Earth Scientists Flashcards
Proposed Neptunism origin of rocks and ore deposits
Abraham Werner
Named the divisions of Pangaea into Laurasia and Gondwanaland
Alexander du Toit
Proposed the model for the Earth’s Homogeneous Accretion
Alfred Edward Ringwood
Developed the bivariate Harker Diagrams in 1909 for discriminating silicates with major or minor oxide compounds
Alfred Harker
Along with Arthur Holmes, he developed the Continental Drift Theory
Alfred Wegener
Identified the Mohorovicic between the crust and mantle
Andrija Mohorovicic
Invented the artificial coral reefs
Angel Alcala
Along with Robert Wilson, first observed the cosmic wave background radiation
Arno Penzias
Invented the contact goniometer which is used to measure the interfacial angles of crystals
Arnould Carangeot
Known as the “Father of Geothermal Energy Development” in the Philippines
Arturo Alcaraz
Developed the Michel-Levy color chart for thin sections under the microscope
Auguste Michel-Lévy
Along with Fraseatus and Thomas Norton, believed that rays from heavenly bodies influenced mineralization
Aurelio Augurelli
Grouped the minerals as stones, sulfur minerals, metals and salts
Known as the “Founding Father of Paleontology”
Baron Georges Cuvier
Categorized 16 mineral groups as metals, stones and earth
Baron Georges Cuvier
Proposed the principle of Catastrophism
Baron Georges Cuvier
Along with Alexandre Brongniart, established the basic principle of
biostratigraphy, such as the stratigraphic succession of earth layers
Baron Georges Cuvier
Developed the chemical classification of minerals, along with his students
Baron Jons Jacob Berzelius
Identified the Gutenberg Discontinuity between the mantle and core
Beno Gutenburg
Proposed that veins are open fissures filled with minerals leached from the adjacent country rock
Carl Abraham Gerhard
Developed the first scale for relative mineral hardness in 1824, the Mohs Scale of Hardness
Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs
Pioneer of nuclear studies in the Philippines
Carlo Arcilla
Developed the Richter magnitude scale
Charles Francis Richter
Named the Ordovician period
Charles Lapworth