Chapter 4 Terms Flashcards
Luminous Mysteries
a set of mediations of the rosary that focus on key events in the public life of Christ
Lamb of God
the Passover sacrifice at the Exodus
Temptation in the desert
after Jesus was baptized he wandered the desert for 40 days where he was tempted by Satan, but he overcame the tempataions
Kingdom of God
spiritual kingdom that begins on earth and is prefected at the end of time
a fictitious narrative or allegory used to illustrate and explain moral or spiritual principals
the divine glory of Christ was manifested to Sts. Peter, James, and John on Mt. Tabor
person suffering from some form of paralysis
The principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Christ at the Last Supper
New Passover
The Holy Sacrifice of the mass, in which we celebrate and commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, to redeem humanity from sin and death
celebration of the Eucharist
Last Supper
the Passover meal Christ and His Apostles celebrated before His arrest