Features: Technology Flashcards
Orthographic Features
Abbreviations (e.g., “u” for “you,” “r” for “are”).
Acronyms (e.g., “LOL,” “BRB,” “OMW”).
Emoticons and emojis for emotional context (e.g., 😊, 😂).
Omission of capitalization and punctuation (e.g., “ill call u later”)
Phonological Features
Phonetic spellings (e.g., “gr8” for “great,” “wanna” for “want to”).
Reduction of vowels (e.g., “pls” for “please”).
Lexical Features
Use of internet slang (e.g., “yeet,” “sus,” “vibe”).
Borrowed hashtags or trends (e.g., #FOMO).
Grammatical Features
Ellipsis and incomplete sentences (e.g., “Going out later?”).
Repitition of vowels for emphasis (e.g., “soooo good”).
Non-standard grammar (e.g., “Me and him went”).
Prosodic features
Use of GIFs, memes, and images to convey meaning.
Tone softening with punctuation (e.g., “sure…” to indicate hesitation).
Overuse of exclamation marks for enthusiasm (e.g., “That’s amazing!!!”)