Federal Taxation II: More about Income Flashcards
Event that triggers taxation of income… difficult to define precisely
Return of Capital
Not income.
Cost of goods/property sold.
Gross Income
Amount of realized income after eliminating deferred/ excluded income
Tax Shelter
Legal way of minimizing investor’s taxable income.
- Entity other than C-Corp
- Ownership interests have been offered for sale
- Offering required to be registered with fed/state security agencies.
Qualified personal service corp
Corp that exists if:
- substantially all activity is services in health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts or consulting
- at least 95% of its stock is owned by the employees performing the services
Hybrid Method of accounting
Business w/ inventory must use accrual to report purchases and sales.
Hybrid if rest of accounts are kept using cash basis.
Uniform Capitalization Method
Mfg and some retailers/wholesalers must capitalize direct/indirect costs allocable to property they produce or buy for resale.
Costs are allocated to ending inv and property sold during the year (usually increasing basis of inventory)
Long-term contract special rule: Percentage of Completion
Gross profit from a project recognized over time period it takes to complete project.
Long-term contract special rule: Completed Contract Method
Gross profit deferred until production is complete.
Only usable by:
- $10m or less in preceding 3 yrs
- Home construction contractors
- Contract where less than 10% of total costs relate to actual construction of property on land
Prepaid interest, rents, royalties (when taxed?)
Usually taxed when received
Short Tax Year (e.g. 5 months)
- multiply income by 12/5 to annualize
- compute corporate tax liability on the full 12 months
- multiply that amount by 5/12 to prorate for short tax year
Cafeteria Plan Requirements (5)
- all participants employees
- may choose b/w 2 or more benefits
- required to make elections among the benefits
- plan must be in writing with certain specified info
- plan may not provide deferred income except for 401k
Taxation of Employee Benefits (general rule)
Any benefit received by an employee included in gross income unless specific provision excludes the benefit
When are disability benefits taxable?
- When the policy is paid for by the taxpayer: benefits NOT income
- When policy paid for by employer: benefits ARE income
Life Insurance Premiums
Not income if group-term life paid by employer. Exclusion limit = $50K.
Employee premiums are income if whole-life.