Family Planning - Test 2 Flashcards
What are the different forms of combined hormonal contraception?
Ring (vaginal) - NuvaRing

What is the overall main mechanism of action of combined hormonal contraceptives?
Describe the specific mechanisms of contraception of progesterone.
Describe the specific mechanisms of contraception of estrogen.
Progestin inhibits the LH surge, thickens cervical mucus, and inhibits ciliary activity in oviducts
Estrogen inhibits FSH, and improves endometrial stability -> less bleeding

What type of contraception would you recommend for a woman who has heavy bleeding and wants her contraception to help with that?
CHC (pills, patch, or ring) cuz the estrogen helps with bleeding

Your patient wants to start a contraceptive but has factor V Leiden. What type of contraceptives should you avoid with this patient?
Avoid estrogen-containing contraceptives (combined)

Your patient wants to start contraceptives but has a history of migraines w/ aura. What options should you discuss and what should you avoid?
Avoid estrogen-containing contraception.
Options are progestin-only: implant (Nexplanon/progestin etonogesterel), IUD (Levonorgesterel), injection (Depo Provera), pills (POPs)

Your patient wants to get on contraception but doesn’t like the idea of delayed return to fertility. What should be avoided? What is a good option?
Depo Provera should be avoided
Progestin-only pills (POPs) offer immediate return to fertility

Your patient wants to start contraceptives and is morbidly obese. What should be avoided and why?
Probably want to avoid estrogen-containing contraceptives due to risk of endometrial hyperplasia development.
Depo-Provera (progestin injection) has a side effect of weight gain, so not that either.

Name four benefits that combined contraceptives offer over progestin-only methods.
- Less bleeding
- Less menstrual pain
- Less acne
- Increased bone density

Rate the efficacy of the various types of CHCs.
Patch > Pill > Ring

What is the MOA of a copper IUD?
Inhibits sperm motility and function; also increases inflammatory state in uterus to make it a hostile environment for sperm

Do progestin-only contraceptives help with irregular bleeding?

What method is the most effective long-acting reversible birth control?
Nexplanon/progestin ethonogesterel (arm implant)

What is the main shitty thing about progestin-only pills?
They must be taken on a very regular basis (within 2 hours of the same time every day)

What is the efficacy of Depo Provera? What are the main side effects?
Very efficacious (0.3% failure rate)
Side effects: weight gain and delayed return to fertility

Name a benefit that Levonorgesterel IUD offers over the other progestin-only methods. Other than being a contraceptive, name two diseases that it is used to treat.
Less systemic progesterone
Treats endometrial hyperplasia and early stage endometrial cancer

Name three methods of emergency contraception and rank them in order of efficacy.
Paragard copper IUD > Ulipristal EC (most effective pill) > Levonorgesterel-only EC
Does emergency contraception terminate pregnancy, or prevent it?
Prevents it
Describe the components of a pre-abortion work-up.
Counseling, informed consent
Pregnancy documentation, LMP history
Blood work (Rh status, Hct)
Ultrasound to assess gestational age, look for abnormalities, multiparity, molar pregnancy
What should a woman expect regarding symptoms and aftercare following an abortion?
Nausea should go away in 12-24 hours after abortion
Other symptoms might take a week to go away
Women can engage in normal activity as tolerated
Bleeding can be normal (common is spotting for next few days, followed by heavy bleeding and cramps and clots for few days, then back to spotting for a ~week)
If fever >38C happens or bleeding heavier than 1 maxi-pad/hour happens, call clinic
Follow-up in 2-4 weeks when pregnancy-related symptoms should be gone, cervix should be closed, uterus returned to non-pregnant size
Should you give Rhogam to a Rh-D negative patient before a surgical abortion?
Fuck yeah
Name four potential complications of surgical abortion.
Vasovagal reaction (most comon)
Post-abortal hematoma
Retained products can cause bleeding and cramping
Infection (rate is low)
What is the treatment for post-abortal hematoma?
Re-aspiration of the uterus
Describe the exact fucking protocol for a medical abortion with mifepristone + misoprostol. How far along in the pregnancy does this work until?
Works until 10 weeks gestational age.
200mg Mifepristone orally at the clinic
800mcg misoprostol vaginally anywhere from 24-96 hours later at home
800mcg misoprostol bucally 48-72 hours later at home
400mcg misoprostol sublingually 48 hours later at home
What is the only medical treatment for ectopic pregnancy? Until how long into the pregnancy does this work?
Methotrexate, works until 50 days since LMP
What is the management for an unsuccessful abortion?
Try it again with the drugs, or try a surgical abortion.
An extremely fatal infection with __________ (name the bug) has happened a handful of times following abortion with mifepristone + misoprostol. What other related organism commonly (relatively) causes infection?
Clostridium sordelii is the fatal one
C. perfringens is more common (relatively)
What is the MOA of ulipristal emergency contraception?
It is a progesterone antagonist