increase in divorce…
5 causes -
- changes in law - equalizing the groups for divorce
- decline in stigma and change in attitudes
- secularisation - decline influence from religion
- rising expectation of marriage - Fletcher: there are higher expectations = less willing to tolerate = unhappy
- women increased financial Independence
Stats of divorce:
65% of petitions for divorce come from women but in 1946 only 37% were
Changes in … causes divorce
- cheaper
- widening grounds
Decline in …. and changing …..
Decline in STIGMA and change in ATTIUDES
- now socially expected
- religious institutions are loosing their influence, personal decisions
Raising expectations of …..
* Fletcher - higher expectations link to more divorce
Women’s increase ……. ……
Don’t need a man - equal pay act, increase girls success in education
Beck and Giddens - modernity and individualisation
People are less willing to stay with a partner for life if they don’t fulfill their potential & are unhappy
Giddens: pure relationship - a relationship purely to statify each partners needs
SHOWS FREEDOM! (Post modernist perspective)
Reasons for change in marriage:
- change in attitudes
- secularisation
- decline in stigma (alternatives to marriage: cohabitation etc
- fear of divorce: some people put off marriages
- change in position of women: more independent
Cohabitation stats
- estimate of 69,000 same sex couples
- 2.9 million heterosexual couples in Britain
Reasons for the increase in cohabitation
- decline in stigma attached to sex outside of marriage
- the young are more likely to accept cohabitation
- increase independence and carre opportunites for women = less financially dependent on men —> freer
- secularisation
A trial marriage
Cohabitation can be seen as a TRAIL MARRIAGE
Chosen families -
Increased social acceptance = helps explain trends to same sex relationships
Stats about child bearing
47% of all children now born outside of marriage: over twice than 1986
Stats about lone parents families
- 22% are lone parent in the uk
- 90% are headed by lone mothers