Feedback November-December Flashcards
We received an _ _ of applications (= лавину) in reply to our advertisement.
We received an avalanche /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/ of applications in reply to our advertisement.
Слава богу!
Thank god!
(no ‘s’)
Where I’m from, the weather is pretty _ (= мягкая).
Where I’m from, the weather is pretty mild.
This is not a violation of privacy - just _appropriate [negative prefix] curiosity.
This is not a violation of privacy - just inappropriate [negative prefix] curiosity.
Noah asked his brother _ (don’t overreact).
Noah asked his brother not to overreact.
DON’T use ‘don’t when it’s NOT the main verb (here, ‘asked’)
It’s a bit violation of privacy.
It’s a bit of a violation of privacy.
[fix something]
I’ve been proposed twice.
I‘ve been proposed to twice.
It was my wife’s birthday and her _ (именины).
It was my wife’s birthday and her name day.
[fix something]
It’s a bit psychiatric issue.
[fix something]
It’s a bit of a psychiatric issue.
It looks like their flight has been d_ (= задержан).
It looks like their flight has been delayed.
I’ve been _ Vienna, but I didn’t have the chance to visit this palace.
I’ve been to Vienna, but I didn’t have the chance to visit this palace.
These relics are probably fake - I mean, they say they have stuff that belonged to prophets, they can’t be _ (= настоящими).
These relics are probably fake - I mean, they say they have stuff that belonged to prophets, they can’t be genuine.
Last time I was in the Louvre, I was really exhaust_ (ed? ing?)
Last time I was in the Louvre, I was really exhausted.
I was bored, interested, exhausted, fascinated, etc.
Only people who speak these languages could do something _ (preserve) the language.
Only people who speak these languages could do something to preserve the language.
infinitive of purpose (avoid ‘for’ with verbs)