Field Of Genetics | Methods Of G Study Flashcards
To differentiate
What are the Fields of Genetics?
- Variation and Heredity
- Cytogenetics
- Molecular Genetics
- Population Genetics
- Applied Genetics
Cyto means
describe similarities and differences among organism
explain the way in which the characteristics are transmitted through successive generations
increase in the normal number of chromosomes
47 chromosomes instead of 46
each cell normally contains ___ pairs of chromosomes, for a total of ___
the 23rd chromosome
sex chromosomes
What is Cytogenetics?
provide the cellular of physical basis of heredity.
provide the cellular of physical basis of heredity.
Characterize the chemical of genetic materials
Molecular Genetics
Molecular genetics
Characterize the chemical of genetic materials
identify components ng gene to determine effects
Describe behavior of genetic material in large groups
Population genetics
population gs
Describe behavior of genetic material in large groups
Application of Mendel’s laws and other principles of genetics to entire population of organism
Population genetics
application of genetics in different fields
applied genetics
What are the methods of Genetic Study?
- Planned Experimental breeding
- Pedigree analysis
- Statistical Analysis
- Twin Study
- Karyptyping
- Microbial and Molecular Genetics
- Computer Science and Population Genetics
karyo means
denoting the nucleus of a cell.
What are the factors to be considered in choosing test organism?
- Variation
- Recombination
- Controlled Matings
- Short life cycle
- large no. of offspring
- convenience of handling
ancestral history of an individual
Pedigree analysis
A chart showing history
Pedigree analysis
predicts the probability of certain results
Statistical Analysis
provides degrees of confidence
Statcal analysis