Family Terms Connected to the Family Flashcards
1.7: Other Terms that Relate to the Family
Relationships between relatives. Term usually used in societies that had few other social, political, legal or religious institutions.
Consanguine Family
Family based on blood relationship. 9Very important with roaming tribes.)
Decent is determiend through the male members of the family
When descent is traced through only ONE line (Eg: Maitrilineal or Paitrilineal)
Decent traced through either the male or female line
Decent is determined through the female members of the family
Decent traced through both male and female
Patrilineal (1.8)
Inheritance and succession generally passed from father to son
Matrilineal (1.8)
Some wealth and pejoratives (societal responsibility) held by women are passed to daughters BUT inheritance of property and status held by men passes from a man to his sisters son.
Primogeniture: (1.8)
The right and principle under which the eldest son of a family succeeds to the fathers real estate, in preference to, and in absolute exclusion of the younger sons and daughters
(Eldest inherits everything, primary heir)
Ultimogeniture: (1.8)
The custom or practice by which the youngest child succeeds to an inheritance, as borough-England.
(Youngest inherits everything, primary heir)