increase in divorce…
5 causes -
- changes in law - equalizing the groups for divorce
- decline in stigma and change in attitudes
- secularisation - decline influence from religion
- rising expectation of marriage - Fletcher: there are higher expectations = less willing to tolerate = unhappy
- women increased financial Independence
Stats of divorce:
65% of petitions for divorce come from women but in 1946 only 37% were
Changes in … causes divorce
- cheaper
- widening grounds
Decline in …. and changing …..
Decline in STIGMA and change in ATTIUDES
- now socially expected
- religious institutions are loosing their influence, personal decisions
Raising expectations of …..
* Fletcher - higher expectations link to more divorce
Women’s increase ……. ……
Don’t need a man - equal pay act, increase girls success in education
Beck and Giddens - modernity and individualisation
People are less willing to stay with a partner for life if they don’t fulfill their potential & are unhappy
Giddens: pure relationship - a relationship purely to statify each partners needs
SHOWS FREEDOM! (Post modernist perspective)
Reasons for change in marriage:
- change in attitudes
- secularisation
- decline in stigma (alternatives to marriage: cohabitation etc
- fear of divorce: some people put off marriages
- change in position of women: more independent
Cohabitation stats
- estimate of 69,000 same sex couples
- 2.9 million heterosexual couples in Britain
Reasons for the increase in cohabitation
- decline in stigma attached to sex outside of marriage
- the young are more likely to accept cohabitation
- increase independence and carre opportunites for women = less financially dependent on men —> freer
- secularisation
A trial marriage
Cohabitation can be seen as a TRAIL MARRIAGE
Chosen families -
Increased social acceptance = helps explain trends to same sex relationships
Stats about child bearing
47% of all children now born outside of marriage: over twice than 1986
Stats about lone parents families
- 22% are lone parent in the uk
- 90% are headed by lone mothers
Murray - lone parent families
Sees the growth in lone parent families = because there’s over-generous welfare making it easier
How does the NR criticise the Murray
Welfare is NOT over-generous:
- lack Afforable childcare
- inadequate welfare benefits
- most lone parents are women = earn less than men
Mirza - ethnic differences in family patterns
Higher rate of Lone parent families not because of disorganisation but rather places high value on independence in women in the family
Why are Asian families more likely to be extended
Because families = tradition, Asian culture
What is a bean pole family?
Type of extended family, ‘long and thin’
What is an extended family?
Extends beyond the nuclear: uncle, aunts , grandparents…