Female Dz@ Flashcards
“Central scar” on CT liver mass
Should OCPs be d/c’ed in pts with FNH?
No, inc risk of getting it but no need to dc
What s/s of intraheptic cholestasis of preg?
Elevated LFTs, severe pruritis, normal GGT
How to confirm ICP?
Bile acid levels
When to dc infliximab in preg?
8-10 weeks before deliveru
How to treat endometriosis pain?
MC demographic to get serous cystadenoma?
Female > 60 yo
“Central scar” in panc lesion
serous cystadenoma
Describe differences in sampling of MCN and serous Cystad?
MCN - mucin secreting cuboidal epithelium
SCA - glycogen containing cuboidal epith
CEA in SCA vs MCN?
MCN usu >200, SCA low
SEs of linaclotide vs lubiprostone?
Linac - HA
Lubi - N, edema, chest dc, SOB
Both - Diarrhea, abd pain/dist, incontinence
What class is linaclotide and lubiprostone?
Linac (Linzess) - GC2C agonist - stims Cl, HCO3, H2O into colon
Lubi (Amitiza) - activates ClC-2 chloride chanels and inc secretion
Rates of fertility of UC pts before and after IPAA?
Before - gen pop (15%)
After - 1/2 of gen pop
What risk to baby in IHCP?
Prematurity, stillbirth, meconium staining
What ABs to check if considering scleroderma?
Anti topoisomerase I, anticentromere, ANA, ANti-RNA Poly III
Anti CCP in what dz?
Diff in anti TopoIso and centromere?
TI - Scleroderma