The process of removing MOC, particles and droplets from liquid and gases using filter media called septum that retains particle while allowing liquid to pass through is known as…
…is a type of separation process in which the particle is less than 0.1m
Two types of filtration is
Solid/fluid filtration
Fluid/fluid filtration
Solid fluid filtration comprises of
Solid/gas filtration eg. Aerosol
Solid/liquid eg. Suspension
Fluid/fluid filtration comprises of
Liquid/liquid filtration
Liquid/gas filtration
The dispersion of insoluble solids in liquid is known as
…is the term used to describe the situation when filtered material (filter cake) acts as its own filter media
Auto filtration
The mechanism of auto filtration is used by…
Another name for sieving is
Mechanism of filtration are
Attractive forces
Auto filtration
The process by which material are retained by filter medium is
Filtration mechanism
…is the surface in which material is deposited
Filter media
The main type of filter used for removing material from gases is
Deep filter
The type of filter used in impingement is
Deep filter
Forces that exert sufficient hold on particles to retain them on filter medium is
Attractive forces