Feminism Flashcards
What’s liberal feminists?
They aim to achieve rights for women through legal and cultural changes. Success include the equal pay act and shared parental leave. Cultural change is also needed to challenge stereotypes. There has been a March of progress.
What is an example of the march of progress?
Sharpe found that girls in the 1990s aspired to careers before family.
What’s a criticism of Liberal feminists
Radicals would argue that they are too naïve, policy change will never be enough.
What do radical feminists believe?
The patriarchy is universal so men are the enemy. Solutions need to be radical eg separatism
Who is an example of a radical feminist?
Dobash and Dobash when they found that domestic violence was triggered when victims challenge male authority.
How would radical feminists be critised by positivist?
They would argue that radical feminist research is value laden and therefore useless
What is another type of feminist?
Marxist feminists
What do Marxist feminists argue?
The root of women’s oppression is capitalism eg the housewife provides free domestic labour and maintains the workers.
Who are two marxist feminists?
Ansley and Barrett
What did Ansley argue?
Women are ‘takers of shit’ absorbing men’s frustrations
What does Barrett argue?
There is an ideology of families where women are persuaded that family life and the domestic division of Labour it involves is the only way to fulfillment, the only solution being to over throw capitalism
What does Butler argue?
Feminism has become dominated by middle class white women who are not representative of many women around the world.
Who argues that men are the reason behind all women’s problems?
Who is an example of a Liberal feminist and what does she say?
Oakley. She says that there has been successive progress towards gender equality. This is through changes in socialisation, culture and political action which has introduced anti discriminatory laws.
What is dual systems feminism?
This combines Marxist and radical feminism. They see the patriarchy and capitalism as combined forming patriarchal capitalism.They say that to understand women’s subordination we must look at women’s division of Labour and in paid work. The two systems reinforce each other.
What does Walby argue?
She agrees with dual system of feminism on that capitalism and patriarchy are inner related yet she argues that the interests of the 2 are not the same as they collide over the exploitation of female labour. Capitalism wants women’s cheap labour for its work force whilst patriarchy wants to keep women at home in the domestic sphere. Capitalism is more powerful as it wins in the long run. Patriarchal society allows women to take up low unskilled work to ensure women are subordinate to men
What does Abbot argue are the 4 ways that sociology has become male streamed?
- More research has been conducted about men then women and it is generalised to all people no matter their gender. 2. Issues of concern to women have been reflected work often refers to payed work rather than exploring unpaid domestic work 3. Women are presented in exist ways 4. Gender is just added as an existing variable and not of high importance
What do feminists argue about mainstream sociology?
They say that it is malestream and has a masculine bias. This is because previous research has been focused on positivist methodology
What do Marxist and radical feminists use as research Methods?
What do liberal and post structural feminists prefer to use as research methods?