Earth Scientists Flashcards
Proposed Neptunism origin of rocks and ore deposits
Abraham Werner
Named the divisions of Pangaea into Laurasia and Gondwanaland
Alexander du Toit
Proposed the model for the Earth’s Homogeneous Accretion
Alfred Edward Ringwood
Developed the bivariate Harker Diagrams in 1909 for discriminating silicates with major or minor oxide compounds
Alfred Harker
Along with Arthur Holmes, he developed the Continental Drift Theory
Alfred Wegener
Identified the Mohorovicic between the crust and mantle
Andrija Mohorovicic
Invented the artificial coral reefs
Angel Alcala
Along with Robert Wilson, first observed the cosmic wave background radiation
Arno Penzias
Invented the contact goniometer which is used to measure the interfacial angles of crystals
Arnould Carangeot
Known as the “Father of Geothermal Energy Development” in the Philippines
Arturo Alcaraz
Developed the Michel-Levy color chart for thin sections under the microscope
Auguste Michel-Lévy
Along with Fraseatus and Thomas Norton, believed that rays from heavenly bodies influenced mineralization
Aurelio Augurelli
Grouped the minerals as stones, sulfur minerals, metals and salts
Known as the “Founding Father of Paleontology”
Baron Georges Cuvier
Categorized 16 mineral groups as metals, stones and earth
Baron Georges Cuvier
Proposed the principle of Catastrophism
Baron Georges Cuvier
Along with Alexandre Brongniart, established the basic principle of
biostratigraphy, such as the stratigraphic succession of earth layers
Baron Georges Cuvier
Developed the chemical classification of minerals, along with his students
Baron Jons Jacob Berzelius
Identified the Gutenberg Discontinuity between the mantle and core
Beno Gutenburg
Proposed that veins are open fissures filled with minerals leached from the adjacent country rock
Carl Abraham Gerhard
Developed the first scale for relative mineral hardness in 1824, the Mohs Scale of Hardness
Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs
Pioneer of nuclear studies in the Philippines
Carlo Arcilla
Developed the Richter magnitude scale
Charles Francis Richter
Named the Ordovician period
Charles Lapworth
Popularized the principle of Uniformitarianism
Charles Lyell
Proposed the Law of Inclusion in Stratigraphy
Charles Lyell
Embellished the principle of Law of Cross-cutting Relationship
Charles Lyell
Along with Udden, developed the Wentworth-Udden grade scale for sediment grain sizes
Chester K. Wentworth
Developed the Mohr Circle
Christian Otto Mohr
Developed the Weiss parameters to describe crystal faces or planes and axes
Christian Samuel Weiss
Justified The Big Bang Theory by observing the Universe’s expansion
Edwin Hubble
First proposed the idea for the Nebular Hypothesis
Emanual Swedenborg
Tagether with Schoenflies and Barlov, developed the foundation of X-Ray crystallography founded on theories for the internal symmetry and order within minerals
Evgraf Fedorov
Introduced the process of “Gahrung”and “Faulniss” or Metamorphism, and Weathering, respectively
Fried. Wilhelm Heinrich von Trebra
identified the six metamorphic zones named after him, the Barrovian zones
George Barrow
Developed the Airy’s Hypothesis in isostasy
Sir George Biddell Airy
First proposed The Big Bang Theory
Georges Lemaitre
Known as the “Father of Economic Geology”
Georgius Agricola
Published De Re Metallica Libri XII, the first systematic treatise on mining and smelting
Georgius Agricola
Developed the Mercalli intensity scale for measuring the relative strength of an earthquake
Giuseppe Mercalli
Developed the Wellman’s method in measuring strain In rocks
Harold Wellman
Developed the Hjulström’s diagram for sediment entrainment, transportation and deposition
Henning Filip Hjulström
Developed Darcy’s Law in 1856, a method to determine permeability
Henry Darcy
Along with his wife, Leu Henry Hoover, published the English Translation of De Re Metallica Libri XII in 1912
Herbert Hoover
Noted the occurrence of Gold in quartz veins
Developed and published the theory on the Nebular Hypothesis in Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens in 1775
Immanuel Kant
Identified the Lehmann Discontinuity between the outer and inner core
Inge Lehmann
Observed the early evolution of Tetrapods in Valentia Island
Iwan Stossel
Known as the “Father of Modern Geology”
James Hutton
Formulated the principle of Uniformitarianism
James Hutton
Proposed Plutonisim origin of rocks
James Hutton
Formulated the principle of Law of Cross-cutting Relationship
James Hutton
Introduced the idea that mineral veins are injected into the fissures they occupy in a molten state
James Hutton
