_________ is Fusion (union) of the male (sperm) and female (ovum) gametes to form offspring
Fertilization occurs in the oviduct and the zygote begins to divide as it makes its way to the uterus.
By the time it reaches the uterus (about 3days), it is a small mass cells called a _______.
The morula develops into _________
Implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall occurs about __ days after fertilization.
7 days
At about 1 days after fertilization, the trophoblastic layer begins to secrete the
__________ ________ ______ (HCG)
- 9 days
2. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
The _______ is a large organ that develops during pregnancy. It is attached to the wall of the uterus, usually at the top or side.
The ___________ connects placenta to the baby.
umbilical cord
The Functions of the Placenta :
- keeps the mother’s blood ________ separate from the baby’s blood to protect the baby against infections.
- Promotes _________ development in preparation
for lactation - Towards the end of the _________, the it passes on antibodies to protect
the baby after birth. - it also serves as a means for exchanging respiratory gases, nutrients and waste products between fetal and _________ circulations.
- separate
- mammary
- pregnancy
- material
The Functions of the Placenta :
- keeps the mother’s blood separate from the baby’s blood to protect the baby against infections.
- Promotes mammary development in preparation
for lactation - Towards the end of the pregnancy, the it passes on antibodies to protect
the baby after birth. - it also serves as a means for exchanging respiratory gases, nutrients and waste products between fetal and material circulations.
The Placenta also serves as an endocrine gland by secreting both protein and steroid hormones
They include:
- chorionic go_____opin(CG),
- chorionic som______motropin (CS),
- e___en
- Pr_____one.
- Gonadotropin
- somatomamimotropin
- estrogen
- Progesterone
The Placenta also serves as an endocrine gland by secreting both protein and steroid hormones
They include:
- chorionic gonadotropin(CG),
- chorionic somatomamimotropin (CS),
- estrogen
- Progesterone.
____________ CG main role is to maintain the corpus luteum during the early part of pregnancy.
Chorionic gonadotropin
The placenta produces the ____________________ (beta-hCG), which maintains the corpus luteum and thereby prevents ovulation
beta human chorionic gonadotropin
The beta human chorionic gonadotropin (produced by the Placenta) maintains the _____________ and thereby prevents ________
- corpus luteum
2. ovulation
Levels of_________ and __________increase early during pregnancy because beta-hCG
Estrogenstimulates hepatocytes, causing increased thyroid-binding globulin levels; _________levels increases.
Thyroid hormone tend to increase causing
- ta____dia,
- pa____ns
- excessive pe___ation,
- emotional in____lity
- tachycardia,
- palpitations
- excessive perspiration,
- emotional instability.
Thyroid hormone tend to increase causing
- tachycardia,
- palpitations
- excessive perspiration,
- emotional instability.
Urine beta-hCG test
Usually urine and occasionally blood tests are used to confirm or exclude ________
Results are usually accurate several days before a missed _________ period and often as early as several days after conception
pregnancy, menstrual
________ refers to the expulsion or delivery of the fetus from the mother’s body.
The process by which the delivery occurs is called _____
The fall in _________ secretion enhance uterine contractions.
Increase in _______ release is expected to stimulate uterine contractions.
- progesterone
2. oxytocin
The fall in progesterone secretion ________ uterine contractions.
Increase in oxytocin release is expected to ________ uterine contractions.
- enhance
‘ - stimulate
It has been established that the fetus determine the time of delivery by increasing its release of ______________________ and hence _______.
The increase in fetal ______ causes a change in placental steroid synthesis which initiates uterine contraction.
Towards the end of pregnancy ______ , a polypeptide hormone plays a role in partition
- adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol
- cortisol
- relaxin
The first stage begins with strong _____ _______ called labor contraction.
The second stage commence with the fetus been delivered out from the uterus through _______ AND _____ . This lasts for about one hour.
During the third stage, the placenta is detached from the _______ and is expelled out from uterus.
It occurs within ______ minutes after the delivery of the child.
