Fat metabolism Flashcards
- Organic chains of C, H, and O
- Categorised based on the number and bonding of carbon atoms
- Saturated (0 double bonds)
- Monounsaturated (1 double bond)
- Polyunsaturated (>1 double bond)
- n = omega = number of carbons from methyl end
Posprandial state
• Postprandial = after a meal
• The lymphatics secrete chylomicrons into subclavian vein
• Chylomicrons dock onto lipoprotein lipase (LPL) of extrahepatic (non-liver) tissues, which releases fatty acids (FA) and glycerol
• These FA are taken up by adipose tissue for storage, or into the muscle either for utilisation as a fuel, or stored as intramuscular triacylglycerol (TAG) for later use
• If stored, FA are esterified with glycerol-3-phosphate
• Some FA are also taken up by the liver and recycled in a VLDL
Postabsorptive state
• In the fasted (postabsorptive) state, there are no chylomicrons so the liver produces very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) to carry TAG
• TAG stored within adipose tissue is hydrolysed (broken down) into FA and glycerol by hormone sensitive lipase (HSL)
• These FA are transported out of the adipocyte, although some are re- esterified (turned back into TAG for storage)
• The released FA bind to albumin to prevent coalescing and allow transport in aqueous blood
• The fatty acids are then utilised by other tissues as an energy substrate
Reg of FA utilisation
• Lipolysis of triacylglycerol to form free fatty acids
• Re-esterification of the fatty acids, or alternatively, their mobilisation
from adipose tissue
• Transport of the acyl-CoA esters into the mitochondrion
• Availability of FAD and NAD for B-oxidation
FA lipolysis and mobilisation from adipose tissue
- Similar to post-absorptive state, during exercise or stress TAG are mobilised for oxidation
- Analogous to mobilisation of glycogen as occurs under similar circumstances and under hormonal control
- 60 kg individual with 10% body fat • 6 kg fat = 54,000 kcal
- 25 days food energy
- Total glycogen around 3000 kcal
Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL)
• Lipase = general term for any enzyme which hydrolyses TAG into FA and glycerol
• HSL is activated when phosphorylated by protein kinase(s)
Lipolysis v re-esterification
FA transport across cell membranes
- ‘Flip-flop’ and carrier mediated process
- Uses functional carriers
- Once inside the cell fatty acids then become activated by a family of acyl- CoA synthetase enzymes to fatty-acyl-CoAs
- Once activated acyl-CoA (e.g. palmitoyl-CoA) can either undergo incorporation into other lipid pools or oxidation by mitochondria
- Once such lipid pool in intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) droplets
- Synthesis similar to adipose tissue triacylglycerol droplets
- IMTG is a readily available fuel source for mitochondria
Lipolysis of IMTG
Carnitine shuttle
• Its purpose is to turn acyl-CoA into many acetyl-CoA molecules
• Each cycle removes a 2-carbon fragment from acyl-CoA to release
1 acetyl-CoA molecule
• The acetyl-CoA then enters the TCA cycle
• The H+ enter the ETC
• Acyl-CoA then returns to the top of the cycle and the process is repeated until all the carbons in the fatty acid chain are consumed
Fat ox during prolonged ex
• Increase to meet energy demand
• kJ energy from fat ox = g x 39.4
• kJ energy from carb ox = g x 15.6
o Same energy contribution
Plasma FA concentration during prolonged ex
- Regulates lipolysis
- Exponentially increases
- Plasma adrenaline also increase and insulin falls
- Initial drop in plasma DA reflects slow mobilisation of FA from adipose tissue and uptake of FA from working muscles
- Increased FA flux (rate molecule passes through several reactions) will increase acetyl CoA
- Increases acetyl CoA will inhibit PDC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) and carb ox
- Increasing acetyl CoA will increase citrate, which inhibits PFK
- Inhibiting PFK will inhibit glycolysis and carb ox
- Accumulation G6P – inhibit glycogenolysis – inhibit glucose passing down grad
- Better to rely on fat – unlimited store – try and spare glycogen
- Not good for high intensity ex
Fat ox and ex intensity
(Reg how much fat used during ex)
Metabolic demands of ex
- As ex intensity increases, ATP demand of contraction increases
- Ex between 70-90% VO2 max requires ATP demand of around 1 mol ATP/min
- Clearly cannot be met by fat ox alone (max rate of 0.4 mol ATP/min)
- Why does fat ox decline?
- Avail of substrates during ex
- Max rate of utilisation
Increase in carb ox coincides with decline in fat ox
Change in carb depends on rate glycogen utilisation
Why does increase in carb ox with increasing ex intensity reduce fat ox?
