FAR/AIM Flashcards
VFR Day Equipment
T - Tachometer Gauge O - Oil Temp Gauge M - Manafold Presure Gauge A - Altimiter/Airspeed Gauge T - Temperature Gauge (for liquid cooled engine) O - Oil Presure Gauge
F - Fuel Gauge L - Landing Gear A - Anti-collision Lights M - Magnetic Direction Indicator E - Emergency Locator Transmitter S - Seat Belts
VFR Night Equipment
F - Fuses L - Landing Lights A - Anti-collision Lights P - Position Lights S - Source of Power (Battery/Alternator) I - Instrument Lights
Aircraft Requirements
A - Air Worthiness (viewable from the front) R - Registration R - Radio Permit (outside the US) O - Operating Handbook W - Weight and Balance
Aircraft Inspections
A - Annual
V - VOR (30 days if IFR)
1 - 100 Hour if for hire + 10% to service sub from next
A - Altimiter/Pitot Static (24 months if IFR)
T - Transponder (24 months)
E - ELT every 12 months/50% useful/1 hour cum
Fitness to Fly
I - Illness M - Medication S - Stress A - Alcohol (8 hours/0.04 BAL/No effects) F - Fatigue E - Emotion
Risk Factors
P - Pilot (IMSAFE)
A - Aircraft
V - enVironment (weather)
E - External Presures
Mode C Veil Class A, B, and C Airspace Above 10,000' MSL Above/Below Class B and C Shelf ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone)
Change of Address
Notify within 30 days
Notify within 90 days
Squak codes
1200 VFR
7500 (stay alive) hijack
7600 (need a fix) radio failure
7700 (go to heaven) all other emergencies
Part 61
Pilot Certification
Part 91
Rules and Regulations
Airworthiness Directive (required) Service Bulletin (recommended) One time or reoccurring
Preventative maintenance
Minimum Equipment List
Call Flight Standard District Office (FSDO)
Position Lights
Sunset to sunrise
Log night time
One hour after sunset
One hour before sunrise
Officially night
Ending of civil twilight
Beginning of civil twilight
Heliport lighting
Military airport
Two quick white then green
Civil airport
White then green
ELT test
5 minutes before top of the hour
NTSB 830
Accident: Substantial damage Serious injury Report within 10 days Incident: Digs and dents