Feb Revolution Flashcards
Why was worker discontent a cause for the Feb Rev
Caused widespread strikes e.g by March 10th 250,000 workers were striking
Why was peasant discontent a cause for the FebRev
Many had been injured / windowed w/o compensation, bread shortages were the fuel for many strikes across the country.
Why was Military Discontent a cause for the FebRev
The Tsar usually used the military to crush rebellion, 12th March soldiers no longer listened to him and took over the government, 14th March they divert his train-to-Petrograd.
How was government support a cause for the FebRev?
By 12th March the Duma refused to take orders from the Tsar, meaning he could not pass any orders w/o sparking more outrage.
When did the Tsar abdicate?
15th March
What were the outcomes of the FebRev?
- Provisional Government, 12-member middle-class democracy, rules until elections can be held.
- Petrograd Soviet, 2500 workers/soldiers. Dislike the middle class, share power w/ ProvGov.
- Order No.1 essentially gives the Pet. Soviet a Veto on everything
- Lenin returns to campaign for Revolution
What were the aims of the Provisioal Government?
- Stay at war to keep Entente loans/investments
- Delay land reform until Nov elections