Final Flashcards
How does God prepare the world for his promise?
the flood
- flood the earth from sin
- arc had every animal
- rainbow: sign god will never flood again
Abraham leaving his land
- God called Abraham to leave his land
- he was willing to sacrifice his son
- he was promised land, a great name, and
blessing for all nations
Moses and the Burning Bush
- God gave Moses the 10 commandments
- they became God’s chosen people and can now
enter the promised land
- Passover foreshadows the eucharist
What is the Paschal Mystery and why do we need it?
-His saving act
Passion: events leading up to the crucifixion
Death: Jesus dying on the cross
Why do we need it?
- his saving act
- to be redeemed
- gives us hope for eternal life
How does Christ’s life fulfill God’s promise of redemption?
- foreshadows the resurrection for the apostles
- prepares the apostles for the way of the cross
Wedding at Cana
- changed water into wine
- foreshadows the blood he sheds at death
Healing miracles
- show Christ’s divinity > can forgive sins
- shows that he fulfills the prophecies of the king
by doing these miracles
How does Christ’s Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension redeem us?
- suffering on the way of the cross
- agony in the garden
- scourging at the pillar
- there were over 500 witnesses
- historical event
How do we respond to the pascal mystery?
- efficacious signs of grace
- divine life is dispensed to us
- Christ is present
offer up daily suffering
What is prayer
raising ones heart and mind to God
- presence of God
- the highest prayer is the mass
scripture is a source
- psalms
- traditional Catholic prayers root from the
- blessing and adoration
- praise
- petition
- intercession
- thanksgiving
- contrition