FAR - GASB - Introduction Flashcards
Characteristics that drive Gov’t acct/reporting?
- no profit motive
- lack of clear ownership
- non-exchange services (contributors of resources don’t receive proportionate share of benefits)
- compliance w/laws & regulations
- formal budget process
Types of Gov’t Entities
State & Local Govt’s:
- town, cities, county, parish, state gov’ts
- “general purpose govts”
Special Purpose Govts:
- school district, transit authorities
- economic development, convention bureau
Levels of authority
Level A: GASB statements/interpretations (officially established account principles)
Level B: 1) GASB Tech bulletins, 2) AICPA Industry Guides, 3) AICPA SOPs
Level C: AICPA practice bulletins
Level D: GASB Implementation Guides & widely recognized practices
differences between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations?
1) Principal mission is to provide goods and services;
2) Primary resources are exchanged through non-exchange transactions;
3) Restrictions on resources;
4) No individual ownership interests
One of the unique characteristics of government is its power to force involuntary financial resource contributions through taxation. No other form of organization has this power.
Purpose of GASB Conceptual Framework
Provide framework for GASB in developing/revising standards
*Concept statements are NOT authoritative guidance
5 Concept Statements
1) objectives of financial reporting
2) services efforts & accomplishments
3) financial reporting
4) elements of financial reports
5) service efforts & accomplishments amendments
Objectives of financial reporting
1) Accountability
2) Interperiod Equity - current yr resources sufficient to pay current yr services?
Characteristics of Financial Reporting
Timeliness Relevance Understandability Comparability Consistency Reliability
“TRUCCR” (Trucker)
Service Efforts & Accomplishments
- service efforts (inputs) - cost of fire dept
- service accomplishments:
- Output: # fire alarms responded to
- Outcome: % of alarms responded to
- SEA info should meet TRUCCR
Financial Reports
Hierarchy of Reporting:
1) Recognition in basic financials
2) note disclosure
3) required supplemental info (RSI)
4) Other supplemental info (SI) (not required)
Elements of Financials
1) Assets
2) Liab
3) Deferred Outflow of Resources
4) Deferred Inflow of Resources
5) Net Position
interperiod equity is a basic component of accountability and fundamental to public administration
four financial reporting implications associated with the legally adopted annual budget
(1) expression of public policy,
(2) expression of financial intent,
(3) form of control, and
(4) it may provide a basis for evaluating performance (if the government established service efforts and accomplishment goals as part of its budget process)
adoption of a balanced budget supports interperiod equity because it is an attempt to ensure that the current generation of citizens does not shift the burden of paying for current-year services to future-years’ taxpayers
primary users of the general purpose external financial report
1) citizens (Tax payers), 2) legislative/oversight bodies (schools), 3) Investors/creditors (bond insurers)