FCP X lesson 1 Flashcards
After completing Lesson One in Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X (2nd Edition), “Preparing to Edit in Final Cut Pro X,” you should be able to complete the following tasks. Eight items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; six items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate Level exam questions. Questions are drawn randomly from the following objectives: • Understand Final Cut Pro X workflow • Open Final Cut Pro • Explore the Final Cut Pro
Describe three ways to open Final Cut Pro.
Double-click the application in the Applications folder; click the icon in the Dock; or from Launchpad, click the Final Cut Pro X icon.
Which four modifier keys are often used in conjunction with keyboard shortcuts to initiate functions or commands?
The Shift, Control, Option, and Command keys.
How do you access a shortcut menu?
Control-click or right-click an item.
What is an Event?
An Event is similar to a folder that holds video clips, audio clips, and still images. Each Event in the Event Library refers to a folder on a connected disk that contains the original source media files, any related render files, and a database file that tracks where everything is. When you import or record into Final Cut Pro X, the source media files are stored in Events.
How do you skim through a clip in the Event Browser?
In the Event Browser, move your pointer from one side of the clip thumbnail to the other. The Skimmer travels as you move through the thumbnail, and the clip appears in the Viewer.
How do you set the Event Browser display so that a single thumbnail represents each clip?
In the Event Browser, move your pointer from one side of the clip thumbnail to the other. The Skimmer travels as you move through the thumbnail, and the clip appears in the Viewer.
In addition to clicking the Play button, which keys on your keyboard can you press to play a clip or project forward?
The Space bar and the L key.
Which keys do you press to move the playhead forward or backward in one-frame increments in the Viewer and Timeline?
The Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys.
What indicator in the Viewer window indicates that the playhead is on the first or last frame of an edited clip in the Timeline?
An L in the lower left means you’re on the first frame of the edited clip, and a reverse L in the lower right means you’re on the last frame.
In the Event Browser, how do you toggle a clip’s audio waveforms on or off?
In the Event Browser, click the Clip Appearance button. In the Clip Appearance pop-up, deselect Show Waveforms.
What keyboard shortcuts are used to hide and quit Final Cut Pro X?
Press Command-H to hide the application, and press Command-Q to quit the application.
Choose select tool
Label clip selection as favorite
Show / hide clip names
Play a clip or project backward
Stop a clip or project
K tap J
move play head one frame to the left
play forward in slow motion
K tap L
Move playhead one frame to the right
play a clip or project forward
Turn skimming on or off
Turn AUDIO skimming on or off
Play backwards in slow motion
Shift -Z
Fit the project within the timeline or, in the Event Browser, display one thumbnail per clip