- uterine contractions
- cervix and vaginal canal
- decidua
- 10-15
The physiological basis of lactation is divided into four phases:
- Mammogenesis ( ______________________)
- Lactogenesis (____________________ )
- Galactokinesis (____________________)
- Galactopoiesis (_____________________)
- Preparation of the breasts
- Synthesis and secretion from the breast alveoli
- Ejection of milk
- Maintenance of Lactation
__________ is the Preparation of the breasts
___________ is the Synthesis and secretion from the breast alveoli
___________ is the Ejection of milk
__________ is the Maintenance of Lactation
Hormones involved in mammogenesis (Mammary Growth):
- Es___en
- Pro___ne
- Gr__h Hormone
- Placental Lac__ns
- Pr__tin
- Gluc____oids
- Growth Hormone (GH) and Placental Lactogens (PL) induce alv__ar growth
- S___ds without GH and PL do not exert any effect.
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Growth Hormone
- Placental Lactogens
- Prolactin
- Glucocorticoids
- alveolar
- Steriods
Hormones involved in mammogenesis (Mammary Growth):
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Growth Hormone
- Placental Lactogens
- Prolactin
- Glucocorticoids
- Growth Hormone (GH) and Placental Lactogens (PL) induce alveolar growth
- Steriods without GH and PL do not exert any effect.
in Lactogenesis (Synthesis and secretion from the breast alveoli):
- ________ and _________ are withdrawn following delivery
- ________ begins its milk secretary activity
- The secretary activity is enhanced in growth hormone, thyroxine, glucocorticoids, and insulin
- Estrogen and Progesterone
2. Prolactin
GALACTOKINESIS (Milk let down reflex)
Discharge of milk from the mammary glands depends not only on the ____1___ exerted by the baby during sucking but also on the ___2_____ mechanism which expresses the milk from the alveoli into the ducts
- suction
2. contractive
___________ is the inability to conceive a child by natural process or the inability to carry a pregnancy till the completion of term.
Infertility occurs due to various factors such as
- _________ reproductive system
- ________ reproductive system
- _________ disorders
- Immature
- Defective
- Endocrine
Infertility occurs due to various factors such as
- Immature reproductive system
- Defective reproductive system
- Endocrine disorders
Male Infertility can be caused by:
- Decreased sperm count (___________)
- A____al sperms
- Obstruction of ___________ ducts
- disorders of hy_____us, pituitary, thyroid and pancreas.
- Long term use of drugs, ______ and genetic causes.
- oligospermia
- Abnormal
- reproductive
- hypothalamus
- alcohol
Male Infertility can be caused by:
- Decreased sperm count (oligospermia)
- Abnormal sperms
- Obstruction of reproductive ducts
- disorders of hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and pancreas.
- Long term use of drugs, alcohol and genetic causes.
Female Infertility can be caused by abnormalities of :
- o___y
- u___s
- absence of o___ion (ovulatory cycle).
- ovary
- uterus
- ovulation
Female Infertility can be caused by abnormalities of :
- ovary
- uterus
- absence of ovulation (ovulatory cycle).
- R__ method
- Me__al barrier
- Ch__al Method
- Rhythm Method
- Mechanical barrier
- Chemical Method
Rhythm Method (of fertility control)
This method of fertility controls based on the time of _________.
Basic knowledge about the menstrual cycle is necessary to determine the day of ovulation.
Mechanical barrier (of fertility control) involve:
Male & female _______
Chemical methods (of fertility control):
Chemical substances which destroy _______ may be applied before coitus
CONTRACEPTION Oral contraceptives (pill method):
Theses prevent maturation of _______ and _______, by suppressing the secretion of gonadotropins from pituitary.
The pill contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone(COCs)
follicles and ovulation
___________ prevent maturation of follicles and ovulation, by suppressing the secretion of gonadotropins from pituitary.
Oral contraceptives (pill method)
___________________ (IUCD) aid in the prevention of fertilization and implantation of ovum.
Intrauterine contraceptive device
Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) aid in the prevention of __________ and ________of ovum.
fertilization and implantation
Examples of Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) are:
- c__er loops ,
- pl__ic T loop
- L__e’s loop(S-shaped)
NB: Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) aid in the prevention of of fertilization and implantation of ovum.
- copper
- plastic
- Lippe’sNB: Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) aid in the prevention of of fertilization and implantation of ovum.
Examples of Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) are:
NB: Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) aid in the prevention of of fertilization and implantation of ovum.
- copper loops ,
- plastic T loop
- Lippe’s loop(S-shaped)
NB: Intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) aid in the prevention of of fertilization and implantation of ovum.