Feminism - done Flashcards
liberal feminism
concerened with human rights and freedom of the indivdual - everyone should be equal - they focus on the progress.
laws and policies - can achieve equality like this - can secure equal opportunities
cult change - stereotypes are a barrier - reject idea that bio dif make women less competent
sex and gender - LB
Ann Oakley - sex refers to biological differences, gender refers to socially constructed imagest
LB - to change society, we need to change socialisation patterns to get rid of stereotypes - they seek to promote appropriate female role models or have fathers do house work.
liberal feminist beliefs
they hold an optimistic view that has faith in progress
changes in socialisation and culture are gradually leading to equality, political action is steadily bringing baout progress
how does lb challenge parsons’ functional and expressive roles
men and women are equally capable of opportunities - traditional gender roles prevent this, Lb aim to break the barrier between the two sexes
radical feminsists
patriarchal society is to blame, it is universal, is the primary and most fundamental part of the inequality , and all men oppress women
the personal is political - RF
Patriarchy isn’t just in wider society but in families too - sexual and domestic labor- patriarchy is asserted through the use or threat of physical and sexual violence - deters women from going out at night alone, they claim sexuality is to please men rather than a biological urge
radical feminist’s view on change
they propose to solve patriarchy - separatism - living apart from men creates a culture of independence. Consciousness-raising - women-only groups share their views to find the problem. political lesbianism - heterosexual relationships is sleeping with the enemy so they become lesbians
Marxist feminism
women are a source of cheap, exploitative labor - can be paid less due to man’s earnings
women are a reserve army of labor - only needed when necessary
women reproduce the labor force
women absorb anger - Ansley - women are the takers of shit
Barrett - the ideology of familism - MF
since the family is seen as normal, women feel the need to stay entwined with it so as result marry into what oppresses them - the fam is the only place where women can fill fulfillment - motherhood
Barrett believes that the overthrow of capitalism is vital for women’s liberation but is not sufficient so the need to overthrow familism is required too.
difference feminism
dont view all women as a homogenous group (same), all women have different experiences - neglects black womens experiences of racial oppression. black feminists argue the family is a positive thing.
difference feminism and the problem of essentialism
essesntialism is the idea that all women share the same experiences - marx, lib and rad femists are this - consequently they neglect diversity