Feminism definitions Flashcards
2 main categories into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive features - there is a biological difference
The characteristics of men, women, boys and girls that are socially constructed
A fixed mindset that women and men are instrinsitcally different
A system of society or government controlled by men
The possession of both masculine and feminine characteristics
‘The personal is political’
2nd wave feminism argument that the home life is part of the political fight
Equality feminism
A subset of the overall feminist movement that accepts the differences between both men and women
Equality of opportunity
A state of fairness in which individuals are treated fairly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices
Feminism taking into account the different ethnicities
Difference feminism
The view that men and women are different, but no value judgement can be placed upon them because both sexes have equal moral status as persons
‘Reserve army of labour’
Women as a labour force to be dispersed
The quality or fact of being different - women inferior to men
Political equality and legal equality
Right to vote and fairness of work - where rules and procedures that govern the community afford equal consideration to all
Gender equality
The state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender