Female Entrapment Flashcards
‘When he comes back i cry on his lap like a baby’
The simile shows Stella’s reliance and desire for Stanley - she is dependent on him like a child
‘He sizes women up at a glance’
Foreshadowing possibly - he objectifies women - suggests maybe he has had a plan for Blanche from the very beginning
‘Blanche is bathing’
Bathing is a motif throughout the play to depict Blanche’s desperation to be clean and pure
‘There is a sound of a blow, Stella cries out’
Stanley is reasserting his dominance over Stella as she has threaten his position as ‘master of the house’
‘Poker shouldn’t be played in a house with women’
Poker is symbolic of masculinity and control - rather sexist remark as it paints women as inferior and emotional
‘My baby dolls left me’
The epithet depicts how Stanley sees Stella as subservient and reliant to him
‘Narcotized tranquillity’
This suggests she seems like she has been drugged - drugged on desire
‘Stanley doesn’t give me a regular allowance he likes to pay bills himself’
Stanley again is taking control of Stella by making her financially reliant on him - she basically can’t afford to live without him
‘Seductive - put on soft colours, colours of butterfly wings and glow’
Soft colours suggests pinks and purples which are associated with femininity - Blanche is using her sexuality and manipulating it to appease men
‘Men don’t admit your existence unless you’re making love to them’
This portrays men as almost childlike - women are like toys to them that they can play with but then discard
Becomes a motif of Blanche’s past and Allan’s death
‘Your sister’s was one of the places called ‘Out of Bounds’
Blanche’s sexual manner has got her into a lot of trouble - causing her to be ostracised from society
‘People like you abused her and forced her to change’
Men abusing their powers over women - Stella is protecting Blanche like an older sister would
‘Shadows are of a grotesque and menacing form’
Expressionist - creating a menacing atmosphere - Blanche knows she is in danger
‘She speaks in a horse whisper/’caught in a trap’
Blanche uses the phone as a mean of escapism as she is trapped in the apartment by Stanley
‘He picks up her inert figure’
Blanche has given in - she knows she has no choice
‘I couldn’t believe her story and go on living with Stanley’
Although Stella cares for Blanche, Stanley allows her to keep on living as he fulfils her desires and brings back money for her - he is her way into the New South
‘This place is a trap’
Echoes what she said in scene 10 before the rape - trapped by a society that she is isolated from
Divested of all the softer properties of womanhood’
Although she is not stereotypically feminine - she is not isolated from society but rather enforces rules of society
‘Matron catches hold of Blanche’s arm and prevents her from flight’
Blanche is again being trapped and withstrained by society’s expectations
contexts for female entrapment
Napoelenoic code authorised women’s property in the hands of their husbands
elysian fields - home of virtuous hero’s - Stanley’s physical visitor over blanche and psychological over Stella
What are features of a aristolean tragedy found in the play?
tragedy is the consequence of deliberate human action
tragic protagonist from a high status
unhappy and unresolved ending
unnatural area of the protagoinst
Blanches clothing representing entrapment
scene 1 - her white clothing is a proleptic irony to foreshadow her purity is far from reality
scene 10 - her crumpled white dress shows how she herself has been broken
What does blanhces entrapment symbolise?
consequence of pushing back against a male dominated society
her masculine energy allows her to be treated cruelly
although at first she seems privileged her attempted uprising and failure makes the audience sympathise for her
How is Stella trapped?
although she broke free from her southern belle lifestyle she is now trapped by marrying the embodiment of male domination
she passively accepts her subservience to the point she can no longer see the problem