COUPLES Flashcards
Domestic division Labour
Husband: instrumental roles
Wife: expressive roles - women naturally fit this role
Criticism for parsons division of labour
Young and willmott-
Men are now taking a greater share of domestic tasks
Feminist - division of labour is natural, only benefits men
Segregated conjugal roles - male breadwinner and female homemaker
Joint conjugal roles - couples share the house work and childcare
Young and willmott
Symmetrical family
Who says the symmetrical family and what are included
Young and Willmott - Changes in women’s positions Geographical mobility New technology Higher standards of living
Who criticises young and willmott
Oakley - claims it is exaggerated and men only help around the house
What does hochschild say
Emotion work - feminists have noticed that women of a family have to take care of the emotional work of the family members
Triple shift - housework, paid work, emotion work.
What does Gershuny say?
Couples whose parents had more equal relationships are more likely to share housework equally themselves = parental roles are important, social values
Pahl and vogler
The allowance system - men give wives an allowance to budget for family needs, rest of the income for himself.
Pooling - both partners have joint access to the income: joint bank account
Decision making
Very important - man (house, change job)
Important - jointly (children’s Ed, holiday)
Less important - female (food, clothes)
Carol smart
Personal life perspective
Some gay and lesbian couples attach no importance to who controlled money
Money wasn’t seen as an control factor (doesn’t mean equality and inequality)
Dobash and Dobash
Challenging a husbands authority, power change = domestic violence
Women suffers 35 assaults before reporting it
Police aren’t prepared to get involved with the family: private sphere, dark side of the family
Radical fem
Key institutions like family and marriage in a patriarchal society = main source of women’s oppression MEN DOMINATE WOMEN THROUGH DV! :(
Criticism for domestic violence
Elliot -
Not all men are aggressive, radical feminists ignore this
Radical feminists ignore child abuse, violence in lesbian relationships
Ferri and Smith
Fathers only took fewer then 4% of responsibility in families
Arber and Ginn
M/c women can afford labour saving devices, help around the house - less domestic work
Every £10,000 a year more a women earns, 2 hours less of housework
Gershuny criticism to pahl and vogler - money management
70% of couples said they had equal say in decisions
Found women with Hugh earning, well qualified professionals were more likely to have an equal say
Crime survey for England and Wales 2013 (men and domestic violence)
Found 18% (2.9 million) men have experience domestic violence since age 16
Wilkinson and Pickett
Material explanation of DV
DV a result of stress on the family caused by social inequality - having fewer resources, reduces stable relationships & increase conflict
Money, jobs, housing, bills…
Reason for DV
Crompton and Lyonette
As a result:
- of patriarchal dominance
- material deprivation, lack of resources
dex and ward
Fathers - 78% played their children but only 1% of fathers took care of a sick child