Feedback November-February Flashcards
It’s hard to tell, but he probably _ (поранился) when he fell into that cave.
It’s hard to tell, but he probably got injured when he fell into that cave.
They _ (seem or seem like?) real.
They seem real.
seem + adj
seem like + noun (he seems like a good guy)
If I upset a friend, I’d make up by _ (apologise) to them.
If I upset a friend, I’d make up by apologising to them.
[add one word]
I prefer apologise.
I prefer to apologise.
[talking about photo equipment]
Если ты криворукий, all of this is useless.
Never. NEVER. NEVER. translate idioms literally.
Without proper skills?, all of this is useless. If you don’t know how to use this equipment… If you’re bad at it….
Katerina didn’t like the play, because the humour was too e_ (= преувеличенный).
Katerina didn’t like the play, because the humour was too exaggerated.
Lately, I’ve been eating a lot of c_ (= углеводов).
Lately, I’ve been eating a lot of carbs.
I’m planning to complete a lot of work this week, p_ my plans are realistic. (= при условии, что)
I’m planning to complete a lot of work this week, provided (that) my plans are realistic.
Ever since I was first able to read I’ve loved comic books.
/evə sɪns/
artificial intelligence
/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/
In Kenya, almost everyone wants to become a runner, because it’s a way of _ (get) rich.
In Kenya, almost everyone wants to become a runner, because it’s a way of getting rich.
preposition (of) + ing
[fix the mistake]
Everybody running in Kenya.