect around the war and built a strong national identity. This is called Nationalism.
The Star Spangled Banner
After the Fort McHenry bombardment, Francis Scott Key was inspired to write “The Star-Spangled Banner”.
Monroe Doctrine
The Western Hemisphere was no longer open for colonization, The Unites Stared would regard any interference in Western Hemisphere affairs as a threat to its security. This was put in place due to many Latin American nations gaining independence from Spain at this time. The Monroe Doctrine became an important part of American foreign policy instability.
Irish Potato Famine’s relationship to Immigration
Growth of industry in the north created many new jobs, a large group of Irish immigrants came to the United States because of terrible potato famine.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s convention
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the change from an agrarian society to one based on industry. In America, the Industrial Revolution began in New England. The Industrial Revolution grew when textile mills were growing in New England, demand for cotton grew. The growth of factories in the north also resulted in the growth of cities and towns. Urban=City and Rural=Country.
This is when individuals put their capital into a business in hopes of making profit. Capital: money used for the investment.
Free Enterprise System
This or as it also called The Free Market System is when people are free to buy, sell, and produce what they want and can work where they wish. Prices/cost is set by supply and demand in a Free Enterprise System. The 4 elements are: Competition, Price, Private Property, and Economic Freedom.
Supply and Demand
Prices/cost is set by supply and demand in a free enterprise system.
Number One Crop in the South in the 1800’s
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin – what it did and why that was important
Urban vs Rural
Urban=City, Rural=Country
Wilderness Road
This was the route to Kentucky from the Atlantic Coast. The Wilderness road aided the early exploration of Tennessee because it made passing through the mountains easier and opened the door for more settlement.
Daniel Boone
Daniel Boone and 30 skilled foresters blazed the trail that became the Wilderness Road. This made him a long hunter, an American wilderness explorer for at least 6 months at a time.
Cumberland Gap
The Cumberland Gap in the mountains allowed for a path to be created that made passing through the Appalachian Mountains easier.
The Corrupt Bargain
The speaker of the house, Henry Clay, meets with Adams and agrees to use his influence to help Adams get the vote in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams wins the Election of 1824.
Andrew Jackson – spoils system, fight with the bank
He was named “Old Hickory” because he was “as tough as a hickory stick”. His popularity with the common man changed politics in Washington D.C..Suffrage expansion during Jacksons Presidency. Suffrage:is the right to vote. The spoils system is the practice of practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidate’s supporters. Jackson tried to kill the bank by withdrawing all federal funds from the national bank and placing them in smaller state banks.
Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 is the Act passed by congress in order to relocate Native Americans. Relocation is moving to a new place. The federal government offered to pay for this relocation to the newly formed Indian Territory, modern day Oklahoma.
Trail of Tears
This is the relocation and movement of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma. In 1838, General Winfield Scott and an army of 7,000 federal troops came to remove the Cherokee from their homes.
She is known for creating the written Cherokee language.
William Henry Harrison’s Presidency
He was the 9th President. Tipeconoe and Tyler Tou. gave inauguration speech that lasted over 2 hours. He died of Pneumonia shortly afterwards on April 4,1841. Shortest presidency- 32 days.
Manifest Destiny
This is the belief that America should extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
Texas Rebellion
The Alamo – battle significance
Santa Anna’s Mexico vs. Travis Texas. The defenders of the Alamo bought the Texans some much needed time.
Davy Crockett
Former congressman and backwoods man from Tennessee who volunteered at the Alamo.
Oregon Trail
Between 1841 and 1869 the Oregon trail was used by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest.
James K Polk – President that fulfilled what?
He was the 11th President. Dark house candidate-unexpected winner. Firm believer in Manifest Dynasty. Supported of Andrew Jackson-“Young hickory”. President Polk was determined to gain New Mexico and California because of trade,creating a clear way to the Pacific Ocean and Manifest Dynasty.
Mexican War – Border dispute, Mexican Cession
John Sutter and the California Gold Rush
John Sutter was a Swiss immigration that obtained land in California to start a business. In early 1848, Sutter was the 1st to discover a gold nugget on his property. Gold seekers destroyed his property. The California Good rush more than doubled the worlds supply of gold. A Jewish Immigrant named Levi Strauss sold the miners sturdy pants made of denim. The gold rush ended in a few years but had long-lasting effects on California’s economy.
Brigham Young
Led a migration to Salt Lake City in Utah so they could practice religion freely
The Missouri Compromise of 1820
The Missouri Compromise helped preserve the balance between the North and the South. The Compromise was made to have Maine enter as free and Missouri enter as a slave state.