Developed the idea of Catastrophism
James Ussher
First proposed the idea of the Oort Cloud in 1950
Jan Oort
Affirmed Steno’s work on the crystals’ angles, formulating the Law of the Consistency of Interfacial Angles
Jean-Baptistie Louis Rome de I’Lsle
Along with Nicolas Desmarest, made the first geologic maps
Jean-Etienne Guettard
First observed the volcanic origins of some of the parts of France
Jean-Etienne Guettard
Believed in The Golden Tree, where minerals are thought to be branches from a tree within the Earth
Johann Gottlob Lehmann
Dismissed the idea that planets influenced mineralization
Johann Joachin Becher
Developed the Pratt’s Theory in isostasy
John Henry Pratt
Known as the “Father of Philippine Geology”
Jose Feliciano
Formulated the Gibbs’ Phase rule in 1928 to govern the number of phases in equilibrium
Josiah Willard Gibbs
First animal in space
Established five rules, the Pauling’s rules, for cation-anion relationships
Linus Pauling
Initiated the immersion of method for optical mineralogy, and had the mineral Cordierite named after him
Louis Cordier
Created the first detailed map of the ocean floor
Marie Tharp
Suggested the idea for X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Max Von Laue
First man to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 17
Neil Armstrong
Developed three basic principles in Stratigraphy: Law of Original Horizontality, Law of Superposition, and Law of Lateral Continuity
Nicolas Steno
First established the Law of Cross-cutting Relationship
Nicolas Steno
Observed constant angles between corresponding faces of crystals
Nicolas Steno
Known as the “Father of Modern Petrology”
Norman L. Bowen
Early proponent in fractional crystallization and developed the Bowen’s
Reaction Series in 1910
Norman L. Bowen
Formulated the Reynolds’ number to describe fluid flow
Osborne Reynolds
First predicted the cosmic wave background radiation
Ralph Asher Alpher
Handled the 1990 Luzon Earthquake and the 1991 Pinatubo Eruption
Raymundo Santiago Punongbayan
Discovered soft-bodied impressions of animals during the Avalon
Reginald Claude Sprigg
Observed crystals to have been built by smaller identical building blocks called integral molecules, and developed the Theory of Rational Indices
for Crystal Faces
Rene J. Hauy
Made the first 24-hour weather forecast on August 1, 1861
Robert Fitzroy
Established the Hooke’s Law for elastic relationship of rocks, naming an elastic behavior as Hookean behavior after him
Robert Hooke
Developed the Dunham’s classification in 1962 recognizing six major
varieties of carbonate rocks
Robert J. Dunham
Developed the Folk’s classification in 1959 recognizing four major types of grains or allochems in carbonate rocks
Robert L. Folk
Known as the “Father of Philippine Stratigraphy”
Rolando Peña
Established the Goldich’s rules and Goldich’s series, an inverted Bowen’s series, in 1938 for mineral stability
Samuel S. Goldich
Introduced the idea of magmatic segregation to form minerals
Scipione Breislak
Hypothesized land formation through inland marine fossils, soil erosion and
deposition of silt
Shen Kuo / Shen Kua
Interpretation of fossils
First written work on minerals
Proposed that Metals and Gur are made due to the interaction of “seeds” and water
Thomas Sherley
Developed the Young’s modulus of elasticity describing the stress-strain relationship of materials
Thomas Young
Wrote the earliest book on ore deposits
Ulrich Rulein von Kalbe
Described the inclined seismic zone, independently along with Kiyoo Wadati, called the Wadati-Benioff Zone
Victor Hugo Benioff
Proposed The Planetesimal Theory in 1941
Victor Safronov
Published the book Mineral Deposits and made the Lindgren classification of deposits
Waldemar Lindgren
Formulated the Snell’s Law for the relationship of angle of incidence and
angle of reflection
Willebrord Snellius
Developed the Miller indices for crystallographic planes
William Hallowes Miller
Together with William Lawrence Bragg, wrote the earliest publication on crystal structure determinations
Sir William Henry Bragg
Invented the reflecting goniometer which allows highly accurate or precise measurements of the position of crystal faces, and had the mineral Wollastonite named after him
William Hyde Wollaston
Proposed the Davisian geomorphology or Davis’ Theory
William Morris Davis
Developed the Cycle of Erosion Model
William Morris Davis
Invented the polarizing microscope
William Nicol
Known as the “Father of English Geology”
William Smith
Established Law of Faunal Succession
William Smith
Coined the term Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
William Whewell