Feeding Of Dairy And Beef Heifers (A15), Feeding of beef cows (A19) Flashcards
Key points of beef cows nutrition
- live calf per cow for profit
- “cow-calf” operation: pasture (exclusively) + cheap feeds (weather)
- breeding cycle
- body condition scoring
Breeding cycle of beef cows
-365 days
1. From calving to re-breeding (80 days, early spring - may/june)
2. From re-breeding to to weaning (125 days, may/june - sept/oct)
3. 110 days
4. 50 days
Calving of beef cows. Key points
- February - April (max 2 months)
- BCS 5 (heifers can be up to 6) (in beef cattle different scoring system is applied - Nebraska 1-9 scale)
- during lactation maximum BW loss is 10% max (45-50 kg)
Is body condition scoring system for beef cows different from dairy?
Yes. 1-9 BCS for beef cows
BCS 5: 500-550 kg, ~19% fat
Body condition influences fertility!
In dairy cows score system is from 1 to 5
What if cow has BCS below optimum?
- prolonged calving
- higher chance of calving difficulties
- higher chance of prolapses
- weak calf
- lower amount of colostrum and milk
- insufficient growth rate of calf
Why? Body fat content is low -> leptin production reduced -> FSH, LH synthesis reduced -> inhibition of ear;y development if the calf
What if beef cow has BCS above optimum?
- higher chance of calving difficulties
- feeding costs increase
- c-section is more common (calf is growing really fast)
BCS control in beef cows
Several times should be controlled
- after calving
- at breeding
- after weaning
- 60-90 days prior calving !!! To set up desirable BC during dry period
Energy and nutrient requirements of beef cows
- 3d period has the lowest energy requirement because there is no lactation and fetal development is slow (maintenance level is fed)
In case of protein, Ca, P, vit A: tendency is similar to
What is the difference between feeding intensity of beef and dairy cows in first person of breeding cycle (right after calving)?
- in 1st period of breeding cycle, milk production is at its highest. It’s a period of highest energy requirements
- for dairy cows feeding intensity will be 3xmaintenance
- for beef cows 1,6-1,7 feeding intensity
Energy supply of beef cows
- in case of protein (N) deficiency —> microbial protein synthesis is reduced —> rumen fermentation is lowered (including fiber fermentation) —> less VFAs are produced
- environmental temperature: every 1Cº below thermoneutral zone increases energy demand by 1%. Beef cattle requires 15-25 Cº, dairy: 0-16Cº
How to calculate the energy and nutrient requirements of beef cattle?
Nutritional tables
Influencing factors: breed, housing type
- DMI: 2 - max 3% BW, bull > heifer
- water demand ~ 3xDM (lactation, hot tº will increase)
Feeding of beef cows in period 1 of breeding cycle
calving - re-breeding
- peak milk production ! -> highest energy demand
- no grazing (early spring)
- forages (10-15 kg DM) + concentrates (1,5-2,5 kg)
- forages: hay (meadow, alfalfa, red clover, higher CP); straw (barley, wheat, oat); silage (barley, sorghum, maize, by-product silages)
- concentrates: barley:oat:corn (1:1:1)
- urea
- mineral (Se) and vitamin supplements
- salt and water
Pastures will be available from April (till Oct/Nov)
- transition period is needed to avoid diarrhoea
- preparing for re-breeding (improvement in BCS)
Feeding of beef cows in 2nd period of breeding cycle
Re-breeding — weaning
- pasture + supplementary feeds if needed (pasture quality)
Feeding of beef calves
- birth weight: 30-35 kg
- weaning: Sept/Oct: 6-7 months, approx 240 kg BW, 40-45% of BW
- feeds: milk, pasture, creep feeds
- creep feeds: concentrates (barley, oats» corn(CP!)), daily amount is slowly increasing up to 1,5-2 kg
- advantages of creep feeding: heavier calves at weaning, less BW loss by cow
- after weaning bulls are sold fattening, heifers are used for breeding
Feeding of beef cows in period 3 and 4 of breeding cycle
Weaning — calving
- dry period
- pasture
- corn stubble
- protein supplements (urea, sunflower, alfalfa)
- 3d period is period of lowest energy requirements (cows are fed at maintenance level)
- in last 50 days - FOETAL GROWTH: reduced concentrates feeding to avoid overgrowth of fetus (fetus will compensate this growth after birth)
- last chance to improve BCS!!
- vitamin A supplementation
Nutrition of beef heifers. Key points
- 1st mating: 13-15 months with minimum BW 340-360 kg (55-60% of adult BW)
- DWG: 700-750g (comparing to 800-850g in dairy heifers)
- pregnancy control: non-pregnant: slaughter or fall breeding
- calving: 24 months old, 500-600 kgBW
- BCS 6 (beef heifers are still growing + 1st pregnancy is higher stress)
- after calving fresh mothers are kept separately from old cows
- pasture + in winter: corn silage + hay + concentrates (barley, oat (CP!))
Feeding of beef bulls
- summer feeding: similar to cows bit more concentrates
- winter feeding: silages + protein supplements
Beef fattening system. What are 2 types of meet regarding the age of slaughtered cattle?
- “veal” - <1 year cattle: male calves from dairy cows: half year, 250 kg BW
- “beef” - >1 year cattle
Beef fattening systems for growing bulls
GROWING BULLS: (500-600kg)
- traditional system: ~ 1000 g DWG, 16-18 months
- intensive system: ~ 1300 g DWG, 13-15 months
- systems are different in forage : concentrate ratio
Beef fattening system for young heifers
- (dairy): 400-450 kg (after that body fat content increases markedly, reducing quality of meat), 16-20 months
IMPROVEMENT of ADULT COWS: requires some months to increase BCS
Beef fattening system of Angus
- both bulls and heifers
- after weaning: 9-10 months
- bulls: 650 kg, ~1500 DWG
- heifers: 550-600 kg< ~1300 DWG
- feeds: silages, haylages, CornGlutenFeed !! (22% CP), molasses, fermented cracked maize
- protein rich diet ! Up to ~400 kg BW, after: starch content increases to increase intermuscular fat content (fermented cracked maize)