Age of Earth
4.56 Ga
Shape of Earth
Oblate Spheroid
Eccentricity of Earth
Average Obliquity of Earth
23.5 degrees
Minimum Obliquity of Earth
22.1 degrees
Maximum Obliquity of Earth
24.5 degrees
Equatorial Diameter of Earth
12,756.27 km
Polar Diameter of Earth
12,713.504 km
Mass of Earth
5.9735 x 10^24 kg
Mass of Earth’s Crust
2.36 x 10^22 kg
Volume of Earth’s Crust by Igneous Composition
Volume of Earth’s Crust by Sedimentary Composition
Volume of Earth’s Crust by Metamorphic Compositon
Mass of Earth’s Mantle
4.043 x 10^24 kg
Mass of Earth’s Core
1.883 x 10^24 kg
Earth’s Average Density
5.513 x 10^3 kg/m^3
Earth’s Equatorial Surface Gravity
9.780.26771 m/s^2
Earth’s Polar Surface Gravity
9.832186368 m/s^2
Earth’s Area
5.10 x 10^14 m^2
Earth’s Land Area
1.48 x 10^14 m^2
Continetnal Area of Earth (Including Margins)
2.0 x 10^14 m^2
Water Area of Earth
3.62 x 10^14 m^2
Oceanic Area (Excluding margins) of Eath
3.1 x 10^14 m^2
Average Land Elevation of Earth
875 m
Average Ocean Depth of Earth
3794 m
Average Continental Crust thickness of Earth
40 km
Average Oceanic Crust thickness of Earth
6 km
Volume of Ocean in Earth
1370 x 10 ^6 km^3
Earth’s Annual Ocean Precipitation
297 x 10^3 km ^3
Earth’s Annual Ocean Evaporation
334 x 10^3 km^3
Earth’s Annual Land Precipitation
99 x 10^3 km^3
Earth’s Land Evaporation
62 x 10^3 km^3
Earth’s Annual Runoff Volume
37 x 10^3 km^3
Earth’s Atmospheric Pressure at 0 km
760 mm Hg
Earth’s Atmospheric Pressure at 50 km
7.5 x 10^-1 mm Hg
Earth’s Atmospheric Pressure at 100 km
4.2 x 10^-4 mm Hg
Earth’s Atmospheric Pressure at 160 km
2.0 x 10 ^-6 mmHg
Earth’s Atmospheric Density at 0 km
1,220 g/m^3
Earth’s Atmospheric Density at 50 km
1.3 g/m^3
Earth’s Atmospheric Density at 100 km
8.0 x 10-4 g/m^3
Earth’s Atmospheric Density at 160 km
1.5 x 10^-6 g/m^3