Fewell lecture Notes - Neurons & CNS Flashcards
Neuron Input Zone
Cell Body, Dendrites
Summation Zone
Axon Hillock
Conduction zone
Output zone
Synaptic Knobs, Presynaptic Terminals
Bernstein’s Potassium Hypothesis
excitable cells are surrounded by a membrane selectively permeable to K+ ions at rest and that during excitation the membrane permeability to other ions increases. But this was wrong because more than K+ is permeable (also Na+ & Ca2+) … etc
Nernst Equation
Defines the EQUILIBRIUM potentialThe electrical potential that exactly balances a chemical concentration gradient for a particular ion.If one knows the IC & EC concentration of an ion, the EP can be calculated using the Nernst Eq.
z-> ion charge
Hodgkin & Huxley
Used common Atlantic squid to discover action potentials (big axon)
Sir Michael Foster
Introduced the term “synapse”
Camillo Golgi
Reticular Theory -Golgi viewed the nervous system as a continuous network of interconnected cells, with nerve cells firing along in all directions (electrical synapse)
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
proposed that the brain is composed of billions of individual neurons receiving information at one end and transmitting it in one direction along to the next cell (chemical synapse)
Otto Loewi’s Experiment
Unsure whether signaling across synapse was bioelectrical or chemical. Proved that it was chemical with a frog heart and acetylcholine
Neuron Doctrine (Cajal)
Nervous system is comprised of individual cells (contiguous)Communication –one way (forward)
Myasthenia Gravis
Antibodies (immune proteins) block, alter or destroy some of the receptors for ACh
Autoimmune neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in skeletal muscles (e.g., diaphragm)
Reticular Theory (Golgi)
Neurons are all interconnected (continuous)Communication –multidirectional (forward, backward, lateral) Direct Electrical Connection
Foramen Magnum
On the bottom of your skull, there is a distinctive hole. The technical name for the opening is the foramen magnum –the “great hole” that the spinal cord and other critical soft tissues run through.
Claude Bernard
Made the observation that cells of the body survived in a healthy condition only when the temperature, pressure and chemical composition of their fluid environment remained stable "milieu interieur" - in which the cells of the organism live "milieu exterieur" - that phsycailly surroudns the whole organism
Walter B. Cannon
coined the term homeostasis to describe the maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal environment Essentially all organs and tissues in the body perform functions to help maintain these relatively stable conditions Also coined term “fight or flight”
Homeostatic Redundancy
The more vital a physiological variable is, the
more systems that the body mobilizes to
regulate it
If one system should fail, others are there to
help maintain homeostasis
Programmed Rheostasis
changes occur at certain phases
of the life cycle
Reactive Rheostasis
changes that occur in response to a stimulus
that may or may not be encountered
coined the term rheostasis