Famous authors and their works Flashcards
The Iliad; The Odyssey
Oedipus the King; Antigone
Medea; Cyclops
Divine Comedy of Dante; Aenid
Odes; Satires; Ars Poetica
Unknown author 8th-11th centuries
Tale of Genji
Spiritual Couplets
The Divine Comedy
The Decameron; On Famous Women
The Canterbury Tales
Le Morte D’Arthur
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Don Quixote
The Faerie Queene
Dr Faustus; Tamburlaine the Great; The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Volpone; The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair
A Valediction, Elegy XIX: To His Mistress Going to Bed; A Fever; Death Be Not Proud
Jon Donne
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Paradise Lost; Areopagitica
To My Dear and Loving Husband, The Burning of Our House
To His Coy Mistress; The Garden; An Horatian Ode
The World; Peace; Silex Scintillans
Tartuffe; The Misanthrope; The School for Wives
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Principia Mathematica
A Modest Proposal; Gulliver’s Travels
Pastorals; The Rape of the Lock; Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady; Ode on Solitude
Candide; The Age of Louis XIV; Essay on the Customs and the Spirit of the Nations
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards
Poor Richard’s Almanack; The Autobiography
Ben Franklin
The Life of Richard Savage; London; The Vanity of Human Wishes; Irene; The Oxford English Dictionary
Samuel Johnson
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Thomas Gray
Speech to the Virginia Convention
Patrick Henry
Common Sense; The Age of Reason; The Crisis, No. 1
Thomas Paine
The Declaration of Indenpendence
Thomas Jefferson
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah _____
Equiano a.k.a Gustavas Vassa
Poems on Various Subjects: To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth
Phyllis Wheatley
Songs of Innocence and of Experience; Milton, a poem; The Tyger
William Blake
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Mary Wollstonecraft
Lyrical ballads: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; Composed Upon Westminster Bridge; The World is Too Much with Us (From ‘Songs of Experience’)
The Rime of the Ancient Mariener; Kubla Khan, Christabel
Sense and Sensibility; Emma; Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Rip Van Winkle; The Devil and Tom Walker
Washington Irving
She Walks in Beauty; When We Two Parted; Don Juan
Lord Byron
Leatherstocking Tales; The Last of the Mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper
To A Skylark; Ozymandias; Ode to the West Wind; Music; Queen Mab
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Ode to a Grecian Urn; When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be; Ode to a Nightengale; To Autumn; On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
Mary Shelley
Nature, Self-Reliance, Brahma, Concord Hymn
The Minister’s Black Veil; Dr. Heidegger;s Experiment; The Scarlet Letter; The House of the Seven Gables
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sonnet 43: How do I love thee; Sonnet 14: If thou must love me, let it be for nought; The Cry of the Children; Grief
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls; Paul Revere’s Ride; The Cross of Snow; The Song of Hiawatha; Evangeline
Ulysses; In Memorium A.H.H.; The Charge of the Light Brigade; Idylls of the King; Break, Break Break; The Lady of Shalott
The Raven; The Pit and the Pendulum; The Tell-Tale Heart; The Fall of the House of Usher; Eldorado; To Helen
Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Little Foxes (under pen name Chris Crowfield)
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Vanity Fair
My Last Duchess; The Pied Piper of Hamelin; Porphyria’s Lover; The Ring and the Book; Men and Women
Robert Browning
Great Expectations; David Copperfield; Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Harriet Jacobs
Jane Eyre; Villette
Charlotte Bronte
Walden; Civil Disobedience; Resistance to Civil Government
Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte
A Narrative of the Life of ______, an American Slave
Frederick Douglass
The Mill on the Floss; Silas Marner; Middlemarch
George Eliot
Moby Dick; Billy Budd; Bartleby, the Scrivener
Herman Melville
Leaves of Grass
Walt Whitman
Notes from the Underground; Crime and Punishment; The Idiot
The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta
John Rollin Ridge
An Enemy of the People; Hedda Gabler; A Doll’s House; Ghosts
Henrik Ibsen
Silent Noon, Broken Music, Insomnia
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
War and Peace; The Power of Darkness; Anna Karenina; A Confession, How Much Land Does a Man Need?
Because I could not stop for Death; I’m Nobody, Who Are You?; A Bird Came Down a Walk; If Those I Loved Were Lost; Heart, We Will Not Forget Him!
