What do functionalists believe about the family….
Fictional fit theory between the nuclear family and Morden society
Why do the NR see lone parents families as harmful
- lone mothers can discipline
- no male adult role model
- poor: burden to tax payers and welfare
Benson - 15,000 babies
Found 15,000 babies: first 3 years = cohabiting couple: 20% breakdown
= married 6% breakdown
Married = more stable
Criticism of the NR
Feminist: OAKLEY
NR wrongly assume that wife’s and husbands have fixed biological roles
Dual earner family - both spouses go to work & not just the husband
Sees nuclear family as dominate, family diversity has been exaggerated
What does the Rapoports say?
5 types of family:
- Organisational diversity (difference in family roles)
- Cultural diversity (different cultures, religions, ethnic groups)
- Social class diversity (different income for social classes)
- Life-stage diversity (different life stages)
- Generational diversity (older & younger generations)
What does Stacey say?
Postmodern families
‘Divorce-extended family’
Making relations with divorces family (for a child’s sake, keep in touch…)
Who says the individualisation thesis & what is it?
Giddens and Beck!
As a result of increased individual choice upon families and relationships - traditional social cultures have lost influence (gender, class, family)
What does Giddens say about choice and equality?
pure relationship links to this
Relationships have been transformed:
- contraception = intimacy : not just reproduction
- women have gained independence = feminism, greater opportunities and education and work
Who says pure relationship?
Giddens -
It’s not law, religions, social norms or tradition that doesn’t make a relationship.
Nowadays it’s intimacy - satisfying the partners needs = happiness, love and sexual attraction
Same sex couple as pioneers
Who says that and what is it?
Giddens, Same sex relationships = new family types, more democracy and equal relationships
Now live in a risk society - tradition is less influenced and more choice
= greater gender equality
= greater individualism
Who says the ZOMBIE FAMILY and what is it?
Because it appears to be alive but in reality is dead.
People want to be in a haven of security
Who criticises the individualisation thesis?
- Personal life perspective
- people disembed, ‘free-floating’: ignores choices about personal relationships are made within social context
- ignores inequality’s and patriarchal gender norms: limiting and shaping relationships
Who says the connective was thesis and what is it?
- choices made though a ‘web of connectedness’
- we live in networks of existing relationships = range of options and choices of relationships