Filariasis Flashcards
Filariasis - lymphatic
Wuchereria bancrofti
Brugia malayi
Brugia timori
eye/skin - filariasis
Loa loa
Onchocerca volvulus
Mansonella streptocerca
Mansonella ozzardi
Mansonella perstans
W. bancrofti
nematode = round
adults reside in lymph vessels and nodes
long, slender, creamy white, thread-life worms with tapered ends
adult F = 80-100 nm x 0.2-0.2 mm = longer than M (40 mm x 0.1mm)
females are viviparous -> sheathed microfilaria
males have corkscrew tail, two spicules at posterior end
M & F live coiled together in the lymphatics
lifecycle of W. bancrofti
- humans are only definitive host (reservoir for infection)
- intermediate = Sculex mosquitos but also anopheles in rural Africa and Adian mosquito in Pacific islands
3rd stage larvae (infective) injected into person during mosquito blood feed -> lymphatic vessels -> node = mature to adults in few months
male and female worms mate and produce first stage larvae; male stage die after mating and F live up to 5-10 yrs
-> lymphatic vessels -> bloodstream (taken up by mosquitoes)
mosquito gut = microfilaria shed sheath 1-2 hrs of ingestion -> through stomach wall -> thoracic muscle (develop filariae form with 3rd stage larvae) -> infective forms go to mouth pods of mosquito (10-14 days development in mosquito)
female W. bancrofti microfilaria
50 000 microfilaria/year
pre-patent period of E. bancrofti
time of inoculation of 3rd stage larvae to detection of microfilaria in blood = 80 to 100 days
W. bancrofti microfilaria
- diagnostic form (first stage microfilaria)
- sheathed (no stain)
- gently curved body
- tail tapered to a point
- nuclear column loosely packed
- no nuclei in tail
T or F. 90% of skin/eye filariasis is W. bancrofti
F! lymphatic filariasis
vectors of W. bancrofti
- mosquitoes (inefficient transmitters); need to stay in endemic areas for a while to be infected
- microfilaria display no nocturnal periodi ity
> in bloodstream from 10 pm to 2 am
hosts of W. bancrofti
only definitive is human
mosquitoes are intermediate host and vector
pathogeneis of W. bancrofti
- adult worms do not cause inflammation but obstruction of lymph flow
- symbiotic bacteria seen in the worms = cause some inflammation of lymphatic filariasis
- Wolbachia required for homeostasis of adult filaria
clinical presentation of W. bancrofti
in endemic areas, can be asymptomatic or subclinical = abnormalities seen in tests (blood and proteins in urine)
- increased eos, IgE, microscopic blood and protein in urine
early infections can result in pain, redness, and swelling of involved lymph vessels, and fever
chronic infection of W. bancrofti
> genitals (M)
> breasts (F)
> limbs
- recurrent bacterial infections
- elephantiasis
not seen in travellers; years of exposure and repeated infections are required to see chronic changes
chronic = high depression rate and lose ~29 days of work
diagnosis of W. bancrofti
blood collection between 10 pm to 2 am = Giemsa or wright stain; microfliaria seen; gold std
filarial Ag test
> blood can be collected at any time
> more sensitive than blood smears
antifilarial Ab tests
> only useful in travellers from non-endemic areas; can distinguish between current or past infections and some cross-reactivity
molecular tests
> research only
T or F. Treatment for W. bancrofti exists but does not reverse elephantiasis
10% of lymphatic filiarisis
- roundworm
- adults reside in lymph vessels and nodes
species of Brugya
B. malayi
B. timori
transmission of Brugya
host = humans, domestic and wild animals (ZOONOSIS)
vector = anopheles, Aedes, and Mansonia mosquitoes
Where is B. timori found?
sequestered to Timor islands of Indonesia
Lifecycle of Brugya
same as W. bancrofti except human stages also occur in animals
most Brugyan filaria also exhbit nocturnal periodicity = highes # microfiliaria in bloodstream between 10 PM to 2 AM
subperiodic variants = microfliaria variants in blood during daytime as well
clinical presentation of Brugya
same as W. bancrofti (acute, asymptomatic, chronic)
*chronic usually occurs below elbows and knees *
diagnosis for Brugya
blood collection between 10PM to 2 AM; no available antigen test
antibody tests and only useful for travellers from non-endemic areas
molecular tests for research only
identification of B. malayi
Sheathed (stains pink in Giemsa)
Tail tapered to a point
Nuclear column more tightly packed
Terminal and subterminal nuclei in the tail
identification of B. timori
larger; ave 310 mm
sheathed but does not stain
longer cephalic space
more nuclei in tail and tail tapered
nuclear column more tightly packed