Emily Dickinson
Goblin Market; Remember
Christina Rosetti
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; Jabberwocky; The Hunting of the Snark
Lewis Carrol aka Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Tom Sawyer; Huck Finn; The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
Mark Twain (Sam Langhorne Clemens)
The Roundel; A Ballad of Dreamland; A Baby’s Death
Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Man He Killed; The Ruined Maid; The Convergence of the Twain; Drummer Hodge
Thomas Hardy
The Father; Miss Julie; The Red Room
August Strindberg
Desiree’s Baby; The Story of an Hour; The Storm; The Awakening; A Pair of Silk Stockings
Kate Chopin
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge; The Damned Thing; The Devil’s Dictionary
Ambrose Bierce
The Jewels
Guy de Maupassant
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Treasure Island; Kidnapped
Robert Louis Stevenson
To My Wife-With a Copy of My Poems; Sonnet to Liberty; The Picture of Dorian Gray; The Importance of Being Earnest
Oscar Wilde
Pygmalion; Mrs. Warren’s Profession; Candida
George Bernard Shaw
Heart of Darkness; Lord Him
Joseph Conrad
Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Wind in the Willows; The Reluctant Dragon
Kenneth Grahame
To an Athlete Dying Young; Loveliest of Trees; When I was One-and-Twenty
A.E. Housman
Peter Pan; The Little White Bird
J.M. Barrie
The Bet; The Steppe; Misery; The Cherry Orchard; Three Sisters
Anton Chekov
The Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln
The Age of Innocence; The House of Mirth; Ethan Fromme; The Reckoning
Edith Wharton
The Jungle Book; Just So Stories; The Man Who Would Be King; Gunga Din
Rudyard Kipling
Sailing to Byzatium; The Second Coming; The WIld Swans at Coole; The Tower; The Winding Stair
William Butler Yeats
The Souls of Black Folk; Black Reconstruction in America; The Crisis
W.E.B. Dubois
On Nonviolent Resistance
The Red Badge of Courage; Maggie: A Girl of the Streets; The Open Boat; The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky; A Mystery of Heroism; War Is Kind
Stephen Crane
Sister Carrie: An American Tragedy
Theodore Dreiser
My Antonia: One of Ours; O Pioneers!; A Wagner Matinee
Willa Cather
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening; The Road Not Taken; Nothing Gold Can Stay; The Death of a Hired Man
Robert Frost
Blood Sweat and Tears; The Second World War: A History of the English-Speaking Peoples
Winston Churchill
Petals; A Fairy Tale; Sea Shell
Amy Lowell
To Build a Fire; The Call of the Wild; White Fang; The Iron Heel
Jack London
Siddhartha; Steppenwolf; The Glass Bead Game
Hermann Hesse
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
The Snowman; Valley Candle; Anecdote of the Jar; The Idea of Order at Key West; Sunday Morning
Wallace Stevens
Spiritual Sonnets; Stones and Sky; Poetry in Prose and Verse; Voices of My Song
Juan Ramon Jimenez
Ulysses; Araby; Eveline; A Portrait of a Young Artist as a Young Man; Finnegan’s Wake
James Joyce
A Room of One’s Own; Mrs. Dalloway; To The Lighthouse; Orlando
Virginia Woolf
The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka
This is Just to Say; The Red Wheelbarrow; The Great Figure; Spring and All
William Carlos Williams
Sons and Lovers; Lady Chatterley’s Lover; Odour of Chrysanthemums; The Rocking-Horse Winner
D.H. Lawrence
Ripostes; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; The Cantos; A Girl; The River Merchant’s Wife; The Garden
Ezra Pound
The Wasteland; The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; Four Quartets
T.S. Eliot
Long Day’s Journey Into the Night; The Iceman Cometh; Ah, Wilderness; Anna Christie
Eugene O’Neill
Lot’s Wife; All the unburied ones
Anna Gorenko (Anna Akhmatova)
Their Eyes Were Watching God; Mule Bone; A Comedy of a Negro Life; Dust Tracks on a Road; Sweat
Zora Neale Hurston
The Good Earth
Pearl S. Buck
Renascence; The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver; First Fig; I Being Born a Woman and Distressed; Love is not all
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Hobbit; Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
I carry your heart with me; somewhere i have never traveled, somewhere beyond; anyone lived in a pretty how town; what if a much of a which of a wind
E.E. Cummings
My Life and Hard Times; The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
James Thurber
The Great Gatsby; This Side of Paradise; Tender is the Night; Bernice Bobs Her Hair; The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Winter Dreams; A Letter to His Daughter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Sound and the Fury; As I Lay Dying; Light in August; The Bear; A Rose for Emily; Barn Burning
William Faulkner
Our Town; The Bridge of San Luis Rey; The Skin of Our Teeth; The Eighth Day
Thornton Wilder
The Sun Also Rises; For Whom the Bell Tolls; The Old Man and the Sea; A Moveable Feast; Indian Camp; The Snows of Kiliminjaro; Soldier’s Home; Speech, 1954
Ernest Hemingway
The Silver Fifty-Sen Pieces
Yasunari Kawabata
The Negro Speaks of Rivers; The Dream Keeper; Mother to Son; Dream Deferred; The Weary Blues; Let America Be America Again; I, Too, Sing America; My People; Mule Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life
