Feminism Flashcards
Why are girls relatively understudied in youth culture?
Male YC takes place on the streets, girls are though to be confined to the home
What does ‘pillion passenger’ mean?
The girlfriends or hangers on of males
How were women expected to behave in 1950?
To tend to their husbands with every whim or need, seen and not heard
Frances Heidensohn
Frances Heiensohn was critical of FUNC and MARX CCCS
- Argued most academic writers were male interested in male SC
- The research was bias and in favour of men/attempts to generalise the findings of the female population
Why are women ignored?
- SC arose due to result of increased disposable income/leisure time but girls wages were much lower than boys (saved of their bottom drawer)
- Press focused on sensational aspects of YS, male SC were more visible
- Teddy boys/Rockers used culture to escape home life, girls had to protect their reputation/not get into trouble
What does Osgerby argue?
- Post-war social changes transformed the lives of girls more than boys
- During the war women were farming, manufacturing and showing men/women they were capable
McRobbie and Garber
Bedroom culture
- Experiment with hair/makeup/clothes
- Gossip with their friends about boys
- Reading Jackie magazine
What does bedroom culture mean?
- Girls spent most of their time inside
- Whereas boys spent their time outdoors
Internet culture
- Repeated the study and found similar conclusions
- Girls were no longer as socially isolated as before/could connect to the outside (social media)
How are bedroom/internet culture middle class?
- Assumes you have money, a house etc
- They aren’t going to work: technology, a home
Carol Smart
- Noted girls are more controlled than boys
- Girls were confined to indoors because of how they were socialised
- Parents limited their freedom/concerned about their safety outside the home
Smash the patriarchy
- 80’s youth subcultures were more androgynous
- Increasingly more sexual equality
- Rise of girl power and girl roles
Ethnographic study - ‘New wave girls’
- Wore Doc martens, dark oversized clothes
- Largely from working class
- Resisted against masculine, parental and school roles
- Resistance to patriarchy (male dominated society)
New wave girls challenged female passivity, meaning?
Female passivity = females not taking control, being passive and going along with it
“More schoolgirls are drinking, smoking and being disruptive in class”
- Worked hard outside of school
- ‘Laddish; behaviour may be a form of self-protections against the over testing of the school system
- Rise in laddette supports the idea of gender convergence
Researched 1,313 gangs in the US (1920)
- Only 6 female gangs
- The female gang activity is secondary in nature
- Women have very limited role in gangs/only exist to serve male gang members in social/sexual sense
Anne Campbell
NYC girl gangs
- Violence, dug dealing, robbery, possessions of dangerous weapons
- Joined to compensate for low family status
- Shows gender convergence = a change in male and female characteristics
Martin Denscombe
Study of Midlands teenagers
- Found that females were just as likely as males to encourage in ‘risk taking’ behaviour
Laidler and Hunt
- Interviewed 141 female gangs from San Francisco
- ‘Homegirls’ committed crimes however they conformed to traditional gender roles/had to ensure they didn’t have sex with too many male gang members in case they were labelled negatively
Criticism of feminist research
- Ignores ethnicity focuses only on gender
- Outdated (McRobbie&Garber, Smart)
- PMs argue issues of gender (neo-tribes)
- Female movement is not as drastic as feminists claimed (Furtlog and Cartmel)