FAR Part 13 Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of FAR Part 13?
To provide guidelines for simplified acquisition procedures to streamline the procurement process for small purchases.
What is the maximum threshold for micro-purchases under FAR Part 13?
$10,000 (subject to adjustments based on inflation).
What is the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT) under FAR Part 13?
$250,000 (for most acquisitions; adjusted for certain types of contracts).
What is the preferred method for acquiring goods and services valued below the micro-purchase threshold?
Use of a government purchase card.
What are the competition requirements for acquisitions under the simplified acquisition procedures?
The agency must seek competition to the maximum extent practicable.
When is a synopsis required for simplified acquisitions?
For acquisitions over the micro-purchase threshold but below the SAT, a synopsis is generally required unless an exception applies.
What documentation is required for simplified acquisitions?
Documentation must include the basis for the award and price reasonableness, but detailed records are less burdensome than formal contracts.
Can agencies use simplified acquisition procedures for commercial items?
Yes, FAR Part 13 is often used for the acquisition of commercial items.
What is the role of the contracting officer in simplified acquisition procedures?
To ensure compliance with FAR requirements and to make informed decisions regarding procurement actions.
What is the required method of payment for purchases under FAR Part 13?
Payment methods can include government purchase cards, invoices, or other methods as specified by the agency.