Faults Flashcards
Faults that have slipped recently or have potential to slip in the near future
Active faults
Branching fault that join the master fault at depth but dip in the opposite direction
Antithetic fault
Dip-slip fault in which the hanging fault has moved down relative to the footwall
Normal fault
Fault that has both a strike-slip and dip-slip component
Oblique-slip fault
Faults which follow bedding or occur parallel to the orientation of bedding planes
Bedding Fault
A fault that does not manifest onto the surface
Blind fault
Formed by faulting the connecting limb of an anticline or syncline pair overthrusting the hanging wall anticline, and preserving the footwall syncline
Break thrust
A fault which forms concentric from a point
Concentric point
A strike-slip fault that appears as conjugate sets which were active at about the same time under the same regional stress field
Conjugate strike slip fault
A fault that resulted in shortening of a body of rock
Contractional Fault
A fault that initiated as a horizontal or subhorizontal surface along which the hanging wall sheet of rock moved relative to the footwall
Detachment Fault / Decollement
A fault in which displacement occurs in a direction parallel to the dip of the fault
Dip-slip fault
A fault that terminated at the surface due to erosion
Emergent fault
Inactive, ancient fault exposed on the surface by erosion
Exhumed fault
A fault that resulted in lengthening of a layer
Extensional fault
Faults which converge or project toward a single point
Radial fault
Dip-slip fault in which the hanging wall has moved up relative to the footwall with a 45 degrees or more dip angle
Reverse fault
A pull apart en enchelon strike-slip fault with right step-overs or left step overs and form basins
Rhomb-graben / Rhombchasm
A push-up en echelons strike-slip fault with right step-overs sinistral fault or left step-over dextral and forms domes
Array of subsidiary faults that develop when stress was transferred to the overlying material
Riedel Shears
A strike-slip fault that moves right parallel to the strike from a reference
Right-lateral Strike slip fault/ Dextral Fault
A fault that has the amount of its slip changing along the strike, so that the hanging wall block rotates around an axis perpendicular to the fault surface
Scissor Fault
Fault with a dip between about 10 and 30 degrees
Shallow dipping fault
Formed independently of folding but not having a footwall syncline
Shear thrust
Fault that branches from thrust and strike-slip faults
Fault with a dip between about 60 and 80 degrees
Steeply-dipping fault
Commonly forms in relatively unconsolidated sediments during deposition and produce thickened stratigraphic units in the downthrown block
Growth fault
Fault with a dip of about 0 degrees
Horizontal fault
Smaller fault in a group of thrust faults
Imbricate thrust
Fault that has not slipped in a long time and is probably permanently stuck
Inactive fault
Free strike-slip fault that occur along plate boundaries
Interplate fault
Free strike slip fault that form within plates
Intraplate fault
strike-slip fault that moved left parallel to the strike from a reference
Left-lateral Strike-slip Fault / Sinistral strike-slip fault
Normal fault that exhibits steep dip near the surface but flattens with depth, with a concave up surface
Listric fault
Fault with a large net slip
Major fault
Fault with a dip between about 30 and 60 degrees
Moderately dipping faults
Fault in which all displacement occurs in a direction parallel of the strike of the fault
Strike-slip Fault
Fault with a dip between about 10 and 0 degrees
Subvertical fault
Branching fault that dips in the same direction as the master fault and join it at depth
Synthetic Fault
fault that bounds the edge of the thrust sheets
Tear fault / Lateral Ramp
Dip slip fault in which the hanging wall has moved up relative to the foot wall, with less than 45 degrees dip angle
Thrust fault
Strike-slip fault that has free tips, unconstrained by structures, which are free to move so that their length can increase as displacement accumulates
Transcurrent fault
Strike-slip fault that transfer displacement from one fault to another, whose tips terminate against other fault or extension fractures
Transfer fault
Large strike-slip fault that segment plates or form plate boundaries
Transform Fault
Fault with a dip of about 90 degrees
Vertical fault