John Brown
Violent Abolitionist that believed god had chosen him to end slavery.
Harriet Tubman
The most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad
Underground Railroad
Network of escape routes out of the South for enslaved people.
Frederick Douglass
Most well known African American abolitionist. Worked hard to become a powerful speaker with wit and wisdom. Edited on anti-slavery newspaper called the “North Star”. Believed that the injustice of slavery destroyed America’s ideals of freedom. In 1847 friends helped him purchase his freedom from his original slaveholder.
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
This is about the issue of slavery.
Fugitive Slave Act
Required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves in 1850. Anyone who aided a fugitive slave could be fined or imprisioned. The enforcement of this act cause more anger in the north.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Increased the amount of territory open at o slaveholding in the US. Letting people decide for themselves about an issue is called popular sovereignty.
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas became the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery.
Sumner-Brooks Incident
Senator Charles Sumner lashed out against those for slavery, including Andrew P. Butler, Butler’s cousin, Rep. Preston Brooks, walked into the Senate chamber and hit Sumner with a cane.
Raid on Harper’s Ferry
John Brown led 18 men on a raid to attack a weapon storage facility. He hoped to start a rebellion against slave holders by arming slaves, but he and his men were quickly defeated. Brown was executed of treason and his death became a rallying point of abolitionists.
Dred Scott v Sandford
This was Dred Scott(a slave) vs. his owner. The Dred Scott case divided the nation even more. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney said Scott was still a slave. His decision basically stated that the Constitution protected slavery.
Lincoln-Douglass debates – House Divided Speech
Following the debates, Douglas won a narrow victory in the election. Lincoln lost this election, but gained a positive national reputation that would eventually lead him to the White House.
Election of 1860
Lincoln becomes the 16th president. The more populous North had outvoted the South. Lincoln promised not to disturb slavery where it already existed, but many in the South did not trust him.
Causes of the Civil War
Tension between the North and the South over the issue of slavery.
Fort Sumter
Confederate guns open fire on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. The first Sumter attack marked the beginning of the civil war.
Ulysses S. Grant
18th president who fought in the battle of Shilo
Robert E. Lee
He was opposed to slavery, but still fought on the Confederate side because he was a proud Virginian that would not fight against his own state.
Stonewall Jackson
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson is considered one of the most gifted commanders in US history.
First Battle of Bull Run
The first major battle of the civil war, fought near the town of Manassas Junction and a small river named Bull Run. 30,000 union troops led by General Irvin McDowell attacked a confederate force led by General P.G.T. Beauregard. Confederate troops became inspired by reinforcements led by General Thomas Jackson. The confederates let out a loud and strange scream, a rebel yell, that terrified the northern soldiers and caused them to drop their weapons and retreat. The confederate were to disorganized and weakened to persuade the fight.
Anaconda Plan
The union war plan to defeat the south by dividing them in two
54th Massachusetts
The most well known African American regiment
The Battle of Gettysburg
Union forces are greatly outnumbered and are forced to retreat. After two days of unsuccessful assaults, Lee plans an attack that he hoped would create a panic and destroy the army. It was led by General George Pickett and is remembered as Pickett’s charge.
The Battle of Vicksburg
Turning point of the civil war along with the battle of Gettysburg.
Sherman’s March to the Sea
General William Tecumseh Sherman led the western army towards Atlanta. After burning Atlanta, Sherman’s army began their historic “march to the sea” towards Savannah, Georgia.
Lee Surrendering to Grant
On April 9, 1865, Lee and his troops surrendered to Grant in a small Virginia village called Appomattox Courthouse. The terms of surrender were very forgiving on the southern troops.
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery in 1865.
14th Amendment
Gave full citizenship to anyone born in the US, including African Americans in 1866.
15th Amendment
Gave African American men the right to vote in 1870.
Lincoln Assassination – theater name, murderer, place of death
On April 14, 1865, the president and his wife attend the play Our American Cousin at Ford’s theatre in Washington D.C.. As they are watching the play, John Wilkes Booth enters the box without being noticed and shoots Lincoln in the back of the head. Lincoln was taken out of Fords theatre to the Petersen house across the street.
10 Percent Plan and Radical Republican Plans for Reconstruction
As soon as 10% of the state voters pledged loyalty to the Union, a new state government could be formed that would abolish slavery and be readmitted(forgiving on the South).
Freedman’ Bureau
Agency that helped African Americans make the transition to freedom. Helped African Americans have the chance to gain and education.
Separation of the races
Jim Crow Laws
Ku Klux Klan
The largest anti-African American terrorist organization in the south.