FINAL 02 - Chemical Kinetics and Drug Stability Flashcards
Studies the rate at which a chemical process occurs
Chemical kinetics
How we measure rates
Reaction rates
How the rate depends on amounts of reactants
Rate laws
How to calculate amount left or time to reach a given amount
Integrated rate laws
How long it takes to react 50% of reactants
How rate constant changes with T
Arrhenius equation
Link between rate and molecular scale processes
Shows the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration of reactants
Rate law
Is defined as the time required for one-half of a reactant to react
The sequence of events that describes the actual process by which reactants become products
Reaction mechanism
Tells how many molecules are involved in the process
Reactions may occur all at once or through several discrete steps. Each of these processes is also known as an __________
Elementary reaction/process
The minimum amount of energy required for reaction
Activation energy
Diagram that is helpful to visualize energy changes throughout a process
Reaction coordinate diagrams
The high point of a reaction coordinate diagram
Transition state
Person who developed the Arrhenius equation
Svante Arrhenius
A number that represents the likelihood that collisions would occur with the proper orientation for reaction
Frequency factor
Increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the activation energy of the reaction
Are catalysts in biological systems
Refers to the chemical and physical integrity of the dosage unit; ability of the dosage unit to maintain protection against microbiological contamination
The date placed on the immediate container label of a drug product that designates the date through which the product is expected to remain within specifications
Expiration date