File 2.0-2.3: Phonetics (F) Flashcards
The study of minimal units that make up language. How sounds are produced and perceived
Which different aspects of sound can be studied in the communication chain?
- Articulatory phonetics
- Acoustic phonetics
- Auditory phonetics
articulatory phonetics
The study of the production of speech sound.
acoustic phonetics
The study of the transmission an the physical properties of speech sound.
auditory phonetics
The study of the perception of speech sounds.
impressionistic phonetic transcription
A tool for the study of phonetic analysis.
Textbook def: A method of writing
down speech sounds with the intent of capturing how they are
pronounced (e.g., by using a phonetic alphabet). Usually based
simply on how the sounds are perceived when heard without any
special analysis.
The influence of one sound on a neighboring sound.
categories for speech stream
- Segments
- Suprasegmentals
Segments are the discrete units of speech stream that can be subdivided into consonants and vowels.
Are qualities on top of segments and contain properties like stress, tone and intonation.
How do consonants and vowels differ when you look at air flow?
Consonants can either completely or partly block the air flow, while vowels have at most a slight narrowing.
What are the different ways we can distinguish between consonants and vowels?
- Air flow
- Syllables
A unit of speech (uh, sprint, mountain=two)
What can a syllable be broken down into?
- Onset
- Rhyme
In a syllable, the vowel and any consonants that follow it.
What can rhyme be divided into?
- Nucleus
- Coda
In a syllable, any consonant(s) that occurs before the
The core element of a syllable, carrying stress, length,
and pitch (tone). It usually consists of a vowel or a syllabic
In a syllable, any consonant(s) that occur in the rhyme,
after the nucleus.
What can vowels be divided into?
- Monophthongs
- Diphthongs
Simple vowel, composed of a single configuration of the vocal organs. (Naive are two monophthongs, [a] and [i])
A complex vowel, composed of a sequence of
two different configurations of the vocal organs. However, they’re still single vowels. (Knives [ai] is diphthong)