Federal Taxation VIII: Corporate Redemptions, Liquidations, Reorganizations Flashcards
Redemption of Stock
when a corp repurchases stock from a s/h
- can be treated as a sale of stock, triggering gain/loss
- can be structure and taxed as a dividend
Three Methods to Qualify a redemption as a sale
- NEED - not essentially equivalent to a dividend - meaningful reduction in s/h rights
- CONTROL or REDUCED INTEREST (s/h owns less than 50% voting shares after redemption or less than 80% of what was owned prior to redemption)
- COMPLETE TERMINATION of s/h interest is a sale
Family Attribution
Stock is owned by family members (spouse, children, grandchildren, parents - not siblings)
Entity Attribution
Stock owned by corporation, partnership, trust or estate is deemed to be owned by taxpayer who is an owner or beneficiary of the entity.
Also, stock owned by the owner/beneficiary may be deemed to be owned by the entity.
Entity Attribution: Corporations
- Entity to owner: if s/h owns 50% or more
1. Owner to entity: stock owned by a 50% or more s/h is deemed owned 100% by corp
Entity Attribution: Partnership (also estates/trusts)
- Entity to owner: Stock owned by partnership is deemed to be owned by partner based on ownership interest in partnership.
- Owner to entity: Stock owned by a partner is deemed owned in full by partnership
Consequence to Corporation of distributing appreciated property as part of redemption
Appreciation recognized by the corp
Consequence to Corporation of distributing assets that have declined in value as part of a redemption
Loss is not recognized
Partial Liquidations
A contraction of the corporate business. Treated as a sale by noncorporate s/h.
Objective Test for Partial Liquidation
corporation must completely terminate a qualifying business (trade conducted 5 yrs prior to determination), and must continue to operate at least 1 qualifying business
Subjective test for Partial Liquidation
the distribution must qualify as not essentially equivalent to a dividend in that it results from a genuine contraction of the corporate business, and not just from the sale of excess inventory
Redemption used to pay death taxes may be treated as a sale if:
- stock held by the decedent is more than 35% of adjusted gross estate
- redemption is limited to amount of federal/state death taxes + funeral/administrative expenses
Stock Distributions
Not taxable to shareholder if there is no option to receive property in lieu of stock and no change in proportionate interests of the shareholders
Stock Bailout
Distribution of nonvoting stock followed by sale/redemption of the stock by the corporation - treated as a dividend to the s/h to the extent of E&P at time of sale/redemption
Complete Liquidation (detailed study text)
occurs with dissolution of a corporation and distribution of remaining assets
- s/h recognize gain/loss
- corp recognizes gain/loss
- subsidiaries - no gain/loss recognized
Type A reorganziation
merger/consolidation under state law (statutory merger)
- Target is exchanging assets for Aquired’s stock… once Target dissolves, s/h of Target own Acquiring stock
- At least 50% of consideration provided to Target by Acquiring must be stock in Acquiring
acquired corporation (target) dissolves into another corporation (acquiring corp)
both the acquired and the acquiring corps dissolve into a new (surviving) corporation
Type A reorganization s/h gains/losses
s/h of acquired firm can only defer gains/losses to extent they receive equity of acquiring corp
forms of payment that do not qualify as equity are considered boot
Type B reorganization (tax-free)
acquisition of stock of target solely in exchange for voting stock of acquiring
- acquiring exchanges its own stock for stock Target
- target remains in existence, but is now owned at least 80% by acquiring
- former target shareholders now own stock in acquiring
Type C reorganization
acquisition of substantially all of the assets of target solely in exchange for voting stock of acquiring firm.
- target is exchanging its assets for acquired’s stock (90% of net asset value and 70% of gross asset value)
- s/h of target own acquiring stock after reorganization (voting stock must be at least 80%)
Type D reorganization
parent corporation divides by transferring assets to a subsidiary in exchange for subsidiary shares
- parent distributes subsidiary share to s/h (spin -off) or redeems parent stock with subsidiary stock (split-off) or liquidates into two new corporations (split-up)
- parent must receive/distribute control of subsidiary in the exchange (80% of all classes of stock)
Tax-Free Reorganizations must meet judicial principles (4)
- must be valid business purpose
- continuing of the business enterprise
- continuity of interest requirement
- step transaction doctrine
Reorganization: Acquiring Corp Gain/Loss
does not recognize gain/loss unless distributes appreciated property… appreciated property will trigger gain recognition to acquiring corp
Reorganization: Acquired Corp Gain/Loss
does not generally recognize gain/loss unless distributes appreciated property
Reorganization: S/H Gain/Loss
no gain/loss recognized if they receive only stock in exchange for property
if they received other property it is “boot” and gain realized is lesser of boot received or realized gain
Reorganization: Shareholder Basis in stock received
Basis in stock surrendered
+ Gain recognized
- Boot received
Tax attributes
of the target firm (such as NOL/carryovers) survive in reorganizations
- if a target firm disappears, acquiring corp is entitled to target’s tax attributes
- if target survives (as subsidiary), tax attributes stay with target
acquiring firm purchases stock and operates target as subsidiary, then neither firm recognizes gain/loss
Section 338 elections
under certain conditions in a taxable stock purchase, acquiring firm can elect to step up the basis of the target’s asset to FMV
Taxable Mergers
if acquiring firm merges target or acquires assets of target, then target corp recognizes gains/losses on xfer of its assets
adjusted basis of target’s assets = FMV. Any excess purchase price = goodwill amortized over 15 years