FAR - GASB - Format & Content Flashcards
3 categories of funds
1) Gov’t: sources, uses, balances of general gov’t financial resources (taxes)
2) Proprietary: business-type activities
3) Fiduciary: resources held by gov’t in capacity as trustee/agenet for benefit of others
Gov’t Funds (5 types)
1) General: everything not required to be accounted for by a different type of fund
2) Special Revenue: specific revenues sources that are restricted/committed to expenditure for specific purposes other than debt service/capital projects
3) Capital Project: resources restricted, committed, assigned for construction or acquisition of capital facilities and other capital assets
4) Debt Service: resources restricted, committed, assigned to debt service principal and interest expenditures
5) Permanent: endowments in which its earnings are restricted to support gov’t programs that are dedicated for public purpose
Proprietary Funds (2 types)
1) Enterprise: business-type activities, public = primary user (external)
2) Internal Service: business-type activities, gov’t depts = primary users (internal)
* use accrual acct
Fiduciary Funds (4)
1) Pension Trust: provide employee retirement benefits
2) Private-Purpose Trust: created to benefit individuals
3) Investment Trust: for other participants/gov’ts
4) Agency: custodial fashion
Memory Aid for Gov’t, Proprietary Funds, Fiduciary Funds
DRIP Debt service fund = Gov't special Revenue Fund = Gov't Internal service fund = Proprietary Permanent fund = Gov't
Capital Project fund = Gov’t
Enterprise fund = Proprietary
General fund = Gov’t
Pension fund = Fiduciary
Investment fund = Fiduciary
Private Purpose fund = Fiduciary
Agency fund = Fiduciary
Non-fund Acct Groups
1) general long-term debt account group
2) general fixed assets
two important characteristics of a “fund”?
1) fiscal entity
2) acct entity
Governmental accounting systems are organized and operated on a fund basis.
Measurement Focus Basis of Acct
2 types of measurement focus
1) flow of current expendable financial resources
- similar in concept to cash flow
2) change in economic resources
- net income determination
Types of basis of acct:
1) modified accrual basis 2) accrual basis
Financial Sources (revenues)
- taxes
- licenses/fees
- grant revenues
- transfers from other funds
- bond proceeds
Financial Uses (expenses)
- salaries
- utilities
- capital expenditures
- repayments on debt
- transfers out to other funds
Flow of current financial resources measurement focus
Current Assets - Current Liab = Fund Balances
Measurement focus basis of Acct
Flow of financial resources -> Sources/uses of current financial resources -> modified accrual
Flow of economic resources -> net income -> accrual
Basis of acct type
Modified Accrual: (DR*P C*G *****) (Gov't) General Fund Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Funds Debt Service Funds Permanent Funds
Accrual: (**I* *E* PIPPA) (Proprietary & Fiduciary) Internal Service Fund Enterprise Funds Pension Trust Funds Investment Trust Funds Private-Purpose Trust Funds Agency Funds
Modified Accrual Acct: Revenues
Revenues recognized when:
1) measurable (reasonably estimable)
2) available:
- legal right to collect
- collected in current period/soon to pay liab in current period (60 days after EOY)
- classify as deferred inflows of resources in current yr if collected before legally available
3) susceptible to accrual (both measurable/available)
Modified Accrual Acct: Expenditures
Expenditures recognized when:
- incurred/due to be paid from currently available resources in gov’t fund
- term expenditures used, NOT expenses*
Modified Accrual Revenue Recognition Approaches
Taxes - Accrual
Licenses/Permits - Cash (not measurable/available)
Intergov’t grants- when provisions met (not available)
service charges - accrual
fines/forfeits - cash
Budgetary Acct
Modified Accrual Acct
Purpose: Planning/Control
Budgetary Accts:
1) Appropriations: authorized spending (planned expenditures)
2) Est. Revenues: forecast of financial resource inflows from revenues (taxes, licenses, fees)
3) Est. other financing sources/uses: interfund transfers, bond proceeds.
Closing Entries
Reverse budget/close actual
- Close budgetary accts of Appropriations and Estimates Revenues by reversing original budgetary entry, as adjusted
- close actual operating accounts (revenues & expenditures)
Financial Reporting
Reporting budgetary results required for:
- general fund
- each major annually budgeted special revenue funds
Purpose of report:
- report budget-to-actual results
- demonstrate companies w/ related laws
- assist in evaluating performance
Budgetary reporting
optional placement
optional placement:
- part of basic fund-level financial
- pat of Required Supplementary Information (RSI) after notes to financials
Budgetary Reporting
Format: - original budget - final budget - actual on budgetary basis (if non-gaap budget basis (cash basis) include reconciliation to GAAP in notes/schedule - variance column (optional)
What budgetary account represents the legally mandated spending limit?
credited for the amount of the authorized spending limit.
Normal balance for following accts?
1) Estimated Revenue
2) Est. Rev. Control
3) Appropriations
4) Appropriations Control
5) Estimated Other Financing Uses
6) Estimated Other Financing Sources
1) debit
2) credit
3) credit
4) debit
5) credit
6) debit
(debit balance)
used only in gov’t funds, not proprietary/fiduciary
Not used in Debt service fund of gov’t funds.
control spending according to budget authorization (protect from overspending)
- record commitments in acct system until orders received
- recorded amounts may be estimates and therefore, different than actual invoice costs
- disclosed in notes to financials