Feedback January-February Flashcards
[add one word] She looks like school-girl who goes to college in England
She looks like a school-girl who goes to college in England
[add one word] she has backpack and school -uniform
she has a backpack and school -uniform
[add one word] She looks like creative person.
She looks like a creative person.
[add one word] I’m woman and I’ll do what I want.
I’m a woman and I’ll do what I want.
[add one word] Maybe this woman is something like rock star.
Maybe this woman is something like a rock star.
Она пенсионерка.
She’s retired.
She looks like a r_ (бунтарь).
She looks like a rebel (бунтарь).
She’s fighter.
She’s a fighter.
He looks like a person who’s researching his poor e_ (зрение).
He looks like a person who’s researching his poor eyesight.
[pronunciation] As for me, he looks like a modern Jesus.
[pronunciation] He looks like a bit of a freak.
He looks like a person after _ disaster. [какое-то]
He looks like a person after _ disaster. [какое-то]
a disaster or
some KIND of
NOT ‘some’ = несколько
[fix the grammar issue]
He looks like pretty old man.
He looks like a pretty old man.
She looks like a rebel.
add ‘немного’ бунтарь
She looks like a bit of a rebel.
[pronunciation] get it fixed
What’s this?
a tap
[what’s the meaning?]
repair vs do up?
repair = починить (normally, вещь)
do up a flat = сделать ремонт
[what’s the difference in meaning?]
repair my tap
get my tap repaired
repair = you do it yourself
get it repaired = someone else does it for you
[add one word] He looks like a person who is graffiti artist.
He looks like a person who is a graffiti artist.
[find and fix the grammar issue]
She looks like a woman from African tribe.
She looks like a woman from an African tribe.
I have a lot of friends who are younger than _ (я).
I have a lot of friends who are younger than me.
Who likes Madonna?
_ do. (я)
Who likes Madonna_
_ (я)
Who likes Madonna?
I do. (я)
Who likes Madonna_
Me (я)
We used to be enemies with my brother. But after we turned fifty _ and _ became friends. (он и я)
We used to be enemies with my brother. But after we turned fifty he and I became friends. (он и я)
I can’t say that my friends and I have a lot of _ (common).
I can’t say that my friends and I have a lot of things in common.
мы с мужем / мы с котом / мы с друзьями
went to spa on Saturday.
My husband and I (pronunciation: ‘anI’)
My cat and I
My friends and I
it’s not polite to start with ‘I’
I didn’t expect this kind of support _ a stranger.
I didn’t expect this kind of support from a stranger.
[pronunciation] What are you thinking about?
th = the tongue is between the teeth
‘I always try to get on with people of different ages.’
‘I do _, but sometimes it’s difficult.’
I always try to get on with people of different ages.
I do too, but sometimes it’s difficult.
Or same here, but…
Talking with strangers… Yulia doesn’t like it when _ (it / happen).
Talking with strangers… Yulia doesn’t like it when it happens.
If I have a problem with this, I _ (not need) a therapist. I know about this and I’m OK with this.
If I have a problem with this, I don’t need a therapist. I know about this and I’m OK with this.
[fix the mistake]
It’s looks like an airport.
It looks like an airport.
He looks like a tiny Chinese genius = a child p_
He looks like a tiny Chinese genius = a child prodigy.
Maybe he’s angry _ his parents, and that’s why he’s playing like this.
Maybe he’s angry with his parents, and that’s why he’s playing like this.
[pronunciation] She was a genius.
[pronunciation] Her father ruined her mental health.
the stress is on the FIRST vowel
If you have a hobby like piano talent or a sport, it’s a good way to _ _ your anger. (выпускать злость)
If you have a hobby like piano talent or a sport, it’s a good way to let out your anger. (выпускать злость)
also: let out your frustration, let our your aggression,
It would be a crime for his parents _ _ let him do this.
It would be a crime for his parents not to let him do this.
My friend has an extraordinary ability to come up with ideas, but he has no ability to m_ them h_ (реализовывать их)
My friend has an extraordinary ability to come up with ideas, but he has no ability to make them happen. (реализовывать их)
or “make it a reality”
[pronunciation] extraordinary
[pronunciation] academic ability
I think people u_ musical ability. (= недооценивают)
I think people underestimate musical ability.
[pronunciation] exam
I want you to d_ j_ _ your talent. [= реализовать свой талантъ
I want you to do justice to your talent. [= реализовать свой талант]
Natalia’s mother has a lot of different abilities _ from mathematical to musical, she is an outstanding person.
Natalia’s mother has a lot of different abilities ranging from mathematical to musical, she is an outstanding person.
It would be a * not to use that.
what nouns can we use?
It would be a crime not to use that.
a mistake
a shame
a waste
She didn’t _ (не закончила университет).
or: She _ _ _ university.
She didn’t graduate. /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/
or: didn’t graduate from university.
Or: she dropped out from university.
[fix the mistake] He dead at a young age.
He died at a young age.
‘dead’ is an adjective, ‘died’ is a verb
[pronunciation] She didn’t graduate.
The stress is on the FIRST syllable.
Everybody _ thinking about them.
Everybody is thinking about them.
She thinks that it’s OK to fall in love _ first sight.
She thinks that it’s OK to fall in love at first sight.