- Increase glycogenolysis
- Main effect is on IMTG, which would suggest limitation with muscle cell
- If increase plasma FAs doesn’t increase fat ox during high intensity ex, suggesting limitation in muscle cell
- Only ox of long chain FAs impaired which are limited by carnitine shuttle and B-ox
- CoA, NAD and carnitine required for these processes and they decline during high intensity ex with increase in carb ox
Carnitine shuttle
Fixed amount in muscle
Glycolytic flux increase with increasing ex intensity
Increased flux through glycolysis increases rate of lactate accumulation and pyruvate ox (PDC flux)
Acetyl CoA buffer
- At high intensity ex flux through PDC reaction greater than TCA cycle flux
- Increases acetyl CoA and depletes CoA
- Carnitine esterifies with excess acetyl groups to form acetylcarnitine
- Partially maintains CoA, but depletes carnitine
- Imp to allow continuation carb ox
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC)
- NAD, FAD and CoA required for PDC reaction, and increasing PDC flux will reduce avail to B-ox
- All reactions occur within mitochondria, which have limited stores of NAD, FAD and CoA
- Easier to ox carb than fat
- Want to use just carb during high intensity ex
Integration of fat and carb met
- With increase in ex duration at same intensity, plasma FAs increase from adipose tissue (slow process) and FA transport into muscle increases
- Increase fat ox and inhibits carb ox, likely at level of PDC and PRK
- With increase in ex intensity above 60-70% VO2 max, decrease in fat ix
- Coincides with reciprocal increase in glycolytic flux and carb ox
- Increase in glycolytic flux inhibits fat ox at level of carnitine shuttle/B-ox, due to reducing avail of mitochondrial carnitine/co-factors
Fat mobilisation and use during ex
- Depending on nutritional and fitness status of indvs and ex intensity and duration, intracellular and extracellular fat supplies between 30-80% of ex energy requirement
- 3 lipid sources supply major energy for light-to-moderate ex:
- Fat use for energy in light and moderate ex varies with blood flow through adipose tissue (3 fold increase no uncommon) and through active muscle
- Adipose tissue releases for FFAs to active muscle as blood flow increases with ex
- Greater quantities of fat from adipose tissue depots participate in energy met
- Energy contribution from intramuscular TAG ranges between 15-35% with endurance-trained men and women using largest quantity and substantial impairment in use among obese and type 2 diabetics
- Initiation of ex produces transient initial drop in plasma FFA conc from increased uptake by active muscles and time lag in release and delivery from adipocytes
- Increased FFA release from adipose tissue occurs through hormonal-enzymatic stimulation by SNS activation and decreased insulin levels
- Ab adipocytes represent lively area for lipolysis compared with fat cells in gluteal-femoral region
- When ex transitions to high intensity, FFA release from adipose tissue fails to increase much above resting levels, which eventually produces decrease in plasma FFAs
- Increases muscle glycogen usage, with a concurrent large increase in IMTG ox
- Considerable FA ox occurs during low-intensity ex
- E.g. Fat combustion totally powers light ex at 25% aerobic capacity
- Carb and fat combustion contribute energy equally during moderate ex
- Fat ox gradually increases as ex extends to hr+ and glycogen depletes
- Toward end of prolonged ex, circulating FFAs supply nearly 80% of total energy required
- Hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon and growth hormone activate hormone-sensitive lipase
- Causes lipolysis and mobilisation of FFAs from adipose tissue
- Ex increases plasma levels of lipogenic hormones, so active muscles receive continual supply of energy-rich FA substrate
- Increased activity of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue lipases, inc biochem and vascular adaptations within muscle, help explain training-induced enhanced use of fats for energy during moderate-intensity ex
- Augmented fat met in prolonged ex results from small drop in blood sugar, accompanied by decrease in insulin and increased glucagon output by pancreas as ex progresses
- Changed reduce glucose met to further stimulate FFA liberation for energy
- With carb depletion, ex intensity decreases to level governed by body’s ability to mobilise and oxidise fat
- Prior ex also partitions trafficking of dietary fat fed in recovery toward direction that favours ox rather than storage
- May explain protection against weight gain offered by regular PA
- Co summing high fat diet for protracted period produces enzymatic adaptations that enhance capacity for fat ox during ex
3 lipid sources supplying major energy for light-moderate ex
o FAs released from TAG storage sites in adipocytes and delivered slowly to muscles a FFAs bound to plasma albumin
o Circulating plasma TAG bound to lipoproteins as VLDL and chylomicrons
o TAG within active muscle itself
Ex intensity makes a diff
- Contribution of fat to metabolic mixture in ex differs depending on ex intensity
- Moderately trained subjects, ex intensity that maximises fat burning ranges between 55 and 72% VO2 max
- Light to mild – fat main source – plasma FFAs from adipose tissue depots
- Increase intensity provides crossover in balance fuel use
- Total energy from fat breakdown remains unchanged, while blood glucose and muscle glyc supplied added energy for more intense ex
- No diff in total energy from fats during ex at 85% of ma and ex at 25% of max
- Carb major fuel source during intense aerobic ex
Nutritional status plays a role
- Dynamics of fat breakdown/synthesis depend on avail of ‘building block’ FA molecules
- After meal, when energy met low, digestive processes increase FFA and TAG delivery to cells
- Increased fat delivery promotes TAG synthesis through esterification
- With moderate ex, increased use FAs for energy reduces as conc in active cells, thus stimulating TAG breakdown into glycerol and FA components
- Hormonal release in ex stimulates adipose tissue lipolysis, which further augments FFA delivery to active muscle
- Prolonged ex in fasted/glyc-depleted state places heavy demands on FFA met and enhances fat use as ex energy substrate
Ex training and fat met
- Regular aerobic ex profoundly improves ability to ox long-chain FAs, particularly from TAG stored within active muscle, during mild moderate intensity ex
- Greater uptake by trained limb during moderate ex through 6 mechanisms
increased acetyl-CoA will inhibit what?
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
what will inhibition of PRK do?
inhibit carbohydrate oxidation and glycolysis
what is FA transport across cell membranes dependant on?
plasma fatty acid concentration
functional carriers used in FA transport
Fatty acid binding protein (FABP)
Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36)
Fatty acid transport protein (FATP)