Langston Hughes
What I Know About Life; Carnival of Animals
Ogden Nash
The Grapes of Wrath; Of Mice and Men; The Red Pony; East of Eden; Travels with Charley: In Search of America; Tortilla Flat; Cannery Row; The Leader of the People
John Steinbeck
Tableau; Incident
Countee Cullen
1984; Animal Farm; Shooting an Elephant
George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair)
Plenos poderes; Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair; Sonnet 79
Pablo Neruda
No Exit; Nausea; The Roads to Reason trilogy; The Age of Reason; The Reprieve; Troubled Sleep
Jean-Paul Sartre
Waiting for Godot; Endgame
Samuel Beckett
In Memory of W.B. Yeats; The Unknown Citizen; Funeral Blues; Sept 1, 1939; Musee des Beaux Arts
W.H. Auden
In a Dark Time; NIght Journey; The Waking; Words for the Wind; The Far Field
Theodore Roethke
Native Son; Uncle Tom’s Children; Black Boy; The Outsider
Richard Wright
The Optimist’s Daughter; A Worn Path
Eudora Welty
The Fish; One Art
Elizabeth Bishop
The Lord of the Flies; Rites of Passage
William Golding
The Glass Menagerie; A Streetcar Named Desire; The Rose Tattoo; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof; The Field of Blue Children
Tennessee WIlliams
The Stranger; The Myth of Sisyphus
Albert Camus
El-Hajj Malik El_Shabazz (Malcom X); Frederick Douglass; Those Winter Sundays; The Whipping
Robert Hayden
The Dream Songs
John Berryman
Invisible Man; Shadow and Act; Going to the Territory
Ralph Ellison
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner; The Woman at the Washington Zoo; The Lost World
Randall Jarrell
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night; Under Milk Wood; In my Craft or Sullen Art; Fern Hill; And Death Shall Have No Dominion
Dylan Thomas
Death of a Salesman; The Crucible; A View From The Bridge
Arthur Miller
For The Union Dead; The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket; Lord Weary’s Castle
Robert Lowell
No Witchcraft for Sale; The Grass is SInging
Doris Lessing
The Catcher in the Rye; A Perfect Day for Bananafish; Franny and Zooey
J.D. Salinger
Fahrenheit 451; The Martian Chronicles; The Illustrated Man
Ray Bradbury
On the Road; Big Star; Mexico City Blues
Jack Kerouac
Catch-22; Something Happened
Joseph Heller
Discovery; The End and the Beginning
Wislawa Szymborska
The Chocolate War; I Am the Cheese; After the First Death
Robert Cormier
A Separate Peace
John Knowles
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
One Hundred Years of Solitude; Love in the Time of Cholera; Autumn of the Patriarch; The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Still I Rise; Phenomenal Woman; I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Maya Angelou
All My Pretty Ones; Crossing the Atlantic; The Moss of His Skin; The Bells; Young
Anne Sexton
Night; Never Shall I Forget
Elie Wiesel
____ _____: The Diary of a Young Girl
Anne Frank
Letter from Birmingham Jail; I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr.
Dreamwood; A Change of World; Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existance
Adrienne Rich
Things Fall Apart; No Longer at Ease; Arrow of God; A Man of the People; Marriage is a Private Affair
Chinua Achebe
A Raisin in the Sun; The Drinking Gourd
Lorraine Hansberry
The Giving Tree; Falling Up; A Light in the Attic; Messy Room; Whatif; Bear in There; Boa Constrictor
Shel Silverstein
Beloved; The Bluest Eye; Song of Solomon; Sula
Toni Morrison
Daddy; Ariel; Metaphors; Lady Lazarus
Sylvia Plath
Rabbit Angstrom novels; Witches of Eastwick
John Updike
Somebody Blew Up America; Tales of the Out and Gone
Amiri Baraka
House Made of Dawn; The Way to Rainy Mountain
N. Scott Momaday
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds; My Darling; My Hamburger; The Pigman
Paul Zindel
The Giver; Number the Stars
Lois Lowry
Digging; Opened Ground
Seamus Heaney
The Woman Warrior; Tripmaster Monkey; China Men
Maxine Hong Kingston
A Classic Moment; Catatonic
Robert Pinksy
The New Kid on the Block; A Pizza the Size of the Sun; Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face; As Soon as Fred Gets Out of Bed; Bleezer’s Ice Cream
Jack Prelutsky
Man Listening to Disc; The Names; Poetry 180: Turning Back to Poetry
Billy Collins
The Circuit; Stories of the Life of a Migrant Child
Francisco Jimenez
Roll of Thunder; Hear My Cry
Mildred D. Taylor
The Color Purple; You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down; Stories; In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens
Alice Walker
The Things They Carried; Speaking of Courage
Tim O’Brien
The Outsiders; That Was Then, This Is Now; Rumble Fish; Tex
S.E. Hinton
Trying to Name What Doesn’t Change; Alaska; Burning the Old Year; Jerusalem
Naomi Shihab Nye
The Joy Luck Club; The Bonesetter’s Daughter
Amy Tan
My Alexandria; Firebird; Coastal
Mark Doty
The House on Mango Street; Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories; Straw Into Gold
Sandra Cisneros
The Famished Road; Starbrook; In the Shadow of War
Ben Okri
Harry Potter series
JK Rowling
When Mr. Prizada Came to Dine; Mrs. Sen’s; The Namesake; Unaccustomed Earth
Jhumpa Lahiri