fieldwork Flashcards
Mitigating risk
reduce the risk- what is the nature of the risk and what is the human response?
Change over time
comparing primary data with secondary sources to analyse changing patterns
possible exam question:
How effective are coastal management strategies at swanage?
Two hypothesis:
-The coastal defences at swanage do a good job of protecting the beach from coastal erosion and longshore drift
-The coastal defences are well-maintained
~How is primary data collected?
questioning every 10 people
Data collected ourselves
~What do you do for each method including any equipment?
Ranging pole, clinometer
~What is the sampling technique?
~Which were qualitative and which were quantitative?
Qualitative- questionnaire, bipolar survey,
quantitative- counting waves,
questionaire advantages
Shows a range of opinions, locals know the area, might explain patterns you found
questionaire disadvantages
Not everyone will stop and answer your questions, may not fully understand the questions, biassed- if people live in the area they are more likely to say they like the area,
Miss out on opinions from young children and adults who are at school/work
Opinions from tourists is bad because they aren’t familiar with the area
what is a bipolar survey
people rate statements based on how accurate it is from 1-5
bipolar survey advantages
it is qualitative data but can be written in the form of numbers and statistics so can also be quantitative. Easy to put into a graph.
bipolar survey disadvantages
they cant say their own personal opinions. Only a few options, it is based on one opinion.
analysing long shore drift advantages
shows effectiveness of groynes
analysing longshore drift disadvantages
data can change drastically over time. Only shows longshore drift at one point of the beach
weaknesses of our data - questionaires
We only questioned people over 65 because people were at work or school- results were biased
-Only 3 lived in swanage (40% were not local)
-Asking technical questions that people may not understand/have knowledge about
-We only questioned 5 people
weaknesses of our data- bipolar survey
isn’t reliable cus its based on one persons opinion. We only asked 1 person
We would get different results if we did the bipolar survey in the winter or after a storm.
weaknesses of our data- analysis of longshore drift
not accurate because we did it on one groyne and not at different times of the year
If the tide was further in/ out we would have got different results.
Not enough measurements along the groyne.
positvies of using booklets to analyise + write down data
uniform-everyone collects the same way- reliable
clear- easy to plot data
would need wifi to use a chromebook
negatives of using booklets to analyse/ write down data
if it rains- data becomes hard to read
no space to add weather/time of when we collected information which might have affected results